Tuesday, May 31, 2011

"Simple Pleasures"

Saturday we attended Denver Day of Rock. Lots of bands perform for free to help raise money for kids. It's a pretty cool way to experience new and local bands. The music is varied both in quality and content.

One very small girl maybe 2-3 years old was there and oblivious to the music. She was all consumed by a rather worn yet loved baby doll and her makeshift tea towel blanket. One of her goals during the concert was to convince a small boy to play with her and the doll. He recognized her enthusiasm and soon joined her in her play.

They thought their moms were taking them to a music event. Little did they know they would make a new friend that day. Both the mom's and children found a simple pleasure in a cool overcast Denver Day of Rock! Thank you God for all the simple pleasures in life!

Verses: 1Cor 10: 31-33 Romans 15: 2 Luke 10: 29-37

Monday, May 30, 2011

"Home Sweet Home"

My family is presently awaiting a permanent home. We live in a rental house and it is Ok, but doesn't feel completely like home. Rules about decorating, yard requirements, parking etc.. are too restricting to us.

We think we have found the perfect house for all of us. We pray and hope God leads us there! Maybe God has a different plan? Not knowing is an awkward place to be. Like all things in life God will eventually resolve this area of our lives.

Many an address has been "home sweet home" to my family. Each has had it's own special appeal and memories to cherish. The next one remains a mystery but I am confident that it has many memories and experiences for us to enjoy! Praise God for our homes no matter where they may be!

Verses: Psalm 84 2 Cor 2: 14-17 Heb 12: 28-29

Friday, May 27, 2011

"Let the Spinnin wheel Spin"

Whenever we are in between places we think we ought to be it feels like there is a missing piece. How are we supposed to know the future? That is Gods' exclusive privilege!

All we can do is have faith and know God is in control. This does not always follow our plan and our desire. We can always look back and recognize Gods' hand in so many areas of our lives.

The Earth spins at a constant and God determined rate. Our lives are also following a cycle and a rhythm. In our lives it may seem less consistent but nonetheless it is following Gods' design.

" Let the spinnin wheel spin", and " be amazed", at all our lives will experience. Thank God for our blessings and successes! Thank God for being all knowing and all powerful.!

Verses: Eph 1: 11-12 Matt 6: 25 Phillipians 4: 19-20

Thursday, May 26, 2011

"Ride A Painted Pony"

I can't imagine anyone that hasn't at some time or other been on a Merry-Go-Round. My mind conjures up a picture of a mom or dad and them holding their child while the carousel goes around. The smile that brings to ones' face is usually pretty intense.

I believe quite a few of us have also ridden a small pony at one time or another. I know of numerous fairs that also offer pony rides. There is something about horses and ponies that we humans are drawn to. The choppy yet rhythmic ride of a pony is like no other experience.

God in his infinite wisdom and vision has created an animal that serves and provides man with so much versatility. It is interesting how the sizes of man and human are so compatible. The spirit of a horse gives him desire to run and yet be a devoted and everlasting friend to man. Praise God for such an awesome gift to both man and horse!

Verses: Psalm 104: 24 Gen 1: 24-27

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"Talkin bout Your Troubles it's a Cryin sin"

Who out there doesn't face some kind of hardship or struggle? From the poorest to the richest, we all have our troubles. God sure is a good sounding board for all we face in our lives.

How many of us thank God when we have a hardship to overcome? The bible tells us to give thanks in all circumstances. At the Middle Schools version of graduation yesterday, the principal encouraged the students with a thought. He said all we do in life boils down to one thing, "Attitude"! I have heard this said before but it makes perfect sense.

It's not the circumstances of our lives that matter, it's how we deal with them. The idea is you can't change many things but you can change your response to them. Having a more God like attitude will serve us well ,all through life.

Verses: 1 Thess 5: 16-18 1 Peter 4: 1-11 Hebrews 4: 12-13

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"Spinnin Wheels Gotta Go Round"

I guess I could refer to a bicycle wheel from that phrase. That would seem to be to easy. I also can apply that to non wheeled parts of our lives. The expression" On a Roll" comes to mind.

