Thursday, September 30, 2010

"When We are Tired and Thirsty"

Nothing is worse than an unquenchable thrist. When you are out of water and your mouth is dry it seems unbearable. If we planned better and were more prepared we may not be this parched. Hind-sight is 20/20, but it doesn't fill the water bottle!

Where do we turn to now? We may be desperate enough to try the stream. Some say it will make you sick? What if the only water is the salty ocean? That would only make matters worse if we drank from there!

Our choices may be limited and we may be required to trod on and suffer the consequences. We may find a source of safe drinking water. We may rest and then feel renewed and revived!

When our thirst is for God, he has the capacity that is never empty. His love and comfort for us surpasses all we know. Thank God for the drink and rest he provides for each of us every day. We pray: God, quench those who are thirsty and give rest to those who are tired.

Verses: Isaiah 40: 28-31 Isaiah 55: 1-2 Rev 22: 17

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"When the Trail gets Steep"

Some of these mountains are extremely difficult to climb!! The rocks and crags leading up are unstable and steep.

Some may decide to go back down. Some may plod on in pure determination. Others may stop, pray, and trust God to help them up. " If it were easy everyone would be doing it", kind of a cliche but it's true. It also makes any particular climb yours and yours alone. You may not be alone but you will be experiencing a new personal achievement.!!

I am always amazed at how steep the trail actually was. I am more aware of this fact on the way back down. I believe our vantage point going up is quite a bit shorter. Coming down we see all that we had to scale to get up there. Thank God for giving us strength and determination to climb all the mountains in life. Thank God for also giving us actual mountains to climb if we so desire!! Verses: Mark 11: 22-26 Philip 4: 4-9 Psalm 37: 23-24

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"When Life looks Bad"

What if you have it all and it all just disappears? You could blame God? You could actually thank God!! Gods' purpose is far bigger than any of us understand.

Isn't the time we most turn to God, the worst of times? Oddly we often want God to bail us out of a bad situation. We could do better to thank and praise God for our good situations.

In the midst of a turn for the worse, God often puts guardian angels in our path. We may not even be aware enough to notice them at first? Sometimes we need time to completely grasp the impact of our situation. Then we may realize that there were Gods' hands and feet and voice there all along. Someone(s), has been helping us through a difficult time. Praise God, for his love and support when we are down and out!!

Verses: 1Ch 16: 8-12 Prov 3: 5-10 Job 1: 13-22

Monday, September 27, 2010

"Descend a Mountain"

Climbing a mountain seems like a pretty good idea. What happens when we have done that? Now it would seem we need to go back down?

Maybe we didn't figure in that new task at hand? Maybe we actually looking forward to going down? Some may not be quite so excited about the prospect of going back down!

What if in our lives the trip down is not our own choice? What if we are at the top of our "mountain" and don't want to go down at all? What if we have no choice and are forced to go back down?

I made a new friend this past weekend, and that is actually what she faced. Her life was just fine and she was living on top of the mountain. Then she was struck from behind in an automobile accident. Now she finds herself at the bottom of the mountain and not even sure how she got there? God, life can be confusing, hard, and seem unfair. Help us to see you in all of lifes' circumstances. Verses: Psalm 46: 1-7 Matt 6: 19-24 Luke 16: 19-31

Friday, September 24, 2010

"Strive for Growth" (In God)

My latest and ongoing quest is to find exactly where God would have me be? I am to often my own director of my life. Praying and trusting it all to God is not that easy!

It helps to have a vision of God in our minds. My vision is very much one of Jesus. I associate God and Jesus as one. That is very helpful to me. My goal is to aspire to be more like Jesus. My success is fleeting at best.

I do know that God will lead me to his ultimate desire for me if I just listen and follow his lead. Growth will come with an honest desire by any of us to do so. Patience and persevereance will be needed for God to work in each of us. The future is Gods' and Gods' alone, but we will get there in Gods' good time!!

Verses: Heb 10: 19-39 Deut 13: 3-5 Psalm 40:

Thursday, September 23, 2010

"Share Love with Others"

Throughout many years I have been involved in many small groups. Every church I have attended has lead me to one or more groups.

