Ever been touched by another person? Of course, and depending on their approach it can be a rewarding experience. The wrong approach can put us on the defense. The right approach can make us feel accepted and loved.
Ever been touched by someone with out physical contact? How about God? How about Jesus? Haven't we all been touched by our own creator and felt his love and care?
Sometimes just knowing someone needs a hug or pat on the back is God's way of touching all of us. The wind on our faces can be God touching and reaching out to us.
Every time a small child reaches out and expects their hand to be held, they are trusting the other to take care of them. Aren't we all reaching out to one another and asking for love and care? God: Show us ways we can touch and impact their lives all around us. Verses: Luke 24: 36-49 Mark 9: 13-16 Matt 9: 18-26
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