Friday, October 29, 2010

"A Maze of Life"

I am just thrilled that life is complicated and never complete.We get filled with experience and growth every day! The teachers idiom is that we learn something every day. The smallest of successes and failures are important for our continued growth.

Some things seem pretty ordinary but I believe there is always something new and unique. The simplest sunrise or sunset can set the stage for us. A rainbow has the power to lift us and awe us too!

Getting lost can open up more doors and sights than we could have imagined. Just stopping our routine and acknowledging some one can change the course of our days. All those we have met and will meet add something to our lives. Some will be more substantial than others, but all are meant to show us just a little more of the face of God!! Each of us is a picture of Gods' creation and greater world around us!!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

"A.G.I., Assume Good Intentions"

I attended a class and if all I got out of it was this, then I am satisfied! It is so easy to take the defense or be skeptical. It is more mature and rewarding if we allow this to be our thinking. Generally most people are not out to hurt, cheat, or mistreat anyone else. Their approach may seem that way but it is usually our own interpretation.
The classic cinema movie will show our stereo-type thinking. A black man running from a crime scene is automatically guilty!! An attempt to honestly help someone else is taken as an unwelcome advance. There is something to be said about being careful. We should be aware of the dangers in this world. We can be more compassionate and accepting of others and their intentions. Pray, God: All of us could use a little more of your unfailing and all encompassing love!! A.G.I. Amazing God Incarnate
Verses: Col 3: 12-14 Heb 10: 19-25 Psalm 20(all)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

"Amazing Grace"

Quite the amazing song, I would like to say!! Also quite the gift from God. Grace is beyond any human understanding. Gods grace is all encompassing and complete. Our grace to others, always less so.

Grace is defined in many ways, but my favorite is unwarranted forgiveness and acceptance. That is an amazing, God and only God redemption.

Forgiveness that is complete is hard to accomplish. We can say we forgive and then build resentment. That would be counter to true forgiveness. Our human frailty is that we can't reach Gods' level in any of our choices.

Our goal has to be to improve ourselves to be more God like. We can also accept that we area work in progress! The " journey is the story, not the destination". Pray God: We want to do, be, and act in all the right ways. Encourage and guide us all. Verses: Romans 3: 21-31 Ecl 2: 1-10 Titus 2: 11-15

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"Amaze Others"

If you are one of those who won the spelling "bee" you have amazed others. If you have held a distraught friend or family member in a time of great stress, you have comforted them with your strength. I have been amazed countless times by the power and impact a song can have on me!

Often just being gentle, loving, caring, and genuinely concerned is an amazing act of kindness. All of our lives are intertwined with each of us lifting up all those we know. Some I will admit may try to tear us down or demean us. It then is up to the rest of us to uplift and support others.

A good life's' goal is to grow in our faith and become more and more like Jesus. He was the most amazing of all men!!! Jesus sets the bar and the rest of us will have to aspire to be more like him. Verses: 1Cor 12: 25-26 Ex 33: 12-23 Psalm 146: 9

Monday, October 25, 2010

"Be Amazed"

If we look back on all the times we have been amazed, what were they? First and foremost for me was getting to know God!! All else in life is never as amazing as that.

If you witness the last seconds half court basket-ball shot to win the game you're going to be amazed! Witness the birth of your child and amazed takes on a whole new meaning!! My favorite and all time amazing times are looking out over Gods' creation from one of many summits.

Every day has potential for us to be awed and amazed. God has amazing love, creation, and fills us with amazing experiences. Every day there is something that will shine through! Pray God: thanks for being an amazing God and filling our lives with amazing things, people, places, and experiences!! Amen! Verses: Job 25: 1-6 Daniel 9: 4 Job 37: 21-24

Friday, October 22, 2010


This is a word I am hesitant to define. I see beauty in all things. The poets say beauty is beyond description. The bible says beauty of humans is fleeting. I personally see enormous beauty in wood. I just love how each piece is unique and has its own particular beauty.

