Friday, December 31, 2010


My latest trips have been to Phoenix, Az. There is a story there that I would love to tell. I have known this awesome woman for about five years. I was out to visit her in March and we had a great week eating, talking, sharing thoughts and ideas. I left there to return to Colorado knowing I had a great friendship with a great person.

Now, I don't know what God has planned for me always. I do trust that God will take care of me and provide all I need. This latest turn of events was a welcome and awesome blessing. I called my friend in Phoenix and during our convesation became keenly aware that we could be much more than friends.

I am a firm believer in Gods' timing and through a lot of junk I sorted out this last summer I was ready for a new beginning. She is the exact God, gifted person for me! I am so excited that we are together and will be with each other to live and share life!! Praise God!

Verse: Song of songs 4 (all)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

"Durango Colorado"

Labor day weekend and I found myself touring Colorado on my motorcycle along with my son and my two daughters. We toured from home to Montrose Co, and spent the weekend exploring some awesome countryside. One of our stops was where a year earlier I had hit a deer on the very same motorcycle we were riding. My tibia was broken but by the grace of God all else was fine.

I just love that area of Colorado. Come to think of it I love all of Colorado!! Being with my three children and sharing that time was memories for a lifetime. The weather was awesome and the scenery beautiful.

I praise and thank God for safe and pleasant travel. I also praise and thank God for the vast and varying landscape he has provided for all of us. I also praise God for my awesome and wonderful children and their spirit and love they have.

Verses: Isaiah 52 : 7 2 Peter 1: 16-18 Dt 10: 12- 22

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

"Austin, Texas"

I was also able to visit some old friends in Texas. Some of our friends are from past relationships. It seems a shame to lose them because of life changes. My daughters mother had such a relationship with an X- boyfriends grandmother. They were friends long after the boyfriend was gone from her life.

My favorite all time mom in Austin is named Pat. She is a great testament to what a good and faithful mom, grandma, neighbor, friend should be. If ever there was a woman who honors and glorifies God in her actions and words, Pat would be it.

Other friends there are also good to me and my visit with them. They treated me with love and respect and great conversations. Sometimes our greatest lessons come from teenagers and their pure innocent views on life. Michael had that quality.

Pray: God, thank you for all the experiences of life! There is so much to look forward to and so much we have already seen. Friends , family, and, neighbors are all equally important to our time on earth. Verses: Gal 5: 22-26 2Peter 1: 3-11 1Thes 5: 12-24

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


June found me driving to Pennsylvania. Being that I spent 35 years there it is always nice to go back when I can. A large part of my family live there. My parents were facing health issues and I was glad to be able to visit them!

God in his infinite power and wisdom got me there, got them healing, and left us all with good memories! A new baby, an old friend, a favorite eating place, my parents farms, a dew covered grass, plenty of humidity,great people, all were there.

My daughters and I got to explore Pittsburgh and actually saw the Pirates beat the Giants. We rode roller coasters at Kennywood Park all day long. We did an enormous amount of driving but cherish the time we had together!

I absolutely love Colorado and think God designed it just for me. I am glad that my children and I are all native Pennsylvanians. We have such blessings in both places. Thank you God, for all the places you have put in our hearts!!

Verses: Ex 20: 12 Det 5: 16 Matt 15: 4 Eph 6: 1-4

Monday, December 27, 2010


Spring Break 2010 found me in Arizona. I really like it there especially in March and April when it is 80 degrees. The cactus and palm trees are amazing to me. They have close to a perpetual summer all year round. The residents there tell me that the middle of summer is brutally hot.

My visit was with some great people I know and think the world of ! They allowed me to be a part of their family for a week. We grilled and ate together and did cool family things. It was nice to become a part of their daily lives.

I got around by bicycle while they went to school and work. Let me just say that by bike you see a whole different scene than any other way. It's slow enough to take it all in but fast enough to cover a lot of ground.

My experience there was awesome and I thank God for great people like them! It also was to be life changing for me although at the time I didn't know that. Verses: John 15: 9-17 Prov 27: 10 Prov 17: 17

Friday, December 24, 2010

"This Baby"

This is a pretty spectacular day for all of us Most of all if you have kids you know how excited they get with Christmas this close. What and why we are celebrating sometimes gets lost in the excitement.

This baby that was born so many years ago was the baby of all babies!! Jesus came and the world would change forever. We all are today saved by his sacrifice and love.

Baby Jesus came to this world like any other baby, from his mother.The difference is how he started out. God allowed Mary to carry his only son, Jesus. God himself came to us in his son Jesus How cool is That!!!

