I am unsure if I will be awarded for my undying prayer life. I do believe that prayer is more than just me asking, celebrating, or thanking God.
I feel prayerful when I am appreciating the love God has for all of us. I feel prayerful when those I love are taken care of. I really feel prayerful when I am singing and worshipping God. Maybe a better description of prayer is any time we feel a connection to God.
A quiet time to pray and listen is also hugely important. We need quiet time to hear and speak to God. Life can be stressful but Gods' presence gives us peace.
Prayer: God, you are our source of life and living well. God, encourage all of us to listen, hear, and live life's that praise and glorify you. In all we say and do, and in our worship we should honor God and his precepts.
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