Most have been bible studies or home groups. Each has offered me with some kind of spiritual and character growth. All of those involved have certainly gained friends and connection with others. Love can and does prosper in such a setting.

The care we can share for others is very much a Jesus thing! The way we do it is quite varied. Those that we share with are able to share with others also.

The world becomes through that, just a little less scary and a whole lot more loving! Thank-you God, for all those wonderful people we have met through you body of Christs', the Church! Verses: 2Cor 1: 3-7 1Tim 5 (all)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"Explore Unchartered Water"

I have no idea what possibilities exist in this life for me? I prayed for a life ministry involving tandem bikes and blind people, it took over a year to manifest itself. I now am part of a wonderful group of blind and sight people who ride together!

My heart has always gone out to those who are less fortunate and need help with auto and home repairs. I haven't found my niche yet but I trust God will lead me where I need to go.

I struggle with empathy for those who suffer great loss. Recent fires here in Colorado have destroyed many families homes and all their possesions. They are in for a long and difficult rebuilding of their lives. I trust God will put people in their midst to help with that process. I may be a part of that too?

Pray: God, there are so many needs and voids to be filled. How can any of us be your hands and feet in this world? Guide, encourage and equip us to do that. Verses : Eph 4: 1-7 1 Corinth 12: 12-31 John 14: 18-24

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"Start a new Passsion"

Last year my leg was broken in a motorcycle accident. My tibia was cracked and I was on crutches so that it could heal. That was a very humbling and soul searching time for me. I did however discover kayaking!!

I purchased a used kayak in late October 2009. I couldn't wait until summer to hit the lakes! I have a pretty strong bike riding passion, so trying to squeeze in the kayak can be difficult. I have been on the water a dozen times or so this summer. I am so soothed and calmed by waters' very nature.

Floating out on the lake allows a special time to hear and talk with God. Mabe I should be out there more or maybe God uses that very special time to be with just me!! Either way I am glad to be with God and all his awesome creation!! Verses: 1Cor 15: 51-58 John 6: 35-40

Monday, September 20, 2010

"Revisit a Passion"

We probably all remember swinging on a playground swing! When was the last time you actually did it? I would guess it was enjoyable at the time?

I wonder why some things seem to get forgotten and not visited again? I haven't roller bladed in over a. year. No particular reason, just I am too busy with other things.

I went to a talk by a world class running coach. The last time I ran was in July at our towns Rhythm on the River. I left her talk with a new urge to start running again and build up that ability again.

I also haven't done sound for the church since late May. I miss the mission, the music and the people. I hope that God leads me to a new group and fills that void for me. Pray: God, You have filled all of us with passions to enjoy: allow us to rediscover old ones all over again and once again remember how much we loved them!!

Verses: Psalm 68: 3-6 Prov 15: 13-19 James 5: 13-16

Friday, September 17, 2010

"Life" "Love" "Live"

Life: How can any of us define our life? The very fact that we are alive means we have life! Of course this may be our only reference point. We can through faith also know of a life to come, surrounded by God. Until that time our life is here and now. Verses : Prov 8: 32-36 Romans 6: 22-23 1John 5: 11-12

Love: Love is crucial to each of us. We need to both receive and give love to be whole. Love comes from God. God is love. All of our relationships have an element of love in them. Jesus tells us that we should love God with all our heart and to love our neighbors as well. Verses: John 13: 34-35 John 15: 9-14 Matt 22: 34-40

Live: We are all given life to love and be loved so now we must live!! Living for and about God gives us a sense of purpose and vision. How we live our lives reflects how God lives in each of us. Our outward choices will be a testament to others. How wonderful to be alive and living and loving life!! Verses: 1John 4: 7-21 Acts 17 24-28 Romans 14: 7-11

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I had in mind to use salvation as today's theme. I got lost trying to put something together. I then realized that salvation is not something I can readily define. I found a definition(the deliverance from the effects of sin). That seemed pretty accurate. I guess that is the goal of all of us.

