I live for summer!! I love the lazy, hot days, and seemilngly endless activities available. There is hardly a day that doesn't offer more oppurtunities than can possibly be enjoyed.
Minimal clothing required , and sun and heat to bask in! I also love it when God has me on fire and my feeling of acomplishment is high. I want to be of value and be where God wants me to be.
I look back on a time where I felt I was in a different season and longed for summer. God knows I needed a balance of all seasons to be of value to his kingdom. And like the earth he brought me to summer when I was ready. Praise God for being the creator and king of the universe! All of it is perfectly run by the only one that can. FFT No matter what season we find ourselves in, all of them offer some thing God wants us to experience. Verses: 1Peter 3: 8-12 1 Cor 15: 50-58 Psalm 50: 1-6
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