Letter to the Goddard Family
After a tragedy of young human death we all wonder why??? There seems to be no good answer as to why they had to leave so soon. Those left behind are shell shocked, saddened, and miss that person terribly.
As humans we have this God given desire to live. We want rich, full, and rewarding lives. Our desire to accomplish this is what allows us to continue on. Even in time of great stress we realize our human need to survive. Without that inner drive there would be no human race!
Our desire to live and succeed may cloud a very real and significant purpose. God wants us home with him. We want to go be with God, but are not sure of when we should do that? We all realize that in order to be with our maker, we leave family here behind. Kind of a Catch 22!
If we knew for sure what, when, where, and how our loved ones would join us we may be more eager to go. There is no way to know when any of that will happen. Only God knows!!!
I have a theory of life with God: (Recently Nathan was taken home to God). The funeral service reminded us of Nathans’ love for water. He was an avid swimmer, fisherman, boater, and if water was involved he was there.)
In all things we do we strive to be better at them. With lots of practice and patience we generally do improve. There are moments in our lives that we reap the benefits of our perseverance. A song sung perfectly is the goal but not always met. A vacation day that seems to never ends and is filled with joy. Even a weekend of sun and fun and perfect weather, these are what we strive for and live for. The reality of life is not that euphoric.
I believe in heaven that Nathan is fishing in lakes and streams that have a never ending catch. I also believe he is swimming in water and never tires or aches. He is riding along safely without any chance of danger or harm coming to him. We all will be so glad when we are also there and can share it with others. Eventually we will all be together again under the love and eternal strength of our Father, God.
I look forward to bike rides that I never tire on; I look forward to singing worship songs in perfect key and accompaniment. I want to climb the highest mountains and be totally safe and not cold!!! And I want eternal time to spend with those I love and that love me. I don’t know when this will all happen, but I believe it will in Gods’ time!! Praise God!!
After a tragedy of young human death we all wonder why??? There seems to be no good answer as to why they had to leave so soon. Those left behind are shell shocked, saddened, and miss that person terribly.
As humans we have this God given desire to live. We want rich, full, and rewarding lives. Our desire to accomplish this is what allows us to continue on. Even in time of great stress we realize our human need to survive. Without that inner drive there would be no human race!
Our desire to live and succeed may cloud a very real and significant purpose. God wants us home with him. We want to go be with God, but are not sure of when we should do that? We all realize that in order to be with our maker, we leave family here behind. Kind of a Catch 22!
If we knew for sure what, when, where, and how our loved ones would join us we may be more eager to go. There is no way to know when any of that will happen. Only God knows!!!
I have a theory of life with God: (Recently Nathan was taken home to God). The funeral service reminded us of Nathans’ love for water. He was an avid swimmer, fisherman, boater, and if water was involved he was there.)
In all things we do we strive to be better at them. With lots of practice and patience we generally do improve. There are moments in our lives that we reap the benefits of our perseverance. A song sung perfectly is the goal but not always met. A vacation day that seems to never ends and is filled with joy. Even a weekend of sun and fun and perfect weather, these are what we strive for and live for. The reality of life is not that euphoric.
I believe in heaven that Nathan is fishing in lakes and streams that have a never ending catch. I also believe he is swimming in water and never tires or aches. He is riding along safely without any chance of danger or harm coming to him. We all will be so glad when we are also there and can share it with others. Eventually we will all be together again under the love and eternal strength of our Father, God.
I look forward to bike rides that I never tire on; I look forward to singing worship songs in perfect key and accompaniment. I want to climb the highest mountains and be totally safe and not cold!!! And I want eternal time to spend with those I love and that love me. I don’t know when this will all happen, but I believe it will in Gods’ time!! Praise God!!
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