Right now we are trying to get on a roll in my house. With all the changes we have experienced lately that seems like quite a task. So many new and uncharted waters have to be crossed. I am sure we are making progress, yet there are still more bridges to cross.

As in all of our lives whether we can feel it or not our lives "Gotta Go Round". The proverbial circle of life is ongoing and ever changing. All the small parts add up to the biggest parts of life. Our comfort and salvation come from God! Even the Earth is a "spinnin wheel" in its own right. God has the power and vision to provide our present and future days!

Verses: Prov 15: 24 Romans 11: 33-36 1Tim 6: 17-21

Monday, May 23, 2011

"What Goes Up Must Come Down"

Never is this more true than when gravity overcomes our best efforts. Every small child has experienced the effect of up , which is followed by down they go! The trouble comes when the down is out of control.

I suppose the pain after the fall is more emotional than physical. If the person falling has worked hard to get up the down can effect their ego. The physical pain may only be temporary and pale in comparison to the feeling of failure,

Often though the down part is expected and not taken as failure. Look at the Wright Bros, they were able to go up and even though that was followed by a down they were pleased! Pioneers like them have many ups and downs to overcome.

God has and always will encourage us to go up and soar as we can. God also will comfort us after, if we should fall! Verses: Isaiah 49: 16 Psalm 119: 153-160 Eph 1: 3-10

Friday, May 20, 2011

"Final Thoughts"

Enough weird analogies of cars, people, anger, insecurities and all such nonsense. Where do we go from here? I have no quick and solid answer. My suggestion is that we all relax a little and allow life to be a little less stressful. A few minutes of time lost is not a life changing event. A less than pristine paint job or unpolished chrome probably won't ruin our reputation.

Maybe a walk to the library, or ice cream store might be a nice change. Maybe the dusty bicycle or skateboard or hiking shoes can be taken out for a little spin?

Jesus walked on Earth many years ago. Oh I believe he did ride a donkey too! What better way to meet and greet our fellow man than in a slower and more natural mode of moving. Jesus also walked on water out to the boat. Maybe a sail across the lake might be fun. Praise God for mans intellect to build and desire so many things. Praise God too for the simplest and yet most fulfilling of things: Life, Love, Laughter, Living and Listening! Amen!

Verses: John 12: 12- 15 Tim 3:7 Mark 6: 45-52 Matt 6: 19-21 1Tim 6: 17-19

Thursday, May 19, 2011

"Expression of the People"

So my unscientific conclusion is that the people are expressing themselves through their various vehicles. The idiom of making up for some perceived deficiency in any one of us is more than just a garage mans joke! Bigger tires, more chrome, added on bling, all are trying to be expressive. Graphic paint jobs to loud exhaust to excessive chrome, all try to define us through our rides.

Even the driving doo-dads are as individual as each person. Cell phone chargers, aux inputs, DVD players, a flower vase(OH come on NOW)!, beaded seat covers, the list is exhaustive. But we all are guilty of some form of expression in our cars and trucks and scooters!

Maybe part of the explanation is our desire to be unique and individual as we can be? Maybe we want to fit in society and be like so many others? In any and all cases it is an interesting human condition.

Verses John 6: 55 Col 2: 17 Isaiah 40: 31

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

"What is Happening?, Exactly?"

If a car or truck goes by me and accelerates what is the motivation? Not all cars passing by me seem to have a need to speed up. Some just pass by and disappear into the distance. Others act as though my presence has negatively affected them.

These cars have to stop eventually and get more fuel. Shouldn't they be angry at that interruption in their travel? I don't need the same fuel stops but have a limit to how much energy I have. I actually am glad to stop and rest and refuel!

Maybe it is the perceived importance of each person out there traveling? Emergency vehicles seem to be necessary and required to go faster and make up vital time. An arrogant police officer that speeds for no other reason than that they can is hard to validate.

I wonder if they all realize how much they missed along the way or the destruction they leave behind? Praise God that we are alive and living in such a beautiful place!!

Verses: Matt 23: 23 Php 1: 18 Matt 5: 41-42

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"Inanimate or Not?"

Are our own mechanical inventions a blessing to us or not? Do all the motorized vehicles out there make our lives better? Are these cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc devoid of any emotion?

