Quite the amazing song, I would like to say!! Also quite the gift from God. Grace is beyond any human understanding. Gods grace is all encompassing and complete. Our grace to others, always less so.
Grace is defined in many ways, but my favorite is unwarranted forgiveness and acceptance. That is an amazing, God and only God redemption.
Forgiveness that is complete is hard to accomplish. We can say we forgive and then build resentment. That would be counter to true forgiveness. Our human frailty is that we can't reach Gods' level in any of our choices.
Our goal has to be to improve ourselves to be more God like. We can also accept that we area work in progress! The " journey is the story, not the destination". Pray God: We want to do, be, and act in all the right ways. Encourage and guide us all. Verses: Romans 3: 21-31 Ecl 2: 1-10 Titus 2: 11-15
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