Friday, November 6, 2009

Bye for now "Back to walking"

Funny sometimes how life goes full circle. We try and do so many things in life only to discover that the simpliest are often the best? Walking is where our mobility starts. it has to be the purest and simpliest form of human mobility. It allows us to connect closely with God. I am no longer posting, at least for now. I am going walking with God and see where he leads me? I hope to start a new blog someday fresh and full of insight from God!!!! Thanks to all who followed and read and commented on this site. Praise God! Verse: Isaiah 40:31 Mic 6:8 John 8: 12 2John : 6

Four wheeled wonder Cars"

Not to long ago someone envisioned an enclosed vehicle. Cars were born, and now we can travel in a warm and protected environment. Modern cars allow for a climate controlled interior. With all the recent technologies any possible number of features can be had. Distance traveling can be greatly increased. Many are still attracted to shiny paint and chrome. Our love of cars is well known by many people! The care and love we put into our cars often surpasses other areas of our lives. Pray: God, Thanks for our ability and resources to produce so many vehicles of all kinds, We want to respect you Lord God in all areas of our lives! Verse Acts 19: 23-27 2 Peter 3(all)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

"Motorized Motion"

At some point someone may introduce us to motorized two wheeled travel.( scooter,mini bike motorcycle,moped). All of a sudden the amount of effort needed to travel is greatly reduced. The distance we can cover also increases dramatically. Gas, electric, wind, or some form of fuel is needed and our human input is reduced. There is still the feel and look of paint and chrome that we are drawn to. There is little protection from the elements. Getting cold and wet and windblown are common experiences. Pray: God you have provided us with the intelligence to build so many wonderful things. Help us to honor that and use them respectfully. Verse: 2Cor 9(all)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

"Two wheeled Fun"

At some point most of us advance to a better form of mobility, the bicycle. This is a huge improvement over the trike. The speed and distance we can now accomplish is far superior. We can feel the wind on our face and the exhilaration of traveling on two wheels. Our world takes on a much larger area. We also discover others that are traveling this way too. We can still appreciate the shiny paint and chrome and the mechanical marvel that a bicycle is! There is the feel of speed and freedom that encourages us to ride and ride. The fuel needed is still from the food we have consumed. Pray: God, thank you for balance, energy, invention and desire to see and do more. Verse: Psalm 145 (all)

Monday, November 2, 2009

"Human Mobility"

We all start in a similar way. Someone else carries us in their belly until we are born. Then our mode of transportation is mainly by being carried. At some point we learn to crawl. Eventually we stand and are soon walking. Our first experience with( H.uman P.owered V.ehicle) , is often a tricycle. There is something cool about red paint and steel and chrome. Our ability to move now takes on a new and exciting speed and mobility. The only fuel needed is the same food we eat already. What a cool way to get around! Pray: God, Thank you for our human skills to move and develop new ways to do it. Verse: Deut 11: 19-25

Friday, October 30, 2009

"Understanding God"

This is the most interesting of all we do. To completely understand God is impossible. We can get a sense of what he stands for though. Truth and love, grace and mercy, strength and wisdom. The list goes on and on.......... there is no human that can comprehend it all. God is above all (Job 25). That recognition is very comforting, we now know God is in control. That is a whole lot better than man being in control! If we were only controlled by some random acts, what a mess that would be. God has a reason and a vision for all life and existence. 1Ch 16: 23-36. Pray: God lead us all into a deeper understanding of you. Verses: Rev 1: 4-8 Isaiah 44: 24 Psalm 14(all).

Thursday, October 29, 2009

"Understanding Trigonometry"

I admit I have no idea about what Trigonometry is? Do any of you truly understand it? I can hardly spell the word without spell-check, Let alone try and explain what it means. On the other hand I have a lot of things that I can't begin to understand. How do the birds fly so close to each other by the hundreds and not collide? Who or what guides their every move and action? Fish do the very same thing! They look like Olympic synchronized swimmers. We don't need to know some things but accept and honor their specialness.God is after all the greatest designer of all! Verses: Gen 2 (all) Col 1: 15-20 Psalm 148(all)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

"Understanding Ourselves"

Here is a real challenge to all! If there is one area we struggle in this is it. Even those that think they have it figured out are often wrong. The complexity of each of us is beyond any real and complete understanding. The real question becomes, should we really succeed in complete understanding of ourselves? Maybe we are better off leaving that task up to God. ( Prov 3: 5 Prov 30: 18-19). We can however strive to improve and deepen our understanding of what makes us tick. Our motives and passions come from a place we can't always explain? Our talents and gifts are Gods' gift to each of us. Acceptance of God and his sovereignty is a good place to start. Verses: 1Ch 28: 9 Php 4: 6-7

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"Understanding Love"

If life is difficult to explain,let's try love? What is a true definition? It seems there are many definitions of love. Is any one of them more accurate than the next? Or are all of them somehow accurate in their own way? I am quite fond of, that love is a pure form of concern for another person. All that we say and do and think is to their benefit. (1Cor 13: 4-7) . Love is also the answer to peace on earth. Our world would be drastically different if we would all just love one another. (Heb 13: 1-5 John 13: 34-35). All I know is that without love life would be very empty and meaningless! 1John 4: 7-21

Monday, October 26, 2009

"Understanding Life"

I am so intrigued by life! What is so easily taken for granted is hugely reliant on some specific needs. We all need water and air to survive. I suppose that trees actually need carbon dioxide, where as we need oxygen. Either way we still need some form of air. Water is the universal requirement for life. Scientists spend a lot of time trying to find water on other planets. They know that life as we know it, requires water to survive. Where do we think this all comes from? Some may think it magically appears out of the earth with no real origin? Our individual belief can be varied and conflicting. True understanding is sometimes a difficult and lengthy process. Verses: Gen 1: 1-31 Gen 2: 1-3 John 7: 37-39

Friday, October 23, 2009


Now comes the fun part! Enjoy and live life! God has provided us with all that we need to be content. The earth alone should be sufficient with all its' beauty and depth. Those with children are many times blessed. Many have a mate that God so perfectly designed. Life can deal out a lot of stuff, all of which we should celebrate. Every day brings out new potential to witness more of Gods' glory! Everyday also brings us closer to God, both spiritually and physically. Let's all kick up our heels and be glad to be alive! Pray: God, thank you for our lives, and encourage all of us to live to our fullest. Verses: Prov 5: 18 James 1: 2-8 Matt 5: 3-12 Gen 2: all

Thursday, October 22, 2009


If you have ever witnessed a newly saved person, you have seen a re-creation as it is happening! I have been fortunate enough to witness many, including my own. That fresh energy and recognition is so inspiring. There is still lots of room to grow. The future for all believers is so much different than they ever imagined! Bible stories such as Pauls' show us how that can be a complete turn around. Gods' ability to re-create in us the real person he designed is awesome. Pray: God, allow us to strive for our utmost potential! Verses: 1Cor 3: 5-9 1John 3: 18-20 Act 9: 1-31

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Now comes the hard part, taking out the old and not so pretty. To clean up our mouths,actions,habits,desires, lives is no easy task! A large digging machine is needed. The Holy Spirit can help with all of that. Our strength and conviction can be received through Holy Spirit intervention. The time to expect is not defined, a lot of our lives are spent excavating out old and useless junk! It is a process to become more like Jesus. Honestly strive for a more righteous and holy existence. Our prayer should be for our improvement, but also for all others too. Verses: Rev 3: 15-18 1John 1: 5-10 1Peter 2: 1-3

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Before we decide anything, we need to pray. Meditate on our motives and Gods' desire for us. Other people can help us with their reflection on our path. Stopping and listening, can take a huge discipline. What is revealed to us may or may not be what we expect. Gods' ability to direct us comes from our ability to listen and obey. Our own agendas need to be carefully weighed and adjusted. Taking time to quiet our minds and open them to Gods' word is vital. When we are in Gods' will, we are guaranteed success! Verses : Psalm 119 ( as much as possible!)