Even in the movie" Beauty and the Beast" who is more beautiful? Sunrises and sunsets are both at times beautiful. Mountains and streams and lakes and oceans are all beautiful.

The best description of beauty though is in each and every one of us. To God, all his children are beautiful. Pablo Casals puts it this way: "You are are marvel! You are unique and one of a kind"!! How beautiful is that!

Beauty from within is more precious than anything else we possess. Others can sense it and be lifted up and encouraged by that inner beauty.

Pray, God: Thank you for making us all beautiful and allow us to share and acknowledge all the beauty you have created. Verses: 1 Peter 3: 2-7 Prov 31: 30 Isaiah 52: 7

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Why are we so afraid of quiet? With cell phones beeping,ear buds in our ears, traffic, tv's going, it's a pretty noisy world! Just stop what you're doing and listen, maybe where you are is quiet? Maybe it's noisy like so many others?

My job is in a shop where it is usually noisy. Yet when I first get to work it is quiet. The first thing I do is turn on the radio's. I can't always hear the songs over all the other noises. I still for some reason need that noise playing all day.

I was all alone sitting at 14000 feet on top of a mountain. Usually it is pretty windy and cold there. This particular day it was beautiful, sunny, windless, and so quiet!! I didn't want to leave!

Later two other hikers came up by me and asked how it was up there. I could only comment: "Absolutely Serene".

Quiet does seem to allow more of God into our lives. Quiet is where God can find us and be with us alone. Take some quiet time and spend it with God. Verses: 1 Thess 4: 11 Zep 3: 17 Psalm 23(all)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"Mountain Tops" Still all Gods'" (mostly)

I guess I am obsessed by mountains! It seems everywhere I turn there they are. Maybe it is because I live so close to them? Maybe they call out to me to come and explore?

More likely I just am challenged to climb them and awed to be on top! I guess I could say I never met a mountain I didn't like! There is insight into why I love mountains. Each one is as unique and special as the next. Even seemingly lesser ones still have great character. The overall elevation is not a definition of splendor!!

The best part is the untouched by man factor. Other than a trail and maybe a few cairns to guide the way, it is all Gods design. Mountains are still just as God made them. Man has respectfully left the majority of mountains alone. I am completely convinced that God hangs out on mountain tops! After all it gives him a broad and all encompassing view of all he has created!!

Verses: Isaiah 52: 7 Isaiah 55: 12 Phil 4: 8

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"Uphills Hard, Downhills Harder"

I think I know this fact? I think I remember writing about it before? Oh well, must be important to come up again? Runners will tell you that their bodies suffer more going down hill than up. Kind of seems backwards, to climb a hill your heart and lungs are in full force. To come down would seem that gravity would take over.

The issue is the body. The impact and stress of downhill is more than uphill. Even though the energy needed may be less it tends to be more pain full.

In other areas of life this can also be true. Hard work and perseverance can propel us up and to seemingly high point in life. What happens when that changes? Layoffs, illness, bad choices, fate, all can change our position on the hill!

Now coming back down can be extremely hard. We need God and prayer and a new sense of who and what our lives are about. Probably like the runner we may need to slow down and avoid some of the pain! The hill will end and we will be running along easily again!

Verses: Psalm 42(all) 2 Cor 7: 6 Heb 12: 1-13

Monday, October 18, 2010

"Please People Don't"

I guess we could call this" Soap-box time"! Maybe we need more people to get up on their soap boxes and address real problems in this world.

Nothing seems to bother me as much as what some people do!!! Please people don't, leave your discards behind. I am so often aware of other peoples' trash and left over containers and such, everywhere I go. Please people don't, abuse this great land for what it is! Disrespect and no regard for nature and the land we live on is disheartening and discouraging. It really is not that difficult to take care of our own messes. Some larger ones may require a group effort.( Gulf oil Spill). Generally if we all are conscious and concerned we can reduce our impact on the Earth.

Lastly, Please people don't, take advantage of, abuse, or hurt one another! Treat all of mankind with love and respect, just as God would have us do!!

