Some of these mountains are extremely difficult to climb!! The rocks and crags leading up are unstable and steep.
Some may decide to go back down. Some may plod on in pure determination. Others may stop, pray, and trust God to help them up. " If it were easy everyone would be doing it", kind of a cliche but it's true. It also makes any particular climb yours and yours alone. You may not be alone but you will be experiencing a new personal achievement.!!
I am always amazed at how steep the trail actually was. I am more aware of this fact on the way back down. I believe our vantage point going up is quite a bit shorter. Coming down we see all that we had to scale to get up there. Thank God for giving us strength and determination to climb all the mountains in life. Thank God for also giving us actual mountains to climb if we so desire!! Verses: Mark 11: 22-26 Philip 4: 4-9 Psalm 37: 23-24
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