Monday, October 19, 2009


How much do we want to look into ourselves and discover our own truths? Are we just tooting our own horn, or are we actually making a difference? What would be the point if we always stayed at status qou? What would our incentives be? It's hard to look and try to discover our own truth. Most of us probably can ignore what we don't want to see and only see what we want to. Is there any real advantage to anyone else if we are unwilling to change? If we truly access our goals we can start to find answers. Gods' answers are not always easy. We only have to believe and then follow. Verses: 2Ch 16: 9 Prov 14: 6 Isaiah 40: 3-5

Friday, October 16, 2009


All of mankind has existed for thousands of years. Our ability to think and build surpasses all other creation. What we do with that gift affects all other life on earth. Our goals are not always beneficial to the entire world. Much of the world is tainted and degraded. God designed a beautiful planet of life to enjoy and respect.Our choice can be to honor that ,and work towards preservation, or ignore that and let it crumble! Who would our God have care for the earth, humans of course! We have the ability and resources to be good stewards of this planet. Pray: God give us wisdom and discernment in how we live on this earth and the care we give it. Verses: 1Cor 3: 10 Psalm 1: 2-3 1Cor 10: 26

Thursday, October 15, 2009


How can we ignore all the others out there, we don't know? Their needs are as important as any of ours. They are not a part of our present social circle, but none the less are a part of Gods' kingdom. The cliche goes something like, "Strangers are just friends we haven't met yet". Now our world takes on a whole new meaning. We can never know who God has chosen to be our friends? Stories of someone that entered anothers life and changed their life, are inspiring and encouraging! They are all around us, we just are a conversation away from relationship. Pray: God, allow all of us to accept and encourage one another in all we say and do. Verses: Hebrews 10: 24-25 Gal 6: 1-10

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


When we stop and see what we really have, it is just us! That seems kind of scary to imagine ,we are all alone except each other. The truth is God always has been and always will be right along side us. Having been created by him, we are all very much "cut from the same cloth". Being human is such a blessing to each if us. It also makes us very aware of how impotant we are to each other. All churches preach community because it really is how we get our strength as Gods' people." It takes a community of people to build a city". We need real relationship with each other,in person, and sharing time together. Thank you God! Verses : 1 Cor 14: 26 Prov 22: 2 1John 2: 9-11

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I now need to give others a fair voice. What do I know about you? What do I want to know about you? Are you a believer? Are you married? Do you like ice cream!? I hope so! Are you happy in your life and all you do? I know God loves you, no question about that. I know God created you and you are perfect in his eyes.I also know that you have as much potential as I do. Will you use that potential to Gods' purpose? I am sure many others love you too. Pray: God, allow me to meet as many others as you would have me meet, and then share life with them. Verses: Eph 2: 19-22 Eph 4: 25 Mark 3: 33-35

Monday, October 12, 2009


What a neat idea I thought, I can write about me! But what does anyone care to learn about me? What would be of interest to anyone else? So I dug down deep and thought of things to share. I have four children, two of which are adults now. I am not married but have been in the past. I have only climbed one "fourteener" and did it in a car( Mt Evans). Things I really like(love), God, Jesus, my family and friends, bikes, mountains, sunsets, ice cream, strong beers, tea, pb & mayo,dark So much for me let's turn our attention to God! For without God there would be no me! Verses: Col 1:16 Rev 10: 6 Ge 1: 27

Friday, October 9, 2009

"Follow God"

I often wonder how I will know when I am following God? It seems very likely for me to follow a path of my own doing. A common belief is that we measure all we say and do to the bible. We then can follow God to his purposes. God will not go against his word and neither should we. The path we follow should glorify and honor God! Others should benefit for us having done so. To know and experience a life following God is a life well lived! Pray: God show me your way, not mine, and encourage me to always follow you., God. Verses: John 8; 12 Rev 14: 1-5 Mt 16: 24-28 Jer 1: 4-19

Thursday, October 8, 2009

"Love God"

Loving God is Gods' ultimate goal for all of us. Once we realize our need for him, we want to be in his presence as much as possible. To love God is also a journey, a life long journey! Along with loving God we need to love one another. Not all we know will seem lovable. To God though, all are lovable. By being tolerant and allowing ourselves to love others we show love for God. Gods' love will be poured out to us in so many ways. Pray: God help us to be more loving and accept more love. Verses: Dt 10: 12 Matt 22: 37-40 1Jn 3: 11-15

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

"Share God"

Sharing God seems like a simple enough directive. Are we really eager to share with others? Are we willing to share with non-believers? Parents can be sure to share what they believe with their children. Books are written to share faith and beliefs with others. Songs are drawing many towards God with their encouragement. Fortunately God is so omnipresent, that all who want to, can be with him. Pray: God help us to be a spokesperson for your awesome love and power! Verses: Heb 12: 10 Heb 13: 15-16 Acts 12: 24 Acts 19: 20

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"Know God "

How well can we know God? I have gone from knowing God deeply to being lost and apart from God. What exactly is knowledge of God? A deep ,personal relationship, is a common description. A constant reminder that he is always present in our lives. A desire to grow deeper in our faith. Our own admission that God is our purpose on earth. Prayer: God bring me closer to knowing you and being connected to you!! Verses: 2Peter 3: 17-18 Php 3: 7-11 Romans1: 19-20

Monday, October 5, 2009

"Find God"

Where can we find God? We probably think he is in most churches. We may find him in obscure places? How about meeting God by a mountain stream? A beautiful sunset almost guarantees Gods' presence. Most songs at some time can allow God to be right there with us. Just observe a new born baby and God is ever so present. Look into your lovers eyes and I am sure God will wink at you! Pray: Pay attention because God can show up any where, any time any way! Verses: Psalm 62:1-2 Isaiah 55: 6 1Ch 28:9 Acts 4: 12

Friday, October 2, 2009

"Meet God"

I met God seven years ago today! Actually it was more that I met God and he gave me Jesus. I walked off that mountain side by side with my savior. Life was about to take on a whole new meaning. The last seven years have been the most interesting and rewarding for me. I have sadly been divorced twice in that time frame. I guess I have taken a toll on myself for all that has happened. I do know I am ok today, and that is because God was there all the way! Walking with Jesus is the ultimate blessing from God! Verses: Isaiah 51: 6 Romans 5: 12-21

Thursday, October 1, 2009

"Quality Life"

How do we measure quality of life? Surely it's not our wealth or money and other possessions. I don't believe it has a lot to do with our social status. How about our family and those around us? They all seem really important. How much depends on our own self worth and vision? My prayer is to God and his desire for me. Pray to God to show us what a quality life really is. Verses: Eph 4: 1-6 Col 1: 9-14


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"Sweet Sixteen"

Today we celebrate my daughters sixteenth birthday. An amazing life has been formed over sixteen years. I still remember her as my little diaper clad toddler! Somehow by the grace of God she has grown to be a beautiful young woman. There can be no greater gift from God than our children! Praise God.! Here are sixteen traits of her for all to know; Caring, Compassionate, Cute, Kind, Intelligent, Loving, Responsible, Strong, Reliable, Reflective, Playful, Christian, Energetic, Faithful, Trustworthy, and always Growing. Happy Birthday my daughter Tracey! Verses 1John 5: 1-5 Prov 22: 6

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"From the hip"

I hit a total blank today? Nothing quite felt right? So I decided to just start writing and see what happens. Psalm 121 is a nice place to visit. There is also a song that uses that opening verse. It is a pretty cool concept to follow! Another nice place to be is Phil 4: 4-9. Kind of fun to share my bible time with others. I don't know where God will lead me until I just get up and follow. The last place to go is John 14: 23-24. There it is for this morning, we still have all day to worship and pray!

