Saturday, July 25, 2009

Living For?

All of us are alive today and living for what? Each of our lives has some purpose even if we can't see what it is. Moms and Dads are essential to their childrens success. As we get older we have other oppurtunities to be of worth to others. Our lives are a gift from God. I hope and pray that I am being and doing what God wants of me? Maybe we should all ask ourselves, What am I living for? Then listen to God and live for him. Verses: Romans 12: 1-2 Romans 14: 7-8

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Paul was wise; ultimately, each of us must answer to God, not to each other! From a book I am currently reading: "The freest people are those who act compassionately, not compulsively". GB