Christmas is a celebration of that day. Christmas is also a celebration of that day. Christmas is also a celebration of those we love. It is a time to share in our love for others and of course, Jesus. In the very act of loving others we spread the very essence of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.. This baby came and our lives are now supremely blessed because of that!

Verses: Luke2: 8-14 John 1: 35-42 Luke 1: 39-45 Song: Stephen Curtis Chapmans, "This Baby"

Thursday, December 23, 2010


No greater sound can be heard than the sound of our babies. Small children are just larger babies. Their laughter and talk is unique to them only. Any parent can be taken back in time when they hear the chatter of kids at play.

All of us would have been at one time a baby. For some that may have been a long time ago. For others not so long ago at all. I think we all keep a small part of that with us. Just because we are grown doesn't mean we don't require love and care from others.

Dads and Moms alike, often call their grown children "Baby". Maybe we just want to keep them at that wonderful and awesome age. Or more likely we just know that there is still that wonderful child inside each of us. Praise God for babies and the most wonderful gift they are!!

Verses: Isaiah 49: 15-18 John 16: 21-24 1Peter 1: 3-9

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Eat Pray "Love"

Love has been written about for many generations. Everyone has their own interpretation of what love is. My own has changed over time. I believe that it is the one thing we all can relate to and experience.

What we perceive as love in our lives may vary among us all. The core of love is basic and pure. Love for our children is unconditional and a continuous one. Love for others can be more complicated.

To truly love one another requires us to be unselfish and open minded. Any amount of ulterior motives will not encourage true type love to emerge. We can only experience the purest of loves' depth when we are loving another person.

God is love, and God can help us to find and live life with wonderful and loving persons! What an awesome and powerful gift from God!!!

Verses: Amos 5: 14-15 Matt 22: 34-40 Col 3: 18-20

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Eat "Pray" Love

I am unsure if I will be awarded for my undying prayer life. I do believe that prayer is more than just me asking, celebrating, or thanking God.

I feel prayerful when I am appreciating the love God has for all of us. I feel prayerful when those I love are taken care of. I really feel prayerful when I am singing and worshipping God. Maybe a better description of prayer is any time we feel a connection to God.

A quiet time to pray and listen is also hugely important. We need quiet time to hear and speak to God. Life can be stressful but Gods' presence gives us peace.

Prayer: God, you are our source of life and living well. God, encourage all of us to listen, hear, and live life's that praise and glorify you. In all we say and do, and in our worship we should honor God and his precepts.

"Eat" Pray Love

I hope I don't get into trouble for using that line? Seems like a good place to start. What better subject than food. We all get hungry and we all love food. God designed us to need nourishment and God wants us to enjoy what we eat.

There are a lot of options that are less than desirable. There are a lot of very wonderful and healthy ones though. I personally am blessed or ? with a sweet tooth. I love pies, cakes, candies, breads and the like. Fortunately I also like bananas, grapes, strawberries, apples etc. A good hearty meal of meat, potatoes and vegetables is hard to beat.

It is the one social and necessary act we can all share in. Nobody really likes to eat alone, do they? Conversation and interaction at our meals draws us closer together and fills our minds and our stomachs. Thank you God, for all the wonderful foods you have provided for all of us.

Verses: Psalm 107: 1-9 Matt 25: 35 1 Cor 10: 31-46

Friday, December 17, 2010

"Learn from Others"

Life is a constant and varying journey. Everyone in it offers a life lesson. Anyone I have met and got to know has somehow enlightened and taught me. God created us all, so all of us can get a better glimpse of God when we spend time with others. My favorite and closest friend is filling me up with so much of God.

She is my answer to prayers and has a depth of soul equal to the deepest oceans. She may be only one of Gods" created but she has touched my heart! God touched my heart many years ago and life has never been the same!

I have been extremely blessed and oh so grateful for all my friends, family, and my love. God knows what best I need and God is great at filling my life up with so many. My head, heart, and soul are constantly being fueled with their involvement in my life.

I continue to learn and grow and am excited about all that will come in my future. My excitement for each and every day God gives me couldn't be better! I am glad God has brought me this far and to this place in my life.

Verses: 2 Tim 2: 1-7 Isaiah 1: 17 Phil 4: 10-20

Thursday, December 16, 2010

"Be a Role Model"

My kids think I am a goof ball. I guess they thought their dad would be this serious, straight laced figure of strength and stability. Instead they get this older version of themselves!

I have given them a distinct and thorough set of expectations for their lives. Rules that are good for their development and character. Some were early on to keep them safe and respectable. As they age some have been slackened up somewhat.

