Are our own mechanical inventions a blessing to us or not? Do all the motorized vehicles out there make our lives better? Are these cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc devoid of any emotion?
Maybe they are a medium for us to express human traits: anger, fear, anxiety, happiness? If we use the very things we invented to make our lives better to express ourselves too, what is really happening here?
I am convinced that I am better off without a motorized vehicle. Gas sure isn't cheap! Maintenance gets more and more expensive! The cliche: " What do you own or does your stuff own you?" Car payments, insurance, and the like add to the cost of our lives.
Now I have to admit my career relies wholly on motorized vehicle maintenance and repair! Touche!! you say! The proof of a vehicle having life is elusive but they do show signs of life!
One final thought: Any where is walkable if you have enough time!
Verses: Psalm 30: 5 1 Peter 5: 7 Isaiah 41: 10 Rom 15: 13
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