Gods' plan to do that seems quite simple, Accept Jesus and what he did for all of us and grace will be ours. OK that seems doable. So where do we go from there? I am sure everybody will approach salvation their own particular way. Once you have Jesus in your life, the guide is right there. Follow Jesus and his example and let God do what God does best(everything)!!!!!!! Verses: Isaiah 49 : 1-7 Psalm 95 Psalm 138

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


"In order to live, one meeds to die of their old self." This quote from the bible seems contradictory at first. Upon further introspection it makes perfect sense.

We are only able to achieve this when we surrender and decide to live a new way and with new purpose.

Salvation, being saved, is really an accurate way to define it! Each who have experienced that know exactly what it means to themselves. Each has their own story and how that redirected their lives.

The biblical ressurection of Christ is a historical landmark!! It sets the stage for all the rest of mankind. It starts all of our stories!!!!

Verses: 1 Pet 2: 1-12 Col 3: 1-11 Luke 24

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

:Life, Gods' gift to Us"

We all are alive. Seems pretty basic until you realize how awesome that is! To be alive and live is truly a blessing and gift from God. What we do with that "life" is what defines and characterizes each of us.

God breathed life into us. We are born and start our journey through our lives. Some have a harder road to travel. Some may have an easier one? We all are subject to all kinds of obstacles and distractions along our highway of life. Our character comes out of that and our significance on earth is because of what we do.

My thoughts are with God and the infinite creation he is responsible for, Being a part of that is so cool and humbling! Pray: God, you are why we are all here. God, you have breathed life into each of us. God, lead us on our walk through this life here on earth. Amen!! Verses: Matt 6: 25-34 Gen 2: 7 John 16: 33

Monday, September 13, 2010

"Death is part of Life"

Once again I am aware of death and its effect on us all. A couple, I am friends with, just lost their 2o yr old son in an accident.

I have no idea of what they are facing or their anguish over this loss? I am sure there is no immediate way to ease their pain. Time will help, faith and trust in God will make it tolerable. The fact still remains that someone they thought would be with them is now gone.

The Pastor of their church says celebrate their sons' life and where he is now! Easier to say , harder to do. The comfort of knowing that he is with God is their new source of strength. The loss still is very real and very hard.

Prayer: God, help us to accept that sometimes your plan is not ours, but to trust your plan, Gods' purposes are beyond any of our understanding. Verses: Ecc 7: 2 Romans 6: 21-23 Rev 21: 1-8 Prov 3: 5

Friday, September 10, 2010

"Travel in our Minds"

Once we have been places, we have to rely on our minds and pictures to remember back to where we have been and things we have done.

Revisiting some old time favorites can stir memories both fond and maybe not so much. Who we were with, what we did, what we experienced, all come back with new clarity. Some things change and others seem to have a timelessness to them.

Years ago I went back to Marroon Bells after 30 yrs had passed. The camp ground was gone but the vision I had of them and the impact they had on me was still huge!! I am grateful that some things never really change. I am sure my children will some day be able to reflect back and remember all they have experienced. I hope and pray their memories are a source of joy and comfort to them.

I sure have had a lifetime of memories to fill me up and make me smile!! God: Thanks!! keep inspiring me to see and do more. Verse 1Chronicles 16 : 8-36 Psalm 121

Thursday, September 9, 2010

"Travel by Foot"

Walking is the purest form of mobility. No special gear or skill is really needed. Most of the population can use this form of transport to get around.

The economic cost is relatively low and the benefit is extremely high. A famous qoute says" Any place can be reached by foot if you have enough time".

I have read many books that the walker discovered something new or indept about themselves or the world by walking!! In my own limited experience I have found that walking can be addictive(in a good way). It can fill us with joy and a sense of accomplishment.

Some people will pick up the pace and even try running. The ground covered is faster and the health benefit even higher. Praise God, for our desire and ability to move!!! Verses : Deut 11: 16-32 Joshua 14: 6-12

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

"Powered by Fuel"

To expand our world in a timely and relatively vast manner we use other forms of travel. Humans have made it to the moon and back literally!!

Without our petroleum powered vehicles, getting to some family members could be almost impossible. A lot of our countries businesses rely on that very fact. If we do travel great distances than we will need temporary housing(hotels), convenient food (restaurants), fuel to burn and places to see and learn about.

Given average statistics, most cars travel 12000 miles a year. A lot of that is repetitive commuting. Some of it though is a way to explore and visit new and exciting places!!