Monday, September 28, 2009

"Talk to me"

Conversation is a wonderful thing. Many times we have sat and conversed for hours. What a great way to minister to each other! There is a certain intimacy in that, and we all feed off each others strengths. Of course it could turn negative if someone allowed it to. Always ask for Gods' presence during any conversation to keep it positive and fulfilling. Praise God that we can and do have that ability to talk. Verses: Col 4: 2-6 Psalm 10: 16-17 Acts 6: 1-7

Sunday, September 27, 2009


We all have a level of performance we desire. Most of us are not "Ironman" level! Actually , a level of that caliber is almost a detriment to other growth? When our focus is so singular, we may lose touch with more important choices. We also should be careful not to expect a high performance in all we do. Some things seem rather small but are actually making a huge impact. God has given all of us a level of skill, and we can work on it to improve. God is patient with us and we should be patient with ourselves too! Verses: 1Cor 7: 7 1Tim 4: 11-16 James 1: 16-18

Friday, September 25, 2009

"Community of People"

All around us are other people, living, working, laughing, playing, crying...... Some of these we know, some we have never met. Some of these are family and friends. As life spins by many new people will come into our lives. We also may experience the loss of people in our lives. Some will believe in Christ, some may not? Our prayers should be that those who don't know Christ, come to know him. Our part in all this is to show good examples of believers and encouragement for those we meet. Praise God for sending his son " Jesus Christ". Verses: Ruth 1: 16-18 1Peter 2: 8-12 Micah 4: 1-5

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I am amazed at the many different smells we experience. Walking outside in the fall months, reminds me of so many things. There is the unmistakable smell of a wood fire. Then we all can remember the smell of burning leaves. I also noticed some unknown fragrance that was like a perfume? Perhaps it is a person nearby that I can't see? One of my favorite, is the smell of a pine forest. Then there is the not always pleasant odor ,of cars and trucks! God gave us this wonderful ability. We open up our minds to so many memories from each odor we smell. Thank you God!!! Verses: Song of songs 1: 3 Song of songs 4: 10-16 Mark 14 : 1-9

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"Prayer Answered"

Sometimes answer to prayer comes unannounced. Sometimes we may not even realize that we prayerfully asked for something? If it is Gods' will then " Gods will be done". I am always amazed at how God knows what we need long before we do. I also amazed that he provides all we need regardless of our own assessment. Prayers that are thought out and delivered with great faith, sometimes seem to be without a response? Prayers only understood as a need ,can be even more powerful than we imagined! Praise God! Verses: Mark 11: 24 Matt 6 9-13 1Ch 5: 20

; 9-13

Monday, September 21, 2009


Throughout this weekend, from Sat thru Sunday,the importance of woman was shown to me. A lot of my friends are women. I have always been fascinated at the way they think and act. My own daughter is now a beautiful young woman! I'll miss the little girl she started out as. This God given ,woman version of her is truly a blessing too. God had a partner in mind for man and woman filled that role nicely. Praise to God for his gift to mankind. Praise to all the women who inhabit this earth alongside man. Verses: Gen 2: 20-25 Job 14:1-6 Prov 30:19

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Time. Time flys by so fast, we just want to stop and grab it by the tails and stop it. Time. It's what we spend and what we need in God. For when we take time to love and time to worship God, time seems to go by slowly. Then every moment is the best! Time. Time is love, love is time. With God, we need time, time to talk with him, and time to cry with him, time to laugh with him, and time to be silent with him. Time. Time is a thing that will always be here, just like God, even if we don't realize it? Verses: Eccl 3 Psalm 62: 8

Friday, September 18, 2009

"Psalm 37"

In 4-7 there is a sense of Gods' need for us. That seems like a pretty good deal! The Holy Spirit is Gods' way of allowing us to connect with him. Jesus also was a way we can hear and feel God. In that passage we are instructed to trust, delight, commit and be still in the Lord. What a cool thing to know that it is really that simple! The more we allow God into our lives, the more he will enter and fill us with his holy presence.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Often times we experience change in our lives. Even good and expected change can affect us differently? As we moved into a new church building, and sanctuary, I expected to feel only gladness. Yet I had a feeling of loss too? Loss of what was and what will never be again. Funny how little we really know about ourselves? Verses: 1Cor 15: 51 Jeremiah 29: 11-14

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I have always liked that word ever since I first heard it. I also am excited each time I experience it! I like to think that it is Gods' way of interacting in our lives. So many times I have been convinced of what I would discover, only to discover something completely different! It's real nice to be surprised by something we have no idea is coming. Thank you God for being the ultimate authority and filling our lives with serendipitous moments! Verses: James 1: 17 Eze 34: 25-31 Prov 3: 1-10

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Simple things can mean so much. Anytime we are hugged by one of our children, it is heart warming. The simple statement of I LOVE YOU can make a huge difference in our lives. A cup of coffee shared with a loved one, a book read together, a meal prepared by our lover, a back rub and a kiss. So many things and yet so simple to do. Remembering to do all these things and to appreciate them should be a part of all our lives. It will fill us up and make us whole. Book of the bible: Philemon

Monday, September 14, 2009


Bicyclist know that if you follow close enough to one in front of you they will pull you along. If a group of them get in a tight pack the whole group moves faster. The body of Christ has the same potential if we follow other believers more closely our strength and speed are increased. The word of God can be heard by others, and believers in Christ can be the result. The church would then be the equivalent of a bicycle/draft! Verses: Acts 4: 32-34 1Peter 2: 13-17

Friday, September 11, 2009


One thing I have gotten used to, somethings going to change. We may think we have everything where we want it. Then along comes something new and we face a change. Rather than see this as a negative thing we need to see it as a positive thing. If all of life could be packaged and controlled, what a bore that would be! Each new day and challenge are truly gifts from God! Verses: James 1: 2-8, 16-18 1Cor 15: 50-54

Thursday, September 10, 2009

"Faith Walk "

Very often I find myself confused and unsure of myself and what I am doing? Even with prayer to God I don't always receive a quick and sure answer. I do know that I trust God to protect and guide me. So in times of uncertainty, I use my faith to get me through. The comfort only God can provide is sufficient for me to go on. Tomorrow will bring a new and brighter, better understanding. Verses: Gal 2 : 19-21 Hebrews 11

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"Thanks to all"

This day is for thanks to be given. For all the aunts and uncles that gave us a good example. For all the friends and neighbors we had. For brothers and sisters and the times we have together. For teachers in all shapes and sizes for educating us. Let's never forget our moms' and dads' and their devotion and commitment to each of us. And foremost thank you God for always being there and loving us too!! Verses: 2Cor 9: 6-15 Psalm 100

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I think we all have thought back to a younger age, a time or so. Our lives then could have been tough or seemingly simpler. Maybe we just need a trip down memory lane? A common trigger for that is music. We hear an old song and it takes us back to a scene in our minds. We also could have visited an area from our youth? The human brain is great at remembering events of our past. The nice thing is we often clean up our thoughts and all seemed perfect then! I think we will get that youthful existence when we finally are in heaven with God! Praise God! Verses: Joel 2: 28-32 2Peter 3: 11-13

Monday, September 7, 2009


Do our beliefs' stay consistent or do they change with our situation? Does what we believe in dictate our actions? Or do our actions determine our beliefs' ? We are all good at rationalizing anything we do. We all are equally good at explaining our beliefs and their significance. Trying to uphold a true and consistent example can get difficult. None of us are exempt from manipulating life to fit our needs at a particular time. What do we do? Try and cling to God and his power and act and be more like God. Verses: 1Tim 4: 9-14 Romans 10: 1-13

Sunday, September 6, 2009

" Inspired or not?"

