Why are we so afraid of quiet? With cell phones beeping,ear buds in our ears, traffic, tv's going, it's a pretty noisy world! Just stop what you're doing and listen, maybe where you are is quiet? Maybe it's noisy like so many others?
My job is in a shop where it is usually noisy. Yet when I first get to work it is quiet. The first thing I do is turn on the radio's. I can't always hear the songs over all the other noises. I still for some reason need that noise playing all day.
I was all alone sitting at 14000 feet on top of a mountain. Usually it is pretty windy and cold there. This particular day it was beautiful, sunny, windless, and so quiet!! I didn't want to leave!
Later two other hikers came up by me and asked how it was up there. I could only comment: "Absolutely Serene".
Quiet does seem to allow more of God into our lives. Quiet is where God can find us and be with us alone. Take some quiet time and spend it with God. Verses: 1 Thess 4: 11 Zep 3: 17 Psalm 23(all)
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