Verses: Lev 19 (all) 1 Peter 2: 17 1 Peter 3: 7

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Maybe our lives eventually need some pick-up. We just feel a desire to be alone and closer to God. Maybe for some it is easier than others? Maybe our stages of life will determine how much fuel we have? God may just want us to stop and listen with more clarity.

Any way it may be it still is important to when we need "refueled". I have an opportunity to be away and alone for the balance of the week, and look forward to hanging out with God!! Inspiration, reflection, and all kinds of possibilities exist. My experience can only broaden my outlook and mission in life. Pray: God wherever you lead us, we will find new growth. God, fuel each of us with Holy Spirit power and desire. God, hear our prayers and fill our hearts with you!! Verses: Luke 4: 1-14 Phil 1: 19-30 Phil 2: 1-18

Monday, October 11, 2010

"Change of Plans"

When we think we have it all figured out we may be in for a surprise. I am recently amazed at how many people I have met that, that is the case. From my blind friends to deaf ones, disabled ones, recovering from XYZ friends. Their lives are in a new mode. They may or may not be responsible for what happened but all definitely are getting their plans changed!!

Planning for the future has always been encouraged by many. We will all need provisions for retirement. We all can benefit from being prepared for aging bodies and shrinking income. The big picture is for God to know and us to see as it happens. But there are no guarantees of any kind. The only guarantee is to know God and have faith God will lead us home!!!

Pray: God, Life is precious and we all want to live well. God, we trust that no matter what plans are altered over the course of time, your plan stands firm!!!

Verses: Job 42: 1-3 Eph 1: 11-14 Hebrews 4 (all)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

"Thoughts for friends"

Letter to the Goddard Family
After a tragedy of young human death we all wonder why??? There seems to be no good answer as to why they had to leave so soon. Those left behind are shell shocked, saddened, and miss that person terribly.
As humans we have this God given desire to live. We want rich, full, and rewarding lives. Our desire to accomplish this is what allows us to continue on. Even in time of great stress we realize our human need to survive. Without that inner drive there would be no human race!
Our desire to live and succeed may cloud a very real and significant purpose. God wants us home with him. We want to go be with God, but are not sure of when we should do that? We all realize that in order to be with our maker, we leave family here behind. Kind of a Catch 22!
If we knew for sure what, when, where, and how our loved ones would join us we may be more eager to go. There is no way to know when any of that will happen. Only God knows!!!
I have a theory of life with God: (Recently Nathan was taken home to God). The funeral service reminded us of Nathans’ love for water. He was an avid swimmer, fisherman, boater, and if water was involved he was there.)
In all things we do we strive to be better at them. With lots of practice and patience we generally do improve. There are moments in our lives that we reap the benefits of our perseverance. A song sung perfectly is the goal but not always met. A vacation day that seems to never ends and is filled with joy. Even a weekend of sun and fun and perfect weather, these are what we strive for and live for. The reality of life is not that euphoric.
I believe in heaven that Nathan is fishing in lakes and streams that have a never ending catch. I also believe he is swimming in water and never tires or aches. He is riding along safely without any chance of danger or harm coming to him. We all will be so glad when we are also there and can share it with others. Eventually we will all be together again under the love and eternal strength of our Father, God.
I look forward to bike rides that I never tire on; I look forward to singing worship songs in perfect key and accompaniment. I want to climb the highest mountains and be totally safe and not cold!!! And I want eternal time to spend with those I love and that love me. I don’t know when this will all happen, but I believe it will in Gods’ time!! Praise God!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

"The Friend Zone"

My adult children coined this phrase! They have found that in their dating lives sometimes they only make it to "The Friend Zone". They would like it to go farther in the relationship but it takes two!! There is nothing wrong with this zone unless you desire it to be more.

I personally feel that the FZ is not so bad. At least then the complications of a relationship seem less so. Expectations are met easier. After all shouldn't we be friends first before any other connection can be made?

I hope to encourage my teenage daughters that the FZ is a good place to be. I hope and pray that they honor my request. I also know that our hearts can get in the way of our heads!!

