I once attended a Wednesday night worship practice group. We always opened with prayer and then the leader prepared a lesson for all of us. He was quite talented in a lot of ways.
One of the lessons I was most impacted by was the one he did on seasons. Seasons of our faith and how we experience them. I guess up to that point I had not really thought much about our faith going in and out of season?
His interpretation was quite helpful. I will do my best to reflect the main ideas in his teachings. As a sign off he always ended with "Food For Thought". I will plagiarize that this week. FFT- what season are any of us in right now??
Verses: Gal 6: 6-10 Eccl 3:1-8 2Tim 4: 1-8
in my personal life, I'd have to say summer. My marriage is great and growing stronger every day with lots of "Son"-shine and love abounding all around. It's my favorite season and it's wonderful to be experiencing it in my marriage.