Every therapist in the world is at some point trying to explain this to someone. Look in the mirror, step on the scale, mess something up and try and say "I love myself"?
Easy to say harder to actually do.! Teenagers struggle with image, character, self worth, sex, choices......... and loving themselves. Do we mature and grow out of those issues? Probably never completely. Ask any sufferer of depression what their thoughts are revolving around.
God is able to forgive us in all the things we do. We could do well to do the same. Forgive ourselves, forgive others, and allow us to love us. It's all our attempt to become more and more like God. In Gods' eyes we are all his perfect and wholly lovable creation. We all could try to see ourselves as God sees us and love what we are!! Pray God, for those struggling, we pray your power of love to them and for them. Amen
Verses: 2 Thes 2: 16-17 1 Thes 5: 12-15 Psalm 18(all)
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