How I treat them and others provides a ground work for their lives. How I live my life does affect them tremendously. My beliefs or lack of them, is also hugely important.

They all know I love and trust God. They all know I would never harm them in any way. They know that I have deep respect for this planet and all God has put on it. They know that they are loved and will always have me as their dad. Whether I am a goof ball or a scholar I can't say? I would rather be a little goofy though and enjoy every day!!

Verses: Eph 6: 1-4 2 Tim 2: 22-26 Gal 5: 16-18

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"Care for Others"

What should all of us do to have fulfilling and productive lives? Most wont accomplish world renowned acheivements. Most of us will have to concentrate at a more personal level.

My experience has been that we get the most satisfaction from serving those we love. I have no greater reward than to know my kids are safe, smart, sincere, and living well.

Families are sometimes scattered about. It is harder to maintain relationships but every bit as important. We can continue to be involved in their lives as well as they in ours. Traveling to see each other and be with family keeps relationships going strong.

All of our days have certain built in schedules. We can make sure we make time to be with those we love. All of our relationships need time to prosper and grow.

A life filled with others close to us is a great way to live and live well!! Adding friends and neighbors just is like icing on the cake!!

Verses: John 21: 15-19 1 Corin 12: 21-26 1 Peter 5: 1-4

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"Living life Well"

Each day has a beginning and an end. At the end it is nice to say, " That was a good day". The requirements for that to happen are not all that strict.

One of my favorite memories was almost always on a Saturday. After a pleasant day of task doing and hanging out with my kids, a great ending would come. I would sit on the porch and rest for a bit. While I was doing that I would listen to the sounds around me. First I may hear my kids laughing and playing. Then I might hear a lawnmower or hedge trimmer running. Then a car would drive by and maybe a plane would fly over.

At those times I would realize that the sounds of a lazy Saturday afternoon are some of the best sounds I know!! Life never felt so good!! Those were and are great days. No vocation or experience in an exotic location can surpass those days. That is living life and living it well!

Thank you God, for the simplest yet most rewarding days of our lives. Verses: Luke 17: 11-19 Mark 5: 21-34 Matt 9: 12-13

Monday, December 13, 2010

"Life is short"

I recently realized my life is about half over. I have this goal to live to be 100. I may not make it that far but then again maybe I will?

I don't think it is ti lofty a goal. After all modern medicine is quite amazing. My families main health weak point is the heart. I hope I am caring for mine and keeping it healthy!

No matter what the outcome I still believe that we get a relatively short life span. It probably is best given that our bodies do wear out. Old age is inevitable for all of us. The cliche your only as old as you feel is my motto too!

While I am still living in this body, on this planet, and where I am at, I want to live a life well lived. I want to continue to explore this world both by geography and education.

Pray God: You gave us all life. Lead us to live it to our absolute best. Life is short but we have a great place to go when it's over, with you Lord! Amen

Verses: Ex 20: 12 Acts 17: 24-28 Philemon 1: 4-7

Friday, December 10, 2010


All of us are bombarded by healthy promises. Better food, better health care, better life styles. All around us are others encouraging us to be healthier.

Spiritual health is not always one single definition. If we are in church every Sunday as a requirement of life we miss the point. If we say and do all the right things only to feel otherwise we are hypocritical. Others can tell us what is right and what is wrong but that is their opinion. Health comes from balance in what we eat, expend, believe and act on.

Physical health requires a discipline to eat and treat our bodies with respect. The net return is a better and likely longer life. Spiritual health is from our relationship with God and our sincerity of our beliefs. The net result is eternity! So many choices and so much pressure in our lives. The best approach revolves around love and respect for God and his principles.

Verses: Prov 3: 7-10 Prov 15: 29-33 Mark 2: 13-17

Thursday, December 9, 2010


I suppose there are all kinds of ideas out there on how to be satisfied. None are completely correct. Having anything or all things is no guarantee of being satisfied.

Satisfaction comes from a deeper understanding of self, God and others. I am more often satisfied when I am doing something for others. My expectations are simple and few. God entered my life many years ago and has brought me great satisfaction. Being healthy and able to do the things I love is very satisfying.

As time ticks by I only can pray and be confident that God will always fill me up with the things he knows I need. My own choices are best when I weigh them by Gods' standards. Prayer: God knows our needs and desires, God is and always will be our best source of satisfaction! Amen Verses: Isaiah 55(all) John 10: 7-18 1Peter 4: 1-11

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

"No Limit"

I made a cool discovery at an art fair last weekend. There seems to be no limit to what can be thought up. Even nuts and bolts and scraps make pretty cool art. The people attending are like a moving art pictorial.

