Friday, October 30, 2009

"Understanding God"

This is the most interesting of all we do. To completely understand God is impossible. We can get a sense of what he stands for though. Truth and love, grace and mercy, strength and wisdom. The list goes on and on.......... there is no human that can comprehend it all. God is above all (Job 25). That recognition is very comforting, we now know God is in control. That is a whole lot better than man being in control! If we were only controlled by some random acts, what a mess that would be. God has a reason and a vision for all life and existence. 1Ch 16: 23-36. Pray: God lead us all into a deeper understanding of you. Verses: Rev 1: 4-8 Isaiah 44: 24 Psalm 14(all).

Thursday, October 29, 2009

"Understanding Trigonometry"

I admit I have no idea about what Trigonometry is? Do any of you truly understand it? I can hardly spell the word without spell-check, Let alone try and explain what it means. On the other hand I have a lot of things that I can't begin to understand. How do the birds fly so close to each other by the hundreds and not collide? Who or what guides their every move and action? Fish do the very same thing! They look like Olympic synchronized swimmers. We don't need to know some things but accept and honor their specialness.God is after all the greatest designer of all! Verses: Gen 2 (all) Col 1: 15-20 Psalm 148(all)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

"Understanding Ourselves"

Here is a real challenge to all! If there is one area we struggle in this is it. Even those that think they have it figured out are often wrong. The complexity of each of us is beyond any real and complete understanding. The real question becomes, should we really succeed in complete understanding of ourselves? Maybe we are better off leaving that task up to God. ( Prov 3: 5 Prov 30: 18-19). We can however strive to improve and deepen our understanding of what makes us tick. Our motives and passions come from a place we can't always explain? Our talents and gifts are Gods' gift to each of us. Acceptance of God and his sovereignty is a good place to start. Verses: 1Ch 28: 9 Php 4: 6-7

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"Understanding Love"

If life is difficult to explain,let's try love? What is a true definition? It seems there are many definitions of love. Is any one of them more accurate than the next? Or are all of them somehow accurate in their own way? I am quite fond of, that love is a pure form of concern for another person. All that we say and do and think is to their benefit. (1Cor 13: 4-7) . Love is also the answer to peace on earth. Our world would be drastically different if we would all just love one another. (Heb 13: 1-5 John 13: 34-35). All I know is that without love life would be very empty and meaningless! 1John 4: 7-21

Monday, October 26, 2009

"Understanding Life"

I am so intrigued by life! What is so easily taken for granted is hugely reliant on some specific needs. We all need water and air to survive. I suppose that trees actually need carbon dioxide, where as we need oxygen. Either way we still need some form of air. Water is the universal requirement for life. Scientists spend a lot of time trying to find water on other planets. They know that life as we know it, requires water to survive. Where do we think this all comes from? Some may think it magically appears out of the earth with no real origin? Our individual belief can be varied and conflicting. True understanding is sometimes a difficult and lengthy process. Verses: Gen 1: 1-31 Gen 2: 1-3 John 7: 37-39

Friday, October 23, 2009


Now comes the fun part! Enjoy and live life! God has provided us with all that we need to be content. The earth alone should be sufficient with all its' beauty and depth. Those with children are many times blessed. Many have a mate that God so perfectly designed. Life can deal out a lot of stuff, all of which we should celebrate. Every day brings out new potential to witness more of Gods' glory! Everyday also brings us closer to God, both spiritually and physically. Let's all kick up our heels and be glad to be alive! Pray: God, thank you for our lives, and encourage all of us to live to our fullest. Verses: Prov 5: 18 James 1: 2-8 Matt 5: 3-12 Gen 2: all

Thursday, October 22, 2009


If you have ever witnessed a newly saved person, you have seen a re-creation as it is happening! I have been fortunate enough to witness many, including my own. That fresh energy and recognition is so inspiring. There is still lots of room to grow. The future for all believers is so much different than they ever imagined! Bible stories such as Pauls' show us how that can be a complete turn around. Gods' ability to re-create in us the real person he designed is awesome. Pray: God, allow us to strive for our utmost potential! Verses: 1Cor 3: 5-9 1John 3: 18-20 Act 9: 1-31

