I hope I don't get into trouble for using that line? Seems like a good place to start. What better subject than food. We all get hungry and we all love food. God designed us to need nourishment and God wants us to enjoy what we eat.
There are a lot of options that are less than desirable. There are a lot of very wonderful and healthy ones though. I personally am blessed or ? with a sweet tooth. I love pies, cakes, candies, breads and the like. Fortunately I also like bananas, grapes, strawberries, apples etc. A good hearty meal of meat, potatoes and vegetables is hard to beat.
It is the one social and necessary act we can all share in. Nobody really likes to eat alone, do they? Conversation and interaction at our meals draws us closer together and fills our minds and our stomachs. Thank you God, for all the wonderful foods you have provided for all of us.
Verses: Psalm 107: 1-9 Matt 25: 35 1 Cor 10: 31-46
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