Ever look at someone close up? Probably you and your lover have had that experience many times. What we see is so much more than face value.
I once remember a face that intrigued me so much , I found myself wanting to see it better! Just looking at it wasn't sufficient. A thorough exploration seemed necessary. Haven't we all held a baby and just relished their wonderful chubby and adorable faces?
I know that if someone holds your face and speaks to you , It's hard not to pay attention to them. (ie Grandma). It's like we can focus better when we are face to face.
Is not the first thing we notice about someone else , their face? Doesn't it initially form our opinion of them? Isn't our first impression often times wrong? After we become more familiar with someone doesn't our perception of their face improve?
God: Thanks to you, our faces are something we share with others each and every day! Help us to be more unbiased and
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