Our picture of all that is in this world is quite different at 10-20 miles per hour than at 60-70 mph!
Every time I am cruising along on my bicycle I feel at ease and complete. The modern bicycle is a wonderful invention indeed! The whir of gears and the sound of tires on pavement is very comforting.The mechanics to operate are something like 98% efficient.
I am sure God is pleased at human desire to be their own source of power. I am also sure God is amazed at the many forms of transportation man has developed.
Our ability to think and do is a great and awesome gift from God. The fact that often the most rewarding ways are often the simpliest.
Jets and Rockets and modern cars are pretty spectactular, but biking up a mountain canyon can be more rewarding at times!!
Verses: Philippians 2: 1-11 Joshua 1: 1-9 Psalm 118
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