I am sure we have all been to a church service or more, that seemed dull? The music was so/so the message didn't hit home, the people were cold. I am equally sure we all have been to a service where the music rocked, the sermon was right on, and the people rejoiced! It's a hard matter to settle on. We will not always have a awesome church or life experience every time we go. I am sure others on those same so/so days do have an awesome God time?? I think we allow God to connect with those that are ready to hear and enjoy his praises and word. Our time is coming and has been many times before. Verses: Matt 21: 12(16)-17 James 5: 13-16 Jude 17-23

Friday, September 4, 2009

"Back to work"

Today is my return to my job day after my leg issue. It has been 6 weeks since I last worked.( July 18). The time off healing and exploring has been very interesting. There were times when I was pretty much immobile. Lately I have been very active again and glad for it. The new discoveries I have found have been vast! It will ,I am sure take very little time to get back to a routine of work, play , praise and sleep. Lots to do and catch up on. Healing, thank God, is coming along great and full use should happen in weeks. Praise God for all that I have received through this life changing ordeal. Verses 1Cor 1:9 Col 3: 23 1Th 5: 12-28

Thursday, September 3, 2009

"Fight the Good Fight"

It's so easy to lose focus of truly important things. The pull of worldly treasures and pursuits is very strong. Only strong faith and commitment to God can keep us focused. Then we can truly find our purpose in life. All other quick fixes and ego boosting actions are not for the long haul! Pray: God give me your blessings and power to see clearly, act God like, and make good choices. Verses: Mark 11: 22-25 Ch 16: 9 1Tim 6: 11-16

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I miss hiking in the mountains and all the rocks there. I am sure as my leg heals I will get back to being on the trail surrounded by many rocks. To me rocks are strong and forever. We can crush and erode them but they seem to have no end? Where do they come from? Just as Jesus came to us God gives us rocks too! I like to think that God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, are my rocks of life, durable and forever! Verses: Psalm 18: 2 1Cor 10: 1-5 Luke 19: 37-40 Song to check out, Almighty God by Tim Hughes!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

" Opposite Truths"

I have discovered through my kayak that sometimes you have to lean or paddle left to go right. In the bible we also see many examples of opposite truths. It may be against our human nature to accept any of these. Yet if we believe and trust God they are all very true. So in my new hobby I need to adjust my thinking and response or I will just go around in circles! We all could use some more of that thinking! Verses: Luke 6: 27-31 2Cor 9: 6-9 Luke 9: 46-48 Hebrews 12: 7-13

Monday, August 31, 2009


My GOlDfish got a new home yesterday. He now has twice as much water as before. Others tell me he will grow to his new enviroment? We are anxiously waiting to see if he doubles in size or not? If we expand our world do we grow too? Do we limit ourselves to just a house and a few other places we go? I would like to believe our world can grow and we can grow with it. There are to many possibilities to even imagine. Maybe we can all grow in size, and impact. At least to honor and praise God and enhance this world we live in. Verses: 1Peter 4: 7-11 Hebrews 12: 1-3 Romans 12: 9-16

Sunday, August 30, 2009

"Sister Brother"

Most of us have either a sister or brother or both. Even only children have sisters and brothers in Christ! What an awesome gift from God to be a part of such a bigger family! Our lives are fuller and more meaningful when we share with others. The support we need through lives trials comes from so many others. Words of praise, encouragement, even reprimand, are what we need to help us grow! Thank you God for providing so many sisters and brothers in our lives. Verses: Mark 3 31-35 Luke 17: 1-4 1 John 2 : 9-11 1John 4: 19-21

Saturday, August 29, 2009


My doctor said I need physical therapy. My body needs to heal and muscles and stuff need to get strong again. Don't we all need some kind of healing and strength building? I know how to heal my muscles, use them! So once again my bikes and I are intimate friends. The healing is in progress. Sometimes we need a different therapy. If we have had a hurt from someone or something, healing needs to take place. The greatest healer of all time is Jesus. His therapy surpasses all that humans can devise. Look up to Jesus for all the healing and therapy we need! Verses: Isa 53: 5 Ps 147: 3 Ex 15: 26

Friday, August 28, 2009

"Old Friend, New Friend"

I just made a new friend yesterday. I was with an old friend as it were. My old friend is actually older than me! My new friend is a lot newer than me! My old friend and I had not seen each other for a long time. We shared in a pasttime that we both enjoy and love to do. My new friend was doing the same thing with his father. In either case we were able to build on our individual friendships. Praise to God for all the friends in our lives. Praise to God for bringing us together! By the way, my new friend has a birthday on Sunday, he will be one year old! My old friend has birthdays too but his age is unimportant! Verses: Prov 17: 17 John 15: 9-17

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Sometimes things in life seem almost unbearable. I remember that in the bible it says, God won't let us suffer more that we can handle. Maybe some of us are meant to endure more than others? God knows our true heart and he also knows our strength. Keeping faith in Gods' plan is our only hope for salvation. The true believers will stick to Gods' word and follow it knowing he will be there. Verses 2Tim 2: 1-3 1Tim 6: 11-16 2Tim 2: 11-13

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

"After the rain"

I think we all have had an after the rain experience. It can vary for all of us. Sometimes the rain is representative of a turmoil we faced. Other times it is an actual storm and the wonderful calm that follows it. The air and stillness of the earth seem somehow better? The smells seem fresher and stronger. God would seem to use rain to wash, cleanse, and renew us with a good refreshing rain. Maybe even tears are an internal, human form of rain?, cleansing and renewing our hearts? Verses 2 Cor 4: 16-18 Matt 5: 43-48 Acts 22: 16

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I have recently had an experience in healing. The thing is we would have to be hurt first in order to need healing. Haven't we all been hurt at some time? There are physical and emotional hurts. Healing comes from time and care. Others are usually involved in that very process. Various types of doctors, friends, and family can help us to heal. The number one healer though is God. Only God can heal us completely and without limitations. Praise God for his unlimited and complete healing qualities. Verses: Isaiah 53: 5 Prov 3: 5-8 Prov 15: 30 Psalm 147: 3

Monday, August 24, 2009


Whenever we have a positive experience, we want to share it with others. By letting others share in our life's blessings, we enhance their lives and ours. We could also share some of our woes to another, and I am sure we all do. Then we can be supported and lifted up. Sharing our knowledge of Christ is also a way to encourage and lift others up. That is the greatest gift we can share with others. their lives can be dramatically changed with a Christ filled existence. I guess it could be called evangelism, in any case, it all allows God to be the king he is. Verses: 2 Tim 4: 1-8 Gal 6: 2&6 Heb 13: 15-16

Friday, August 21, 2009


I was able to see Gods' creation in abundance yesterday. Did you ever stop and realize how many different plants there are? The variety's and colors and shapes are infinite it seems. We know there is a countable amount of people on earth, but the amount seems infinite. Gods' limits aren't our limits. There is an abundance of everything available from God. What a concept to grasp? We will never know or understand the fullness of God! We are all so blessed to see and receive a small part of his glory.( Enjoy everything God has created and respect it all). Verses: Romans 5: 17 Jude 2 Psalm 145: 3-7

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Is anything we fail at really a failure? Maybe it is just a lesson learned? Do we take with it some new insights? Don't we eventually try again at something else? Maybe we even try again at what we failed at before? The bible is filled with times of failure. That doesn't mean they were losers. That really means they were only human. Along with failure there are times of success. God is our supply of all blessings, some may just seem better than others. All are somehow of value to us and gifts from God. Verses: Isa 51: 6 James 1: 16-18 Lam 3: 19-27

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

" Loss or Gain?"

