Tuesday, May 19, 2009

"End or Beginning?"

The question I am pondering is, after a large party of people have come together, then they part is it over or only beginning? Everytime we reconnect only to part again we feel a sense of loss? However we also feel a sense of deeper connection. The truth may be that we are really beginning a new chapter. The last chapter is filled with awesome memories and some even awkward moments. Now we find that there was even more love and care we can spread. When Jesus was here,man was introduced to God in the flesh, after his departure,We were the new novelists' writing this book. Lets' all do our best to make this a best seller!! Verses: Eph : 5 1-2 John 1: 1-5


  1. Great analogy - hope you don't mind if I use it! Have a great day! God bless!

  2. Cool dad! I like writing stories! *wink*