Maybe they are a medium for us to express human traits: anger, fear, anxiety, happiness? If we use the very things we invented to make our lives better to express ourselves too, what is really happening here?

I am convinced that I am better off without a motorized vehicle. Gas sure isn't cheap! Maintenance gets more and more expensive! The cliche: " What do you own or does your stuff own you?" Car payments, insurance, and the like add to the cost of our lives.

Now I have to admit my career relies wholly on motorized vehicle maintenance and repair! Touche!! you say! The proof of a vehicle having life is elusive but they do show signs of life!

One final thought: Any where is walkable if you have enough time!

Verses: Psalm 30: 5 1 Peter 5: 7 Isaiah 41: 10 Rom 15: 13

Monday, May 16, 2011

"Why So Angry"

I have come to this strange yet seemingly true conclusion. I have walked or biked a lot in the last few years and have seen a lot My latest observation is that there are cars out there that are angry!

These inanimate objects are screaming by me at times with great fury. I am unsure if the operator or the car is more at fault. One thought is that the driver is angry and is taking it out on the car? The other thought is that the car is tired of being taken advantage of and is rebelling!

All of this is a conundrum to me. There are definitely various levels of anger in all these cars passing by. I am still trying to figure out the source of all that anger. There is a lesson here: Maybe we should be less in a hurry and less quick to anger at such small things in our lives!!

Verses: James 1: 19-21 Ex 34: 6 Prov 29: 11

Saturday, May 14, 2011

"Weeks End"

I guess this day(Friday, I was unable to post Fri am so this is Sat am), is the end of our week. Some would be a little concerned as this is also "Fri the 13th" I am unaffected by that fact.

I usually am pretty stoked that we are much closer to the weekend days. A little break from our usual routine and demands seem like a blessing to all. I also look forward to time with my family and experiences we will all have.

I believe my week has been fairly productive and am satisfied with all that has been accomplished. Some weeks are better than others. There is no magic formula, we just have to trust God! In all of our lives there is comfort in that knowledge.

God will guide us through and carry us along each and every week. Praise is all Gods' and his presence and glory is all powerful.

Verses: Rev 4: 11 1Pet 4: 11 John 14: 1-4

Thursday, May 12, 2011

"Getting Weak"

After a time we may all feel we are getting weaker. When we have to put out lots of energy to do something it may drain our energy reserves. Both mentally and physically can this weakness be felt.

One of the weakest times I felt was climbing Longs Peak. Towards the top you have to climb over all these large rocks. Getting to the top of each one took some effort. I suppose the elevation of 13000+ feet didn't help matters either!

I would take a rest between climbs over each one and realized how weak I was feeling. Determination and pace kept me going, and I eventually was able to reach the summit!

God gives us power when we are weak and determination to accomplish our goals, It also opens our minds to our human existence and limitations.

Verses: 2 Cor 12: 7-10 Isaiah 41: 10 Romans 8: 26-27

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


My brother always refereed to today as "Hump Day". I guess we all need to get over the hump of the week. Some weeks have bigger humps than others. Some mid-weeks are just a bump in the road.

At least we are blessed with the days it took to get to this mid-week place. Looking back I pray and hope there have been successes! Looking forward I am confident that much more can be accomplished.

I used to attend a church that had a mid-week service. They would have a potluck dinner and then some music and a teaching in the sanctuary. It was a nice mid-week way to refresh and refuel our minds and souls.

I suppose that at mid-week we all could use some inspiration and encouragement from God. We should just take a little more time to pray and commune with God, I am sure God would love to have that time with all of us!

Verses 1Th 5: 16-18 Psalm 86: 5-7 James 5: 13-16

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


The Mon-Fri routine is pretty stable here in our home. There is some room for flexibility but mostly revolves around our kids and their stuff and dinner , household chores and responsibilities.
No matter what though I am always impressed by the surprises that often pop up. Sometimes it is a recognition of something new and exciting. I suppose the greatest of all is who it is spent with! Time and time in the past I may have spent some weekdays alone. God was always there but other humans maybe not as much so.
Nowadays I find myself surrounded by wonderful and comforting family, lover and friends! Life has a full and complete feel to it and that is very rewarding!
Verses: Psalm 68: 6 1Tim 5: 3-8

Monday, May 9, 2011


I sure do look forward to the weekends and time off of our weekly schedule. Getting up at 4:30 am and working 10+ hour shifts are pretty much the norm all week long for the adults in our house.