I believe that all our inspiration comes from God. Artists draw from God his awesome and beautiful depth and make it into art. Man may be here a long time but there is no limit to what can be accomplished. God is and always will be the ultimate artist!! We can only create a part of his majesty.

Music, prints, paints, crafts, sculptures are just some ways we try and imitate God. Nobody can reach Gods' awesome ability but we all can sure be inspired and encouraged by it all.

Verses Hebrews 1(all) Phil 4: 8-9

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


What bookmarks do you use in your reading life? I have numerous ones to choose from. Sometimes it is part of a utility bill we have folded up. One of my favorites is one my daughter made for me. Another is a bible verse a good friend of mine wrote down and gave to me.

I believe that the fact that some are with us for many years is a great testament to us all. Sometimes we aren't even aware that they are there until we stop and check them out.

A new favorite one was just handed to me!! Sometimes a slip of paper folded with a kind word becomes a bookmark we will cherish for life.

Life is filled with bookmarks foe us to find our place. Milestones could be a form of bookmark. A specific time we remember is also a bookmark for us to cherish. There is a bookmark in my bible that changes its' location but takes me on awesome and God filled journeys!! Verses: Job 1: 1-5 Psalm 1(all) Prov 16: 1-9

Monday, December 6, 2010


Airplanes have this great ability to introducing us to people we would never know otherwise. The relationship may only be for a few hours but could make a difference in our lives. Maybe we share an experience with each other and grow in our understanding of people. Maybe as I personally experienced recently, they were interested in a book I was reading.

The book is one of my favorite reads every Christmas season. It is called "The Glory Of Christmas". Not even sure where I got it from but I do enjoy reading it every year! It has a great ability to open our eyes as what Christmas is really about. Sharing it with another person just seems very appropriate.

The power of God is so much more apparent when we share something with another person.

It also has blessed me with a new recognition of how important that is to all of us. I look forward to the shared "flying" experiences yet to come!!

Verses Isaiah 6: 3 1 Cor 10: 31-33 John 1 6-14

Friday, December 3, 2010

"Messy Cleanups'

I have been on many industrial type cleanups because of my career. You get to the site and realize it is going to be a while before the job is finished. You also realize that no matter how thorough you clean up a spill some thing is left behind. A certain amount of impact always happens(Gulf spill, Valdez, main street gasoline spill, etc).

Not so different in our personal messes. My experiences have been varied and everywhere from major to minor. I am glad that God was my strength throughout my cleanups. I am also glad God has used me to provide strength for others during their cleanups.

Prayer: God: life, work, home relationships, can all get messy. We can only trust that you God will provide us with so many tools to clean them up. Like most tools, they will need our help to accomplish our goals. Thank-you God for all we need in life to purge and clean our messes!! Amen

Verses: Matt 23: 25 Psalm 24: 1-6 John 15: 1-8

Thursday, December 2, 2010

"Messy People"

I may be writing this about my son? That may be a little harsh? He is a great person and a great son! He is a little bit messy, but then so am I.

I have been involved in so many ministries but my all time favorite is called C.R. It stands for Celebrate Recovery. It meets at 7p.m. every Friday night at a Loveland Co. church. All the people attending this special service are recovering from some kind of addiction. Their lives have been pretty messy. They themselves are probably messy people. Their hearts are what I admire most!

All of them are trying to take their lives and dig out from so many messes. It is a life long commitment and struggle. Where does their strength come from? God puts all the other people in their lives to be there for them. Cleaning up messes always is better with lots of help!

Verses: Isaiah 51: 1-6 Prov 1: 8-19 2Corinth 5 : 1-10

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"Messy Relationships"

I suppose anyone over the age of ????? has had some messy relationships. If not then I am glad for them. The rest of us will have to accept that all of our relationships have not been perfect. Some have possibly been down right messy!!

It is pretty easy to realize that we may be caught up in a relationship that is way too messy. Relationships that are healthy have the ability to grow and prosper. Messy ones might be more draining and taxing in our lives. It is even more difficult when the person involved is also a close relative. Our family members have the closest connection to us and therefore can affect us most.

I know that what I have the power to do is through God. I have the responsibility and desire to be a positive impact in others' lives. There is no other gift greater that I can give then to serve and honor God in all I say and do. All of us can better live to provide healthy relationships and reduce the messy ones.

Verses: 1Tim 3: 1-16 Jos 2: 2-5 Eph 6: 1-9