I have come to this strange yet seemingly true conclusion. I have walked or biked a lot in the last few years and have seen a lot My latest observation is that there are cars out there that are angry!
These inanimate objects are screaming by me at times with great fury. I am unsure if the operator or the car is more at fault. One thought is that the driver is angry and is taking it out on the car? The other thought is that the car is tired of being taken advantage of and is rebelling!
All of this is a conundrum to me. There are definitely various levels of anger in all these cars passing by. I am still trying to figure out the source of all that anger. There is a lesson here: Maybe we should be less in a hurry and less quick to anger at such small things in our lives!!
Verses: James 1: 19-21 Ex 34: 6 Prov 29: 11
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