Last year my leg was broken in a motorcycle accident. My tibia was cracked and I was on crutches so that it could heal. That was a very humbling and soul searching time for me. I did however discover kayaking!!
I purchased a used kayak in late October 2009. I couldn't wait until summer to hit the lakes! I have a pretty strong bike riding passion, so trying to squeeze in the kayak can be difficult. I have been on the water a dozen times or so this summer. I am so soothed and calmed by waters' very nature.
Floating out on the lake allows a special time to hear and talk with God. Mabe I should be out there more or maybe God uses that very special time to be with just me!! Either way I am glad to be with God and all his awesome creation!! Verses: 1Cor 15: 51-58 John 6: 35-40
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