Enough weird analogies of cars, people, anger, insecurities and all such nonsense. Where do we go from here? I have no quick and solid answer. My suggestion is that we all relax a little and allow life to be a little less stressful. A few minutes of time lost is not a life changing event. A less than pristine paint job or unpolished chrome probably won't ruin our reputation.
Maybe a walk to the library, or ice cream store might be a nice change. Maybe the dusty bicycle or skateboard or hiking shoes can be taken out for a little spin?
Jesus walked on Earth many years ago. Oh I believe he did ride a donkey too! What better way to meet and greet our fellow man than in a slower and more natural mode of moving. Jesus also walked on water out to the boat. Maybe a sail across the lake might be fun. Praise God for mans intellect to build and desire so many things. Praise God too for the simplest and yet most fulfilling of things: Life, Love, Laughter, Living and Listening! Amen!
Verses: John 12: 12- 15 Tim 3:7 Mark 6: 45-52 Matt 6: 19-21 1Tim 6: 17-19
Sounds good; I think especially right now, we all need a little "play time," to go out there and do something with just our bodies and the Lord. Nice post Dad! I love the Lego picture too! :)