Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"How it's Done"?

Any skill requires certain amount of information, training, concentration, and commitment.

Twenty years ago I started playing guitar and never got very proficient at it. I have changed my attitude for wanting to be the next Clapton!, to just enjoying worship with God. Now I am an average rhythm player who can visit God in songs we sing together.

My original goal has changed somewhat but the end result is very comforting and enjoyable for me. With that said, Three things come to light, Be patient, Be flexible, Let God guide you!

Maybe we think we are going to actually climb and mountain and God wants us to cross a great sea?! Pray : God we need and desire your path for us. Help encourage and direct us in whatever that is. Verses: Psalm 25: 4-5 Psalm 37: 23-24 Isaiah 58: 11-14

Monday, August 30, 2010

How to climb a Mountain"

This weeks goal is to climb a mountain. Now, I will not define what a mountain is, necessarily. Let's just assume a mountain is any goal we set for ourselves and would like to accomplish. Actually climbing a mountain could be one of these goals!

I look out my window and see the Rockie mountain range. I think wouldn't it be cool to climb one of the peaks? I also look at what skills I have, ,mechanic, wood-worker, biker, parent, friend, writer?. I then wonder what else can I do?

The last few sermons I have heard are instructing us to be active and impactful christians. I need a new focus, don't we all?

Prayer: God, what would you have any of us do to make more of a difference in this broken world? Help us to explore and discover what we can learn and experience to that objective goal. Verses: Isaiah 2: 2-3 Daniel 1: 17-20 Phil 3: 12-21

Friday, August 27, 2010

"Days Off"

Oh how I like days off!!! I grow weary of getting up at 4:45am and not just hanging out at home. Off to work I go 5+ days a week.

A day with no concern for time of day or where we are is a nice refreshing change. Refueling us and cleansing us of all the demands of life is what a day off can do.

I love exploring and finding out more about the world around me. There are more things to see and do than can possibly be done in a lifetime. I believe that just the State I live in offers more than I could ever experience in a lifetime! The world is expansive beyond any human comprehension.

Thank you Lord for our days off, and the awesome world you have created! Thank you for providing us with more possibilities than we can imagine. Help guide us to places and people you would have us know!

Verses: Matt 11-28 Isaiah 40: 31 Deut 5: 12

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Days in A Daze"

Whenever we face a major life change or event we can be quite lost in our own days/daze.

At any point in life we can be in a situation that is not desirable at all. Anyone that has been around divorce, death, injury, disease, disasters can attest to that.

Most of us have no idea the sheer impact of our days gone awry. We can read stories of human disaster, but unless we have experience with it, we are not able to understand the full depth of it.

My prayer is: God, somewhere someone is facing a day in a daze, I pray that the strength they need both from within and from others is there for them. God, use all of us to also be that help when and if we are ever needed!

Verses: Psalm 57 Prov 3: 23-35 Prov 17: 5 2Cor 2; 5-11

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"Bad Days"

As much as I hate to admit it, sometimes I have bad days. Maybe I'll replace that and call them "not so good days".

I usually don't like negative thinking or dwelling in a negative way. Sometimes though things are not quite as nice and smooth as we would like them to be.

On my good day it was 90 degrees sunny and pleasant!! I commented to my eldest daughter that it could stay like that every day. On second thought I told her that with out the change of seasons we probably would not appreciate the warm lazy summer days.

Not so good days have often been outside of my ability to do much about them. In these times I find myself very drawn to God through prayer. There is a lot of good in that! In our worst days we know that God is there with us no matter what.

Verses: 2Cor 4 : 16-18 2Peter 3: 8-9 Psalm 121 Song: "I lift my eyes up"

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"Good Days"

We all have had at least some really good days. Just last weekend , Saturday was one of mine.

I got some work done early in the morning for some friends of mine. I was glad to be of help. I also got my household chores done.( I am not that picky, just mostly wash clothes and stuff). Each of my daughters and I enjoyed a long motorcycle ride followed by icecream(Yum!!).

My eldest daughter and I biked to nearby Berthoud and had a Rootbeer float and pedaled home during a beautiful summer sunset!

Some potatoes and brats on the grill at 9pm was out of our ordinary meal time but nonetheless deliciious!

I then proceeded to win very comfortably at 500 Rummy with my two teen girls. (I don't often win anymore).

I would call that a very good day indeed!! Thank you God for all of our good Days!!

