What if you have it all and it all just disappears? You could blame God? You could actually thank God!! Gods' purpose is far bigger than any of us understand.
Isn't the time we most turn to God, the worst of times? Oddly we often want God to bail us out of a bad situation. We could do better to thank and praise God for our good situations.
In the midst of a turn for the worse, God often puts guardian angels in our path. We may not even be aware enough to notice them at first? Sometimes we need time to completely grasp the impact of our situation. Then we may realize that there were Gods' hands and feet and voice there all along. Someone(s), has been helping us through a difficult time. Praise God, for his love and support when we are down and out!!
Verses: 1Ch 16: 8-12 Prov 3: 5-10 Job 1: 13-22
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