Laying in bed on Saturday morning and hearing the birds and seeing the sun come up is a pleasant change in the morning ritual. I like that often our schedule on weekends is pretty loose. We have made and do occasionally have plans that require a start time but not always.

Exploring this great planet is a passion and drive for me. There is so much uncharted land and areas to see. Sometimes going back to a familiar place is just as rewarding as the first time. I look forward to many more weekends to come. One of our highlights is attending church and the church family that is there also. Praise God for all our weekends!

Verses: Dt 5; 12 Isaiah 6: 3 Psalm 51: 10-12 Mt 24: 30

Friday, May 6, 2011

"Half Way"

Being that I plan on living to 100, I am about half way there! Doesn't seem like it's been all that long. I hope in the first half that I have learned most of the hard lessons. Maybe the next half is even more of a lesson in life?

My goal is based on health and a desire to experience a full and interesting life. There are so many things I have accomplished, yet so many I have yet to do.

God willing, I will be here for many more years to come. If God should take me home sooner than so be it! All I know is that through it all I have been loved, loved others, cried , laughed and known God! That for me is enough to sustain me from here on out.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

"Spring has Sprung"

After a long dreary winter we are all ready for spring. It never ceases to amaze me how we all need and desire warmer temps and greener landscapes. Gods' design of seasons and the transfer of one to another seems very appropriate to human nature.

Winter has its' own beauty and majesty but, spring allows the world to come alive and be refreshed. I think people look forward to hot summer days and warm gentle breezes on their faces.

A renewing of the earth also renews our spirits and attitudes. Some favorite activities only really seem to work in the warmer spring/summer months. I am sure that God has his creation and all its' needs figured out! The seasons just keep it all in balance and inspire us all.

Verses: Psalm 19: 1-2 Job 37 : 14-18 Eccl 3: 11

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"Broken or Not"

I am always amazed at how difficult it can be to determine what is broken? Symptoms that are abnormal indicate something is wrong. The trick is to determine if it is broken or not? Maybe it has just changed internally and now acts in a different way?

Maybe there is an actual physical or mental malfunction? Also there is another thing to consider, does it even need or want to be fixed? If it is still performs OK and is functional, maybe it should be left alone? These questions are not always easy to answer.

In our lives things change and life twists and turns. Sometimes the healing and repair comes from time and experience. Other times we may need help but it would seem that our first step would be to ask and accept it. Pray: God: be with us and help us through all our brokenness.

Verses: Isaiah 61: 1 Psalm 147: 3-6 1Peter 2: 23-25

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"Mamma Said"

Ever have a day of seemingly unending "OOPS" ? Momma said there would be days like these! Jesus says you will have trials and tribulations also.

Not that an entire day could be filled with problems. More like parts of it seem to be a little more chaotic than others. I suppose at these times we all need to stop and take a breath. Life is screaming past and throwing us a few curve balls.

Mamma was also right in that we should look for the rainbow in the sky. She also took us on these ridiculous hikes over many a hill looking for wild strawberries! We did have fun though( and I think we ate all the strawberries before we got home).

If we are going to have days that test us we will also have days that inspire, lift and fill us with joy and peace. Thank you God for all of our days!

Verses: James 1: 2-4 Matt 6: 34 John 16: 33 Song: " My Mamma Said" by The Shirelles

Monday, May 2, 2011

"The Group Decides"

How many times have we been in a situation that all can't agree on our next move? We may not all be in the same place of our lives. We may feel differently about the next move.

When we are faced with a decision that affects others what do we do? I suppose it becomes a question of maturity and grace. Our choices are to choose for our own desire or consider the rest of those involved. A compromise could be an option also.

A mature and caring leader has to consider the least of all they are with. I don't mean least as in value but least as in ability or preparedness. Then a decision is made and all are protected and safely lead to the groups destination.

God has been like this in our lives we just are not always aware of how often he has adjusted to allow us grace and a safe way home.!! Verses James 5: 7-12 John 3: 16-21