Monday, August 24, 2009


Whenever we have a positive experience, we want to share it with others. By letting others share in our life's blessings, we enhance their lives and ours. We could also share some of our woes to another, and I am sure we all do. Then we can be supported and lifted up. Sharing our knowledge of Christ is also a way to encourage and lift others up. That is the greatest gift we can share with others. their lives can be dramatically changed with a Christ filled existence. I guess it could be called evangelism, in any case, it all allows God to be the king he is. Verses: 2 Tim 4: 1-8 Gal 6: 2&6 Heb 13: 15-16

1 comment:

  1. I have a quote on my computer that I read every day to remind me: "Live in such a way that those who know you but don't know God will come to know God because they know you!" GB