In Luke 14: 25-27 Jesus tells us how to be a disciple. In Matt 10: 39 he tells us how to lose our life to find life. Seems like a contadiction of sorts? He also tells us to love him more than anyone else. The common belief is that if we truly love the Lord God with all our heart and soul , then he will bless us fully. Deut 10: 12-13 Deut 11: 13-15. The gain for all, is a life filled with God and the blessings of such a life lived.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I am no expert on marriage at all. Maybe there are those out there that can have that credit? God is most qualified of course. I do know what the bible says though, Paul tells us in ( 1 Cor 7: 8-9), that if we burn with passion it is better to marry. He also tells us that we would be better off not to marry(1 Cor 7:28 & 32-35). I would understand this to be a bit of quandary.? What do we do then? Some I am sure will marry and find a great balance in a life of God and spouse. Others may find a God filled and directed life,with God as their only lover. Verse : James 4: 4-10

Monday, August 17, 2009


I came to a realization recently, " I like people". Everywhere I go I watch and observe people and I am always amazed! The kind and caring receptionist to the up and coming football star. Even the rude person now and then, God made them all and they are all here for a purpose. I suppose others may be watching me as well. I pray that what they see is inspiring and good? Pray, God help me to be one of your people and show and express Gods love! Verses: Jer 24: 7 Rev 21: 3-4

Friday, August 14, 2009

"Whose Goals ?"

Some days seem like we are busy, but accomplishing nothing? When we stop and think of what we have done it's hard to define. Maybe our actual accomplishments are not so clear? Maybe the lives we touch on those days and the impact to others is it? God uses each of us everyday, the question is, will we allow him to accomplish his goals or only our goals? Pray: God we want to be there for your desire for us and goals we accomplish, help us to fill that need each and every day. Verses: 2Cor 5: 9 Gal 3: 3-5

Thursday, August 13, 2009


A song line comes to mind, "Purple Mountains Majesty". Whenever we see an awesome view, we are presented with Gods' majesty. Just take a drive into the country or mountains and his majesty will be all around you. Stare at the stars and ponder what and how they can be?? Go white water rafting and experience the power of the river. Gods' creation is all around us. Gods' vision far surpasses any we can have. Then recognize that God is our majesty. No other greater majesty exists than God! Verses: Ester 1: 4 2 Peter 1: 16-18

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


God has said that man should labor many times in the bible. This is not to be understood as our jobs only. We all need to be productive in all areas of our lives. The feeling of accomplishment that comes with a job well done and the inspiration it provides are gifts from God. We all need to ask God what it is we should be laboring at ? Then we need to make the commitment and do it. Verses: 1Cor 15: 58 1Cor 3: 8-9 Php 2: 12-18

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


How often do we ponder yesterday? All of our past has had some significance on our present. What we have experienced, does affect what we are today. Life goes forward and the past is definitely gone. We can't go back and change anything. The bonds made are now a part of our present day. Things left behind are gone. If we hold on to something from before it can greatly affect our today. Praise God for lessons learned and wisdom gained. Pray for new and healthy insights and growth. Verses Hebrews 13: 8 Eccl 7: 10

Monday, August 10, 2009


It's so easy to judge people by their appearance. This way of looking at others is false. Everybody we encounter is an individual;. Their particular look or way of dressing is not sufficient information. The only way is to get to know them. Only then, does their true character come out. Often to our surprise they are very much like ourselves. Verses: 1Sam 16 : 7 Gal 2: 6

Sunday, August 9, 2009


How well do we stay focused in our lives? I for one am easily distracted and can lose focus. I am sure others are subject to a loss of focus too. Our ability to shut out all the distractions in life is difficult. We all are bombarded with so many options. Which ones' do we typically choose? Sometimes the I am sure the choices we make are not the best. We could all improve our lives if we focused more on God and less on ourselves. Verses: 1 Cor 10: 31 1 Cor 11: 1-16

Friday, August 7, 2009

" Serving Others"

We all serve others in some way or another. Every parent out there knows how that is. In our jobs we serve a company and its' needs. The rewards are different for each, sometimes satisfaction, sometimes companionship, sometimes faith. Our motivation comes from a desire to do what we said we would do. We all want to do it well. With Gods help not only can we serve him and his kingdom, but we also can serve others and their needs. ( which are one and the same). Verses: Isaiah 40: 28-31( one of my favorites!!)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

"The Best"

I have been recently encouraged to follow a TV program that is looking for the best. I won't define what the competition actually is. The idea is that at some point an overall best will be chosen. What does that make the rest of the contestants become? God would tell them they are the best! in his eyes. What will they think of themselves? They may feel that they fell short and weren't good enough. They may feel cheated. They may hopefully realize that they tried and were a part of a group striving to be the best. That should be all of ourselves, goal in life. We will never be best but can try to be more like God each and every step of the way. Verses: Eph 4: 1-6 1 Ch 16 :7-36

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I am a huge fan of unexpected adventure. Sometimes we just need to go with no plan and see what happens. Then we will be led on an adventure of unknown destination. One story goes how my brother was lost returning from a visit at a college, and on a country road found a Corvette he had always wanted to own. His wife may have thought he was wasting time, but he was on an adventure. My daughters got to meet two rescued race horses. All because their dad was on a dad adventure! God will lead us where we need to go if we just let him lead. Verses: James 4: 7-10 2Thess 3: 6-15

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I am still working on living a simpler life. It has been a constant goal of mine to succeed. I don't know how well I am doing at times, but strive to achieve improvement none the less. Having a bum leg has made me rely on a lot of other people. I don't get to appreciate a lot of things I used to take for granted. My bikes are sitting unused, my running gear is not wearing out at all, and hiking Longs Peak is out of the question for now! Yet I find there is Gods grace and I am looking at alternative things to focus on. I am reading , praying talking, thinking, reflecting a lot more. Thanks goes to so many people and to God for this insight. Verses Romans 5:1-5 Ex 15 : 2

Monday, August 3, 2009


Life and living are two separate or the same things? It all depends on our perception of each, We can just be alive or we can go on living. How we approach either will make a difference in how our lives are. It takes a positive and flexible attitude to be content in each day of our lives. Our impact on others and for others will be important to God. Our growth in all areas through thick and thin will build our character and depth. Pray : God help us all to live a God filled, inspired, and breathed, life. Verses: Jeremiah 10: 23 John 20: 31

Sunday, August 2, 2009


How often do we travel, and have it go exactly as planned? Life with God is that way also, we have no way of knowing what we may encounter? Just as things can and will go wrong ,things will also go right! God doesn't give us a play by play book to use. God gives us his word and we need to fill in the blanks ourselves. Our plan may be altered our change from our intention to Gods. In it all we grow and learn and become a better person. Praise God for the bible and its awesome instruction for life! Verses: John 11:25 John 14:6

Friday, July 31, 2009


Ever wonder what it would be like to dread going to work? I am sure there are some people who do. They must really struggle each and every day. It's nice to go to work and enjoy our co-workers and bosses in our lives. God gives blessings to all of us and sometimes its right in front of our faces. Thanks to God for blessing us in this way. Some folks would like to work but can't. Their lives are challenged daily but God gives them strength. I hope each and every one of us will use our God given talents. I am thankful for my gifts and the gifts each in my family have. Prayer :God be with those who struggle and guide them to do as you have planned. Verses: Ecc 5: 18-20 Col 3: 23-25

Thursday, July 30, 2009

"Gifts from God"

