I recently realized my life is about half over. I have this goal to live to be 100. I may not make it that far but then again maybe I will?
I don't think it is ti lofty a goal. After all modern medicine is quite amazing. My families main health weak point is the heart. I hope I am caring for mine and keeping it healthy!
No matter what the outcome I still believe that we get a relatively short life span. It probably is best given that our bodies do wear out. Old age is inevitable for all of us. The cliche your only as old as you feel is my motto too!
While I am still living in this body, on this planet, and where I am at, I want to live a life well lived. I want to continue to explore this world both by geography and education.
Pray God: You gave us all life. Lead us to live it to our absolute best. Life is short but we have a great place to go when it's over, with you Lord! Amen
Verses: Ex 20: 12 Acts 17: 24-28 Philemon 1: 4-7
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