Throughout it all I am confident God is there and wants what is best for all of us. Our job is to follow and obey God and allow him to guide our steps.

Verses: Eccl 7: 1-13 1Thes 4: 1-8 2Cor 7: 10-13

Thursday, October 7, 2010

"Sharing with Friends"

What and when do we share with friends? I usually am reluctant to share to much personal stuff with just anybody. My closest friends will get an earful if they ask.

I am more interested in sharing "Life" with friends. All that I love to do can be made more enjoyable when shared. Worshipping God in a group is empowering and uplifting. Praying as a group can also bring great healing and comfort.

Any activity I love to do(bike,hike walk, run, play), can take on a whole new meaning when shared with others. There is great satisfaction when we can be of help to others. All the world is better when we join hands and efforts together.

Gods' power can shine through the combined effort of many. Gods' essence is shown through love and care of others! Verses: Gal 6: 1-10 Prov 11: 16-17 Prov 12: 25-26 Prov 14: 21

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Maybe there is such a thing as too friendly? Maybe there is no such thing? Some people don't seem friendly at all. Some people just warm up slower than others.

Everywhere we go and everything we do are more enjoyable if we are with friendly people. Mostly I think we are drawn to others that seem friendly. We may discover that they are not as kind as we initially thought. We may find that they are a genuine friend!!

Sometimes people are maybe too friendly, and jeopardize the friendship. We all need a certain amount of space and alone time. Being smothered by someone can be tedious. Balance is a tough goal to achieve. Many married couples succeed at balance in their time with and without each other.

The world would definately be a better and nicer place if "friendly" was the rule and not the exception! Thanks God, for all the friends and their importance in our lives!!

Verses: Gal 5: 22-26 2Tim 2: 22-26 2Peter 1: 5-9

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"Being a Friend"

One of my best friends and I rarely see any more. Our friendship started over 3o years ago. We spent a lot or time together hanging out and exploring this world. Distance has separated us only in proximity to each other.

Ironically I can say that my first wife is still my friend 30+ years later! Once again I hardly ever see her but we still are friends. Some of my friends have moved away to never be seen or heard from again. Maybe their part in my life was only for a short time? Maybe we will one day be reunited?

Most of my newest friends are activity buffs. We will spend time exploring and experiencing Gods' awesome planet Earth!! Our ability to grow close and trust one another comes with time and experience, as all friendships do. Pray God, Show us how to be a valuable and trusted friend to all those in our lives!!

Verses: Prov 14: 21 John 15: 12-17 Mark 2: 1-12

Monday, October 4, 2010

"Finding Friends"

I set out on a quest recently. I believe that God doesn't want any of us to be alone. That is why there are so many people in this world.

In the past 8 years most of my friends have come from a church. Church, since my salvation, has been an important and vital part of my life. Church also has a potential to form many friendships.

All of those that have come and gone in my life have enlightened and inspired me. Some are still doing just that!! Jesus ministry went beyond just the "Churched".

I don't want to limit my friends to only those that know Jesus. Some may caution me to be outside of that group could be dangerous? I feel that my faith and walk with Jesus will guide me to new and impactful places and people. God: lead me to whom you would have me know and where I need to go. Verses: John 4: 7-30 Matt 8: 1-4 Matt 7: 1-5

Friday, October 1, 2010

"Where Does My Help Come From?"

There are many ways to find help. Often times some will turn to the wrong kind of help. Drugs, sex, alcohol, abuse, are sought after to bring relief. The problem is the help from these sources is only temporary. Once anyone has turned to these choices they only want more and more of it!!

The ability for seemingly harmless substances to take control of our lives is amazing! So many have fallen into this trap and so many more will fall soon.

The hard way down from the mountain has begun for some. They will crash hard at the bottom. Now they have to start anew and rebuild virtually everything they ever knew or had.

All programs designed to help these people also encourage a higher power. God is the only higher power! Accepting and embracing God is and only is the way to healing and growth. Thank God, because no records of wrongs are kept, only love and support to move ahead.

Verses: Psalm 121(all) Heb 13: 6 1Cor 13: 4-7