All of us have received a passion or talent. For some of us that may be a desire to invent? One of mine is a passion to explore. Others still may just love to serve and help others. Whatever God gifts us, we should follow our passions and live our lives accordingly. Respectfully we do need to consider at all times how we impact his creation. Positive action followed by positive change benefits all. Pray to God for his desire for you. Verses: Acts 2: 38-39 1Tim 4: 11-16

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


We all could use more compassion for others. Sometimes we have to be put in their shoes for a while to realize that fact. There is nothing like experience to open up our minds to others
' issues. Generally we live pretty effortless, blessed lives. Some are faced with tremendous obstacles and limitations. Jesus had compassion for all of mans' afflictions. We can do our best to have a Jesus like attitude. Be a little more patient and understanding of others' lives issues. Verses: Isaiah 49: 13 Hosea 2: 19-20 Eph 4: 29-32

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


A friend of mine calls it nesting. I am kind of limited in what I can and can't do. We can also make a choice to take a break and refuel. Work for Gods' purpose is sometimes limited. We could be raising a bunch of small children, and be overwhelmed. We are still serving God and doing his work. We could be spiritually drained and need time to refuel. Physical limits can also affect us. I hope this time recharges me and allows me to better opportunities to serve and work for God. Verses: Eccl 2: 24-26 Exo 31: 12-17

Monday, July 27, 2009


We all must have goals in mind. But what do we do when our goals are changed? If we are forced to move we could have new goals, get a home, find a church, meet new friends. If we experience a major change in life( baby born, car wreck, job layoff, economy crunch) we now have to adjust. What is Gods overall goal? I believe it is to bring his creation closer to him! We can be a part of that very goal. That goal can always be one we are working on. All the other goals in life can be adjusted as needed depending on our situation. Helping bring others to God will always be a goal we should have. Verses: Daniel 12: 3 Romans 8: 12-17

Sunday, July 26, 2009

"Break, Busy, Balance "

My present lack of mobility has caused me to take a Break from my usual activities. Being Busy and doing lots of different things seems to be my normal operating mode. Now I suppose God can work on me to allow Balance in my life. I need a little of all three B's. I am not always good at keeping them in proper proportion. Pray: God show me and others how to live a Balanced life that includes Breaks with you, and Busy with what can be done for you God. Amen! Verses: 2 Th 3: 11 Titus 2: 1-15

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Living For?

All of us are alive today and living for what? Each of our lives has some purpose even if we can't see what it is. Moms and Dads are essential to their childrens success. As we get older we have other oppurtunities to be of worth to others. Our lives are a gift from God. I hope and pray that I am being and doing what God wants of me? Maybe we should all ask ourselves, What am I living for? Then listen to God and live for him. Verses: Romans 12: 1-2 Romans 14: 7-8

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Guardian Angels

I want to share a personal experience and Gods' protection in it. My girl friend, Dana, and I were touring the great state of Colorado last weekend. We wanted to do it on our motorcycle, and experience all of Gods wonder and awe!! The first two days were filled with a mix of sunshine, rain, wind, clouds, and blue skies! The sights were beyond description. We were truly blessed and excited to be able to do this trip.
We were in Durango Co. and needed to get to Montrose for our nights accommodations. The trip up the canyon was beautiful and getting cooler as we went up. We stopped at about 11000 feet to add warmer gear. We were now descending into Ouray Co. on a winding mtn pass. On a wooded stretch I saw the deer on the right shoulder and thought he was going into the woods away from us. At the last moment he sprinted right at us! My first thought was to keep him away from the bike as much as possible. I didn't have enough time, he hit my right leg, driving my knee into the fuel tank. The tank I later saw, had a baseball size dent in it. I could not feel my leg at this point and yelled to Dana to be ready to crash. We, by the grace of God were able to pull the bike off the road and park it.
Lessons learned: Avoid riding at night if at all possible. Wear protective gear and ride safely. Trust God to watch out for all of us. I think the deer may have died? I will heal and be ok because of Guardian Angels!
Thanks to all who helped and kept us safe in prayer, action, encouragement, support.

Verses:Psalm 91 9-13 Prov 18: 10

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Honesty? How really honest are we? It's so easy to say that a little infraction is OK.But is it really? Any time we try to validate our actions we are at fault. It is so hard to not get caught up in Worldly acceptance of honesty. God knows the real truth . Any act outside of his truth is dishonest at any level small or large. Verse Job 31

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


If we know the directions to where we are going, it is easier to get there. If we follow them correctly the time to get there is minimal. Often times though we either don't have good directions, or we follow them in error. God is and always should be our source of directions and understanding. On our own it is to easy to get mixed up or lost. A constant connection and communion with God can ensure we stay on course! Verses Jeremiah 10: 23 Isa 48: 17

Monday, July 13, 2009

"It's not about You"

So often in life we think but what about me? The answer is, It's not about you!! Everything in our lives is not some kind of reward only to us. Rather our lives should have some meaningful and worthwhile purpose. First and foremost is we should serve God! We also are often responsible for a lot of other people( children,spouses, relatives, ?) When we live with an attitude that it is just not about us, we come closer to acting and being more like God. Verses: Eph 6: 1-9 Matt 20: 26-28

Sunday, July 12, 2009


The most fulfilling thing in life is quite simple. It won't be found in cars, or houses, Ipods,computers, or vacations. It comes from a true connection with the world around us. It is the people in our lives and our love for each of them. God provides us with many family members and friends. It is our job to be there for them and love and support them. Verses 1 Tim 5: 8 Psalm 68: 6

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


There is a force available to anyone. It has the power to change lives. It cost nothing and has no end, and can be had any time of day.It is in any location and for anybody who asks, it will be given. Sounds like to good to be true? Well I know from my own experience how powerful it can be! This force is the Holy Spirit and will enter any ones' heart that requests it. Verses: John 20:22 Acts 2:38 Eph 1: 13-14

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

"Living Right"

Who determines when we are truly living a righteous life? Others may think they know how we should live? They may even tell us how to. The only real measure we can and should live up to is Gods. Where do we get his desire for us? The bible is and always has been the source for all believers. We need to explore and follow what the word has to offer. We need to pray and listen for Gods' desire for us. We need to be cautious though of Satan and his methods. Pray: God give us hope, direction, strength, and wisdom that comes from you. Verses: John 8: 12 Ex 23: 1-9

Friday, July 3, 2009


We will celebrate our countries Independence day tomorrow. What does this mean to us?? I am glad that our forefathers sought after and succeeded in a free country for all of us. They also allowed for freedoms' we all take for granted. Most importantly is freedom of religion. To be able to choose our religious beliefs is their vision. God is and always will be my choice. I am grateful for his grace and love in my life. I pray others will also find God as their choice. Verse: Ephesians 1: 3-14

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

"New Start"

Here we are at the beginning of a new month. We can see a lot of potential in the next 30 days or so. Our lives can also be like that. Sometimes we just need a fresh start with a good attitude. Mistakes of the past are just that,(in the past). Through God we can learn and obey and open up a new and better chapter of life! Pray God: help us to move into a new month with love, passion, and a desire to serve you.Verses: Job 28 :18 John 3: 5-8

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Hope: A never ending and inspiring source of joy. Without hope we feel doomed. With hope all things are possible.Often times hope turns up and takes a blue feeling away. Or it allows us to endure a troublesome time. God is hope and he provides each of us with everlasting hope for all things in our lives. Don't ever give up on hope and it will never give up on us. Verses: Psalm 42:5 Heb 11: 1 1John 3:3

Monday, June 29, 2009

"Route Change"

Once again we can find ourselves on a planned event and our route gets changed. Road construction,car issues, weather changes, and we now need to adjust. Sometimes all the best planning just can't prevent a change in our route! God may need us to slow down or look in another direction, we wouldn't have otherwise. The time we are supposed to be somewhere may need a slight adjustment? We can only trust that God is in control, and the change in the route comes from him. Verses John 14:1-4 John 14: 14-16