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Now comes the hard part, taking out the old and not so pretty. To clean up our mouths,actions,habits,desires, lives is no easy task! A large digging machine is needed. The Holy Spirit can help with all of that. Our strength and conviction can be received through Holy Spirit intervention. The time to expect is not defined, a lot of our lives are spent excavating out old and useless junk! It is a process to become more like Jesus. Honestly strive for a more righteous and holy existence. Our prayer should be for our improvement, but also for all others too. Verses: Rev 3: 15-18 1John 1: 5-10 1Peter 2: 1-3

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Before we decide anything, we need to pray. Meditate on our motives and Gods' desire for us. Other people can help us with their reflection on our path. Stopping and listening, can take a huge discipline. What is revealed to us may or may not be what we expect. Gods' ability to direct us comes from our ability to listen and obey. Our own agendas need to be carefully weighed and adjusted. Taking time to quiet our minds and open them to Gods' word is vital. When we are in Gods' will, we are guaranteed success! Verses : Psalm 119 ( as much as possible!)

Monday, October 19, 2009


How much do we want to look into ourselves and discover our own truths? Are we just tooting our own horn, or are we actually making a difference? What would be the point if we always stayed at status qou? What would our incentives be? It's hard to look and try to discover our own truth. Most of us probably can ignore what we don't want to see and only see what we want to. Is there any real advantage to anyone else if we are unwilling to change? If we truly access our goals we can start to find answers. Gods' answers are not always easy. We only have to believe and then follow. Verses: 2Ch 16: 9 Prov 14: 6 Isaiah 40: 3-5

Friday, October 16, 2009


All of mankind has existed for thousands of years. Our ability to think and build surpasses all other creation. What we do with that gift affects all other life on earth. Our goals are not always beneficial to the entire world. Much of the world is tainted and degraded. God designed a beautiful planet of life to enjoy and respect.Our choice can be to honor that ,and work towards preservation, or ignore that and let it crumble! Who would our God have care for the earth, humans of course! We have the ability and resources to be good stewards of this planet. Pray: God give us wisdom and discernment in how we live on this earth and the care we give it. Verses: 1Cor 3: 10 Psalm 1: 2-3 1Cor 10: 26

Thursday, October 15, 2009


How can we ignore all the others out there, we don't know? Their needs are as important as any of ours. They are not a part of our present social circle, but none the less are a part of Gods' kingdom. The cliche goes something like, "Strangers are just friends we haven't met yet". Now our world takes on a whole new meaning. We can never know who God has chosen to be our friends? Stories of someone that entered anothers life and changed their life, are inspiring and encouraging! They are all around us, we just are a conversation away from relationship. Pray: God, allow all of us to accept and encourage one another in all we say and do. Verses: Hebrews 10: 24-25 Gal 6: 1-10

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


When we stop and see what we really have, it is just us! That seems kind of scary to imagine ,we are all alone except each other. The truth is God always has been and always will be right along side us. Having been created by him, we are all very much "cut from the same cloth". Being human is such a blessing to each if us. It also makes us very aware of how impotant we are to each other. All churches preach community because it really is how we get our strength as Gods' people." It takes a community of people to build a city". We need real relationship with each other,in person, and sharing time together. Thank you God! Verses : 1 Cor 14: 26 Prov 22: 2 1John 2: 9-11

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I now need to give others a fair voice. What do I know about you? What do I want to know about you? Are you a believer? Are you married? Do you like ice cream!? I hope so! Are you happy in your life and all you do? I know God loves you, no question about that. I know God created you and you are perfect in his eyes.I also know that you have as much potential as I do. Will you use that potential to Gods' purpose? I am sure many others love you too. Pray: God, allow me to meet as many others as you would have me meet, and then share life with them. Verses: Eph 2: 19-22 Eph 4: 25 Mark 3: 33-35