Verses: Luke 11: 2-4 Luke 6: 43-45 1Tim

Monday, August 23, 2010

"Regular Days"

Here we go again! Another beginning to another work week. We sure do a lot of working in our lives. All in all the days aren't that bad, they are always followed by Tuesday!

I like Monday mornings at my shop because I plan for all the work we want to get done. I also look at how well last weeks plans worked out. Sometimes we we are right on track, other times we seem to be going nowhere!

I am less and less bothered by obstacles that get in our way. As I get older I realize that obstacles are a part of our lives.

We also have accomplishments that we have done. The obstacles are just there to keep us thinking and growing. The successes are encouragement and fuel to go on each and every day.\

Pray: God, thanks for regular and not so regular days!

Verses: 2 Cor 6: 1-13 Psalm 118: 24-26 Prov 27: 1

Friday, August 20, 2010

Facing The Truth"

There is a famous line in a movie(A Few Good Men), "You can't handle the truth" !!!!!. How often is that the truth? Sometimes what we don't know is our greatest blessing. All the information available to us is not necessarily of value to any of us.

The truth is there is more than we can possibly digest. I am always troubled by stories of severe misuse of power over another person. I don't really want to know the truth of how awful humans can be. I am aware of it and pray it were otherwise.

My favorite concept is that if all the world believed and lived their lives fearing and following God, what a wonderful place this would be!!! The truth is people are lost and wander in confusion, fear, and anger.

Pray: God, help all of us to some how connect and encourage others to follow and know you more fully.

Verses: John 12: 25-26 Php 4: 8 Hebrews 10: 26-31 1John 1:

Thursday, August 19, 2010

"Face To Face"

Here is a scary proposition. When we come face to face with anyone or anything it can be intimidating. Facing a major decision in life can be a difficult time for any of us.

When our lives are needing change, we also can face our own fears. We believe we know our limits and our abilities. We may not be as confident about our potential.

So the question becomes; what do we follow; our head, our heart, or our fear and decide to just forget it?

I suggest we stand face to face with God. He is after all, all knowing. He created all we know and can help us to succeed in all we do. The answer may be different than we expect.

Pray: Have faith that father God will meet with us, guard us, and lead us through any and all of lifes challenges. Verses: Psalm 45(all) 1 Cor 13: 12 Luke 9: 28-36

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"See Anothers' Face"

Ever look at someone close up? Probably you and your lover have had that experience many times. What we see is so much more than face value.

I once remember a face that intrigued me so much , I found myself wanting to see it better! Just looking at it wasn't sufficient. A thorough exploration seemed necessary. Haven't we all held a baby and just relished their wonderful chubby and adorable faces?

I know that if someone holds your face and speaks to you , It's hard not to pay attention to them. (ie Grandma). It's like we can focus better when we are face to face.

Is not the first thing we notice about someone else , their face? Doesn't it initially form our opinion of them? Isn't our first impression often times wrong? After we become more familiar with someone doesn't our perception of their face improve?

God: Thanks to you, our faces are something we share with others each and every day! Help us to be more unbiased and

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"See our own Face"

Ever look in the mirror and think, "Who is That"? We may not always appear as we would like to. God made me to lose most of the hair on my head by age 25. I don't recall being all that upset by that fact.

People have commented or made it an object of conversation. I look at it as easy care for me! Maybe those that keep their hair, are actually less fortunate?

As we age I have noticed a definite change in our appearances. I am not sure if maybe God allows us to grow closer to his vision of us? We may think our youthful look is passing, but God may be elated that we finally look like his finished product!

My experience has been that it is what comes out of each of us, action, words, love, support that shows true beauty. Pray: God, thanks for giving us our faces to face the day each and every day! Verses: Gal 6: 4-10 1Sam 16: 7 John 7: 24 Gen 1: 27

Monday, August 16, 2010

"See Gods' Face"

The bible tells us that we can't see God face to face. There is no way a human could see God that way and not die doing so.

That leaves us with how do we see God? God shows up in so many different ways. Gods' face is represented all around us. Some ways are more obvious than others. Some are less apparent and require our willingness to see.

Numerous stories have told of how someone saw Jesus. After a time of deep stress and unrest there is Jesus standing and smiling or winking at us. When I first came to be a believer, Jesus ran beside me on my training runs. I needed his encouragement and presence.

God, and his creation are beyond description. His face will be ours to cherish and see upon entering heaven. I am sure we will be most amazed and comforted at finally being home!

