I have recently ben bombarded with how important community is. Every person I have heard recently continues to make this point.
We were created by God to be in community with others. Sometimes it is only one person. Other times it is a group of people.
When we are connected to other people, we seem to function much better. Others too, can improve their outlook through each of us.
For many having a significant other in their lives is extremely important. The other person that we can lean on, trust, share with and find comfort in. Two people in this context are very often a powerful force!
Some may find great purpose and power in being part of a larger group too. I suppose the variables are much to much to list. Pray: God, open our eyes and hearts to the people you would have in our lives. Verses: Heb 13: 1-8 1Cor 7: 1-7 1Tim 5: 3-8 Eph 5: 22-33
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