What does the world look like to a blind person? All of their inputs are from different sources. They know what a lot of things sound like. They also know what certain things smell like. They also know the particular feel of certain objects.
Every sunrise and sunset are God given and uniquely different. Try and explain or describe them to anyone. Pretty much near impossible to do so. Try and remember what last nights sunset looked like. Even when we see them, time after time, our memories still have a hard time on the last one.
Maybe those that have lost their sight are taking in so much more of everything else that we are missing out on?? Still to have that gift to see and experience all of Gods' creation is pretty special and inspiring. God: Thanks for our sight and the infinite things to see!!!! Verses: Isaiah 6: 8-13 John 9: 1-12 Hebrews 11: 1-3
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