I visited a dear and womderful friend a few weeks ago. I was amazed at how clean and organized her new home was. She had only been there a few months and had it all looking pretty nice!
We on the other hand, had lived in our new house for twice as long. Our house still had boxes lying around and clutter and a sense of not quite done,ie, messy!! Not that there is some standard we all must live up to but more that we can always do better in our lives.
This last weekend I decided to improve our situation and straighten it up and put stuff away and organize it all. Now our home feels inviting and clean more homey!! All because of someone elses home that felt just right to me.
Messy homes are like the natural environment we live all live in. We could all do better to clean out some of the mess and fill it up with its' natural beauty. Pray: God, help us all to look at the clutter in our lives and put things in their proper places. Guide us in what is important ans what needs to be discarded.
Verses: Matt 12: 43-45 Psalm24(all) 2 Kings 20: 1-11
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