Here is an interesting concept. We as humans use our younger healthier years to try and accumulate our wealth. We then use our wealth in our later years trying to improve our health.
I personally like the idea of living to our fullest now and working till the end of our lives. Our limits of what we can do as elderly is an issue. Our brains however should be sharp enough throughout our lives. Physical ability is the direct result of the care we give our bodies and of course genetics.
There is a certain amount of our careers that is important to our financial and mental health. The trick is not to become obsessed with power, money, prestige etc... Taking a day off to spend with your loved one should be a priority. Taking time to be with God is also extremely important. Those with children are a huge part of their kids lives. Their kids need them interacting together. Bottom line; Live and love with balance, and God leading!!
Verses: Eccl 5: 8-20 Prov 3: 7-10 Mark 10: 7-31
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