Nothing is worse than an unquenchable thrist. When you are out of water and your mouth is dry it seems unbearable. If we planned better and were more prepared we may not be this parched. Hind-sight is 20/20, but it doesn't fill the water bottle!
Where do we turn to now? We may be desperate enough to try the stream. Some say it will make you sick? What if the only water is the salty ocean? That would only make matters worse if we drank from there!
Our choices may be limited and we may be required to trod on and suffer the consequences. We may find a source of safe drinking water. We may rest and then feel renewed and revived!
When our thirst is for God, he has the capacity that is never empty. His love and comfort for us surpasses all we know. Thank God for the drink and rest he provides for each of us every day. We pray: God, quench those who are thirsty and give rest to those who are tired.
Verses: Isaiah 40: 28-31 Isaiah 55: 1-2 Rev 22: 17
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