Monday, October 12, 2009


What a neat idea I thought, I can write about me! But what does anyone care to learn about me? What would be of interest to anyone else? So I dug down deep and thought of things to share. I have four children, two of which are adults now. I am not married but have been in the past. I have only climbed one "fourteener" and did it in a car( Mt Evans). Things I really like(love), God, Jesus, my family and friends, bikes, mountains, sunsets, ice cream, strong beers, tea, pb & mayo,dark So much for me let's turn our attention to God! For without God there would be no me! Verses: Col 1:16 Rev 10: 6 Ge 1: 27

Friday, October 9, 2009

"Follow God"

I often wonder how I will know when I am following God? It seems very likely for me to follow a path of my own doing. A common belief is that we measure all we say and do to the bible. We then can follow God to his purposes. God will not go against his word and neither should we. The path we follow should glorify and honor God! Others should benefit for us having done so. To know and experience a life following God is a life well lived! Pray: God show me your way, not mine, and encourage me to always follow you., God. Verses: John 8; 12 Rev 14: 1-5 Mt 16: 24-28 Jer 1: 4-19

Thursday, October 8, 2009

"Love God"

Loving God is Gods' ultimate goal for all of us. Once we realize our need for him, we want to be in his presence as much as possible. To love God is also a journey, a life long journey! Along with loving God we need to love one another. Not all we know will seem lovable. To God though, all are lovable. By being tolerant and allowing ourselves to love others we show love for God. Gods' love will be poured out to us in so many ways. Pray: God help us to be more loving and accept more love. Verses: Dt 10: 12 Matt 22: 37-40 1Jn 3: 11-15

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

"Share God"

Sharing God seems like a simple enough directive. Are we really eager to share with others? Are we willing to share with non-believers? Parents can be sure to share what they believe with their children. Books are written to share faith and beliefs with others. Songs are drawing many towards God with their encouragement. Fortunately God is so omnipresent, that all who want to, can be with him. Pray: God help us to be a spokesperson for your awesome love and power! Verses: Heb 12: 10 Heb 13: 15-16 Acts 12: 24 Acts 19: 20

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"Know God "

How well can we know God? I have gone from knowing God deeply to being lost and apart from God. What exactly is knowledge of God? A deep ,personal relationship, is a common description. A constant reminder that he is always present in our lives. A desire to grow deeper in our faith. Our own admission that God is our purpose on earth. Prayer: God bring me closer to knowing you and being connected to you!! Verses: 2Peter 3: 17-18 Php 3: 7-11 Romans1: 19-20

Monday, October 5, 2009

"Find God"

Where can we find God? We probably think he is in most churches. We may find him in obscure places? How about meeting God by a mountain stream? A beautiful sunset almost guarantees Gods' presence. Most songs at some time can allow God to be right there with us. Just observe a new born baby and God is ever so present. Look into your lovers eyes and I am sure God will wink at you! Pray: Pay attention because God can show up any where, any time any way! Verses: Psalm 62:1-2 Isaiah 55: 6 1Ch 28:9 Acts 4: 12

Friday, October 2, 2009

"Meet God"

I met God seven years ago today! Actually it was more that I met God and he gave me Jesus. I walked off that mountain side by side with my savior. Life was about to take on a whole new meaning. The last seven years have been the most interesting and rewarding for me. I have sadly been divorced twice in that time frame. I guess I have taken a toll on myself for all that has happened. I do know I am ok today, and that is because God was there all the way! Walking with Jesus is the ultimate blessing from God! Verses: Isaiah 51: 6 Romans 5: 12-21

Thursday, October 1, 2009

"Quality Life"

How do we measure quality of life? Surely it's not our wealth or money and other possessions. I don't believe it has a lot to do with our social status. How about our family and those around us? They all seem really important. How much depends on our own self worth and vision? My prayer is to God and his desire for me. Pray to God to show us what a quality life really is. Verses: Eph 4: 1-6 Col 1: 9-14