Saturday, June 27, 2009


What do we think in times of silence from God? Is it that we aren't listening? Is it he is not speaking? A dear friend of mine suggested that maybe we are just walking with God then. God is good with where we are at and what we are doing. If we should stumble or stray God will let us know and steer us straight again. Faith in what we know,believe, and act on should help us serve and follow God. Trust in that God is always there, walking every step of the way with us! Verses Isa 2 :5 Micah 6:8 1 John 1:7

Thursday, June 25, 2009

"Not Fond of"

How many people do we truly dislike? I would hope that there is very few. There will always be someone that we don't particularily care for. That person may have said or done something to us. They may do things we don't care for. Whatever the case, maybe we shouldn't feel negatively about them. We may not want to associate with them. They are still loved by God and most likely others who love them too. Verses James 4: 4 1 John 4: 7-21

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Anyone that has started and finished a project knows the satisfaction of doing so. When we work as a team however, we have a new level of satisfaction. Jesus got all of the disciples together to go out and work as a team to spread the word. It is more efficient and productive when we work together. Each participant can do their part and help others to be more successful. God has made all of us to serve and help one another. Verses 1Cor 12: 27-31 Gen 2 : 18 Acts 9: 36

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


How many of us are looking to be wealthy? I read an account of a young man whose goal was to acquire as much money as possible. He wanted a high paying job and a frugal attitude. All of that showed determination and a goal in mind. What I wonder, is what did he hope to accomplish with all that wealth? We are always much better off if we concentrate on knowing and loving God and the wealth of that. Monetary wealth is not the answer to our happiness and self worth at all. Verses: Heb 11: 26 Prov 3 : 9-10

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Patience is something we all could use more of. Waiting for some things in life seems tiresome. But as always good things come to those who wait. Wanting to much to have all of our desires ,and we miss the fun of getting there. i ask God to bless me with what he knows I need. I also ask God to help me focus on what truly is important and to wait for all things. Verses: Acts 1:4 Titus 2: 11-14

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Somedays are just filled with frustrations. The best plans fall short often times. We have a planned activity or task and all kinds of pitfalls come up. The hardest part is when we are really trying to help someone else out. I started writing this weeks ago and gave up frustrated! Why are there obstacles in the way?? Satan may be trying to stop us from some act of kindness or accomplishment? Life may be a series of frustrations and a chance to endure and learn. Verses: Phil 4: 6-7 2Cor 6: 3-10 pray God help us use frustrations to become better followers of Christ!

Monday, June 15, 2009


From John 8:12 I am the light of the world." Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." Making the commitment to live as Jesus commands is everyones struggle. The guarantee is this verse! There is no other Guarantee in life. The problem is truly allowing God through Jesus to guide and control our lives. What could we possibly lose by following this command? I pray to God to answer this prayer.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


It's sometimes hard to remember that each of us are unique. We all deal with life in our own ways. What is right for some is not always right for others. The choices we make through life form us and make us who we are. I ask God to give me an open mind and allow me to better understand others and their choices. Just need to ask God and follow his example. Let people be what God has intended for them to be. Verses Eph 4: 1-7 1Tim 4: 11-16

Friday, June 12, 2009

" Busi?ness of life"

All of us get caught up in the busy ness of life. So much to do so little time? It helps to stop and just enjoy the simplest things. A smile from a child, A hug from a loved one, A word of praise from a co-worker, a sunset beautiful against the mountains. These are the things that make life full and rewarding. These are gifts God gives to all of us. We should all learn to appreciate them and then give back to others,(smile) (hug) (praise). Verses 1Cor 14: 12 Romans 11: 29

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Blessings are sometimes hard to acknowledge. So many of lifes blessings are taken for granted. God is where all of the stuff of life comes from. Remember to thank him daily and be in touch by prayer. Then comes the hardest part, trying to live up to a Godly life. So many times we will be tempted and so often we will fail. Asking God for strength and his love will get us through. Verses: Eze 34 :26 Gen 12: 3

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

"Stormy Weather"

When we are caught in a storm of life, it sure is nice to have a loved one nearby. Facing some trials alone seems overwhelming at times. Having a loved one to carry some of the burden is comforting. God provides us with so many possibilities. Our children can be there for us ,or need us there for them. Our spouses also are often a rock to lean on. Praise God for the gift of love from so many different people! Verses: 1 Cor 11: 11-12 1Tim 5: 8-10 Ge 2: 18

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

"Life Defined"

How we determine our success in life says a lot. Wonderful children, nice car, good job, a loving spouse? The real success is not so apparent to others. It should be clear to us and to God. It is the knowledge that we serve a loving and knowing God, and that all the other fruits of life are his gifts and blessings to each of us. Praise God! Verses: 1 Kings 8:61 Prov 8:35

Monday, June 8, 2009

"Baby Holding"

If you ever feel insignificant, try holding a baby. Every oppurtunity to do so for me has brought great comfort. Once you feel the trust that an infant has in you, and knows you will provide their immediate needs, God is there. The same holds true for each of us, God is holding us like a baby and we need to give him our complete trust! We may fuss and cry but he will never let us fall, and always provides us with comfort and love. Verse Psalm 119: 76 Isa 49:13

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


There is this feeling when I run. My friend Dale says it empties our minds. That allows us to hear God better. He says that he can praise and worship God better then. I would have to agree. I also feel a sense of freedom and movement that is lifting and powerful. Anything we do that brings us closer to God, or allows contact with God has to be from God! We have only to accept and nurture it. Verses Isa 40:31 Heb 12 1-3

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

"Praise God"

What ways can we praise God? Prayer comes to mind for most of us. Singing out to the Lord should be another. I kind of like dancing to the Lord. He did give us a sense of rhythm and movement. It seems to me to dance with God, is near as good as it gets. There can be no right or wrong there, only a close and intimate time with God. Prayer: God thanks for the skills and passions you give us. Let us share them with you Lord! Verses: Psalm 149: 2-3 Psalm 150: 3-4

Monday, June 1, 2009


It's good to get near the earth. So much of our existence comes from there. Take plenty of time in our lives to get to know the world around us. The days spent out doors, and discovering new things are the best. God is the greatest artist ever and will inspire and amaze us all. The best of life can be had in his created wonder, and the price is free! Thank You God! Verse: Ecc 3:20 Ge 2:7

Sunday, May 31, 2009

"Mean People?"

There are people out in this world I don't understand. People that for some reason like to make other people feel bad. I am not sure if they are even aware of what they say and do? My struggle comes from how can this be? Why are they like that? What possible gain is there for them? Why does God allow them to do what they do? The bigger question is then, what difference can any of us make? Prayer: God show us how we can make a difference in this world for the better. Help us to understand that some people are removed from you, and your glory. Verses: Prov 8: 13 Romans 2: 5-11

Saturday, May 30, 2009

"Sing Out"

Beautiful music has a way of making us happy. Even a song in our heads provides a certain amount of joy. Not all of us are great musicians, or singers. We all can apppreciate those that are. When a message in the song comes to us, it's like God using that song to speak. Very often we hear a song over and over and are content with that. But sometimes that very same song lifts our hearts and minds, like no other. Praise Godfor the songs in our lives! Verses Eph 5: 19-21 James 5: 13-16

Friday, May 29, 2009


There is a lot of wisdom on keeping busy. All the things we do for our friends and families have great value. We are repaid in more ways than we can imagine. Those that benefit are both blessed. Don't put off what God has given each of us. The ability to do it and the desire to do so is God's gift to us. Thank you God for this wonderful blessing and passion. Verses Psalm 10: 14 1 Cor: 12 -28