Often the destination is not the experience but the people along the way. All those we encounter are Gods' people and therefore important for us to interact and share with each other.

Pray: God, show us the world and all that it encompasses, fill our hearts and minds with your awesome creation!! Verses: 2 Cor 12: 9-10 Heb 1(all)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

"Powered by Humans"

Our picture of all that is in this world is quite different at 10-20 miles per hour than at 60-70 mph!

Every time I am cruising along on my bicycle I feel at ease and complete. The modern bicycle is a wonderful invention indeed! The whir of gears and the sound of tires on pavement is very comforting.The mechanics to operate are something like 98% efficient.

I am sure God is pleased at human desire to be their own source of power. I am also sure God is amazed at the many forms of transportation man has developed.

Our ability to think and do is a great and awesome gift from God. The fact that often the most rewarding ways are often the simpliest.

Jets and Rockets and modern cars are pretty spectactular, but biking up a mountain canyon can be more rewarding at times!!

Verses: Philippians 2: 1-11 Joshua 1: 1-9 Psalm 118

Monday, September 6, 2010

"Two Wheeled Travel'

I have found that the world takes on a whole new picture when we see it free of a cars confines. With out windows and doors and other obstructions a car has, we can experience a lot more by two wheeled travel.

The other added bonus is smell and temperature. The worlds' odor changes as we travel from area to area. Pine trees are very uplifting and have a unique odor all to themselves. Very hot to very cold can humble us and heighten our awareness.

To be at the mercy of the weather is both scary and exciting. We discover that we can endure quite a bit of discomfort and still survive. We should be grateful that we weren't the two guys standed on a deserted Island for 3 1/2 days without food or water.(3-4 days is the limit for humans without water, they were rescued and survived!!).

God: watch over and protect us and allow us to experience all of the awesome world you have created!! Verses: 1Tim 4: 4-16 Psalm 84 (all)

Friday, September 3, 2010

"Climb that Mountain"

After a week of interesting possibilities I did make a decision. It wouldn't be earth shattering or hugely impactful to anyone but me. It didn't require a lot of training or prep. God had all along been prepping that need for me. It only took part of a day and was very uplifting and inspiring.

Oh, so I climbed an actual mountain, Longs Peak to be exact. On Thursday of last week I took the day off and at 2am headed up the trail to Longs Peak's summitt. At 7am I was sitting on top of the world!! (as far as I was concerned).

A new friend said I would probably get fourteener fever?? , and he is probably right. I now have plans to climb Bierstadt and Mt Evans in a few weeks. I can't wait for all that God has in mind for me from today to my last days on earth!!!!

Verses: Isaiah 55: 12-13 Micah 4: 1-5 Luke 6: 12-26

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Research all Options"

Now comes the time to commit and make a choice. Do we learn a new language? Do we learn to water ski?, Rollerblade, build a bird house or what?

We could just decide to improve on an existing skill we have. I could really use a computer keyboard lesson, or two! or three or .........! I still hunt and peck. My sister and my children look like world class keyboarders!

Once again I am led back to God. What would be of most value to God and be his desire for me? Often I am not real clear on what that may be?

Right now I may be in my friends term" Nesting". I know that lots more is to come and God will place me, teach me. encourage me and lead me where to go and what to do.

I will just continue to hone my present skills and passions. I trust God will use my skills and talents to be of service to him.

Verses: Eph 4: 10-16 2Tim 4: 1-8 2Peter 3: 17-18

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Every athlete knows that to get good at something training will be necessary. I remember a little league ball player about 10-12 years old. He wanted so badly to be good at baseball. He didn't always have a partner to practice with. He would throw the ball at an old shed and retrieve it as it bounced back. Hours would pass as he did this.

That is how we can improve even if we are limited in our resources. Perseverance is often the best way to success!

The trial comes in the amount of time we will have to devote to have success. I once heard a speaker comment that it takes twenty years to get proficient at any thing. That is kind of scary when you consider that a child grows to and adult in 18. We can all rest assured that with God at our side, success is possible in all we do including raising children!!

Verses: James 1: 12 Heb 5: 11-14 Heb 12 : 7-13