We probably all remember swinging on a playground swing! When was the last time you actually did it? I would guess it was enjoyable at the time?
I wonder why some things seem to get forgotten and not visited again? I haven't roller bladed in over a. year. No particular reason, just I am too busy with other things.
I went to a talk by a world class running coach. The last time I ran was in July at our towns Rhythm on the River. I left her talk with a new urge to start running again and build up that ability again.
I also haven't done sound for the church since late May. I miss the mission, the music and the people. I hope that God leads me to a new group and fills that void for me. Pray: God, You have filled all of us with passions to enjoy: allow us to rediscover old ones all over again and once again remember how much we loved them!!
Verses: Psalm 68: 3-6 Prov 15: 13-19 James 5: 13-16
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