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"God Speaks"

How do we hear God? Other people preach, offer advice, or maybe write a book? Is God speaking through them? If what we experience is from God, when do we know the difference? When is the devil himself trying to fill our minds with his thoughts? We just need to get back to the bible. That is and always has been Gods word to us. God is love and would not cause us to not love. All we accept from God needs to be biblically based. Verse : 2 Cor (all)

Friday, May 22, 2009


Once again the innocence of youth inspires me. The simpliest things that a young child can find fun in? Who would have known that a gravel trail and a stick could provide so much pleasure? God never intended for us to forget about his wonderful playland. All of his glory and splendor, are outside of man made things. Pray: God your creation far exceeds any thing we can even imagine, and we thank you for that!! Verses: Isaiah 42: 5 Rev 10: 6

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Always keep in mind the simple things that fill our lives. A walk in the outdoors. A hand held out to be held. A magical sunrise or sunset. A stone thrown across the water. A stick to scratch the earth. A morning cup of coffee. None of these are very expensive but all are priceless and fulfilling. Thank God for all the simple and wonderful things! Verses: Proverbs 21 all

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


What kind of limits do we put on ourselves?? Everyone must know their limits. But are our own limits are doing or a real fact? If we extend ourselves outward our limits may be bigger than we think. Every person has a huge potential for success ans accomplishment. What really limits us is our desire and determination. With God limits are not an obstacle. God has no limits to what he can attain. Thank God for being the awesome God he is. Verses: John 9 : 3-5 Eph 4: 1

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

"End or Beginning?"

The question I am pondering is, after a large party of people have come together, then they part is it over or only beginning? Everytime we reconnect only to part again we feel a sense of loss? However we also feel a sense of deeper connection. The truth may be that we are really beginning a new chapter. The last chapter is filled with awesome memories and some even awkward moments. Now we find that there was even more love and care we can spread. When Jesus was here,man was introduced to God in the flesh, after his departure,We were the new novelists' writing this book. Lets' all do our best to make this a best seller!! Verses: Eph : 5 1-2 John 1: 1-5

Monday, May 18, 2009


Certain things in life are sure to come. Just as the sun sets at night and rises in the morning, rain and snow and animals roam the earth. There is an end to life on this planet. We all get to use our bodies and minds for a short time. We should all take care of this earth and our bodies while we are alive. Eternal life is possible through Gods word!!! The requirements are easy, accept Jesus as our personal savior. I believe we all should live our lives by Gods rules and show others his love. Then we all fulfill our purpose as Gods children. Verses: Hebrews 4: 12-13 Romans: 14 7-8

Friday, May 15, 2009

" Forward Living"

In our lives we sometimes look back and wonder why?? How many times have we wondered what we were thinking?, what we were doing?, Why? God is constantly working on us, we are a work in progress. All of those things we endure are helping us to mature and grow. Even things in our present week are part of our growth. Our focus should always be to learn and apply that learning to the future. What is coming in ourlives defines what we will be. How we act and respond is a choice we need to make. God should be our guide and desire. Verses: James 1: 12 Hebrews 10: 35-39

Thursday, May 14, 2009


The feeling of belonging to a family is so great. Having a connection with a group can be so fulfilling. All of our lives are surrounded by different families. Work place families, Church families, Home families, both today and in our youth. These families can change as we go through life. The good news is that even though they may change, we still have all of the memories of these families. Belonging to the family of God is our biggest and most fulfilling of all. Verses: Psalm 68: 6 1 Tim 5: 4

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I saw an article about this, D = drink E = eat E = exercise R = rest. Drink plenty of water and drink up Gods word. Eat healthy and for energy. Exercise our bodies, brains and spirits. Rest when needed and as regularly as possible. And as always pray to God for his guidance in all these areas. Pray to God for discernment and depth of our lives. Verses:1 Cor 10 : 31

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


We all have hopefully felt a blessing from God. We all have prayed for a blessing from God. When it is so obvious and beneficial we tend to see it. What about blessings that are less obvious? All of us are blessed by someone or something. Your spouse may be the blessing in your life. Your children are always a blessing, even when we wonder why! Pray: God thanks for all the blessings in our lives, help us to see and appreciate them. Amen Verse: Eze 34 : 25-31

Monday, May 11, 2009

" All Gods "

If we accept that all we have is from God, then we can be generous with it all. Nothing would be in our possession without Gods influence. We are able to work, plan, invest and grow in wealth. All of those abilities come from God. Sharing what we have with others is honoring Gods' blessings to us. How we do that is individual as we all are. It is just our response to God and his love and grace.Pray: God allow each of us to live and love fully. Amen Verses 1Tim: 6 17-20 Prov: 22: 7

Friday, May 8, 2009


We can see growth in most anything. We can also grow in God. When our children grow up and take on adult like features, we realize they have grown up. They are young men and women. Our growth in God takes us from a child of God to a more mature child of God.It is hard to let go of the old days but the new ones offer so much promise. Thank you God for growth both phsical and spiritual. Amen Verses: Luke: 2 52 Heb: 6 1-3

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Often times I sit here ready to write and there is nothing? When I try even harder it only gets worse. I have decided that sometimes we don't have an idea to express or write down. Those are times when God can speak to us and we can just listen. There has to be a certain amount of input before there is any output! Pray: God hear my prayer and speak to me. Verses: John 10: 27-28 Proverbs 1 : 1-9

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


There is a word that seems easy enough to follow? Why then are there people who treat others poorly? Why do some people want to cause others harm? I have prayed to God for answers and none have come? God knows the answer and he knows our heart! God is good and desires that of all of us. Pray: God we want to see the good in all of the people. God: We need your influence to make us better. God: Show us the way to being good followers of Christ. Amen Verses: 3 John: 11 Romans 12: 9-21

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


The idea of getting our way goes back to birth. We want to somehow let others know what our way is? As a baby it involves mostly crying and nurturing. As we get to mature adulthood, we have other ways to get our Way. When we realize that sometimes our way is wrong, then we can turn to God for his Way. Like at birth we may not be to happy about that.(crying may help us to feel better). We just need to trust that Gods' way is the best Way. Verse: Isaiah 55: 6-13

Monday, May 4, 2009


I had a chance to learn about a kind of communication we don't always think of. Ever notice how someones face can convey a message? We sometimes get more information from that then the spoken word. Reading a frown, a smile, a grimace, can be more than enough. God gave us a lot of things to work with. Sometimes the best ones are the ones we don't always think of. Smile at a friend today and lighten their load! Thank God your face is as beautiful as he wanted it to be! Verses: Psalm 105: 4 Numbers 6: 25-26

Sunday, May 3, 2009


How can it de described? We all have our own way of sharing it, and our own way of receiving it. A simple fits all definition is not possible. Tops on my list is caring. When we are more concerned about anothers needs, then we show love. I also like understanding, when we try to feel what others feel then we can better understand them. God loves and cares for us. God also understands us better than even we do! Verse 1John: 4 7-21

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Reading must be a gift from God. where else can you receive so much with something so simple? Sometimes we read to learn new abilities. Other times it's for information. All too often we read just for the pleasure it brings. It's our job to pass this skill on to our children. Of course the greatest book we can read is the Bible. It comes from God and is full of all of the above benefits. We should be reading it daily! Verses: Rev 1: 3 John 1: 1

Friday, May 1, 2009


Ever thought about bailing out on something?? Often we have issues in our lives that seem to much to conquer. We may think that there is no hope and time to just give up! The bible tells us that God will never give us more than we can handle. The pressure may seem great but the strength comes from God. Mayday can become " maybe some day". Maybe some day we can look back and say that we endured and that issue is over. Verses: Php: 4 14-20 Rev: 2 3