Verses: Num 6: 24-26 Psalm 105: 1-7 1Peter 3: 10-12 Rev 1: 16

Friday, August 13, 2010

"Family 101"

I have throughout my life had many family units. None of them have been a picture of perfection. Each one though had it's positive and negative sides.

What I learned as a child may have been the most significant part. After all it sets the stage for the rest of our lives. Some of what I took with me is not stuff to be proud of. Some of what I learned has been a great advantage throughout my life.

I counted the various eras in my life and came up with at least 7-8, Wow!. I have fond memories of each of them. I also have memories of struggle and stress.

First and foremost, a lot of my fond memories are from my various church families. Each church family I have known have provided me with great blessings. I truly miss all of those I have known because of our shared love for God.

Verses: Romans 8: 31-39 1Cor 7: 28 2 Cor 1: 3-7 2 Cor 4: 16-18

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Of all the friends we have, who is the most important? Probably not always easy to answer that question. Hopefully married people can choose their spouse as their best friend.

What if you are single or have a better friend than your spouse? We all of course have a friend in Jesus.

Some of us today have many friends on our social page. Are these really your friends? Do we ever really know these people? Is the answer to have lots of friends or maybe a few really close friends?

In my life I count my 4 children as all being my friends. I am their father and should be a parent first and foremost. I like to think that throughout my days on earth, I will always be their friend too.

God, Thanks for friends: Guide us all to be a better friend and neighbor to all those you place in our lives. Verse: Prov 17: 17 Prov 18: 24 Prov

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"Someday, Why not now?"

Some Day? Why not now? We must all have caught ourselves saying someday- fill in the blank. We may feel we are are too busy or not qualified enough.

I think as we get older, we realize that someday is today. We don't know what we will have into the future.We only can focus on today.

I personally reach out to our Lord and Savior and ask what next? God, what is your ultimate and preferred plan for today?

The book is unwritten so far but the greatest author ever has the pen. All I know to do is keep from closing the book or writing my own chapters in it.

Maybe I am following along pretty close? Maybe I need to alter my course to be active in every chapter? God, please give our ears to hear it and eyes to see it.
Verses: Psalm 34: 8-15 John 4: 31-38 Heb 3: 12-15 Heb 13: 6-10 Song: "City on our knees"(Toby Mac)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"Our Plan- Gods' Plan"

How do we align our thinking with Gods' will? A recent sermon allowed some good ideas.

1) Look at our past choices and actions and make decisions that wont be a repeat of the same mistakes.

2) Look at our present needs, responsibilities, and situations and choose accordingly.

3) Look at our hopes and dreams for the future and act now on making them happen.

The bottom line seems to be: Get ourselves right with God, ourselves, all those that rely on us and choose to continue to be a positive impact.

All of our past experiences and history are what define us today.Concentrate on what we can do from here on forward to reduce the pitfalls and obstacles we face. God: help us to follow you more closely and be what you have planned for us to be.

Verses: Jude: 17-25 Romans 14: 13-18 Isaiah 8: 11-17

Monday, August 9, 2010


I have recently ben bombarded with how important community is. Every person I have heard recently continues to make this point.

We were created by God to be in community with others. Sometimes it is only one person. Other times it is a group of people.

When we are connected to other people, we seem to function much better. Others too, can improve their outlook through each of us.

For many having a significant other in their lives is extremely important. The other person that we can lean on, trust, share with and find comfort in. Two people in this context are very often a powerful force!

Some may find great purpose and power in being part of a larger group too. I suppose the variables are much to much to list. Pray: God, open our eyes and hearts to the people you would have in our lives. Verses: Heb 13: 1-8 1Cor 7: 1-7 1Tim 5: 3-8 Eph 5: 22-33

Friday, August 6, 2010

"Get To"

I heard a sermon about how we "Get To", fill in the blank! How often do we forget how true that is? We do "Get To" an awful lot. Every day there are numerous opportunities to do. The question then becomes, what do we do with them?

It's easy to let most of them slip away. It's harder to concentrate on making the most of every day. "Carpe Diem".

We also have opportunities to share with others. All the decisions we make for and about others will affect all our lives. While God has given us the various abilities and passions to do them,is our choice. Remember to thank God each and every day for the "Get To".

Verses: Acts 20: 32-35 Gal 5: 13-25 1Tim 4: 11-16

Thursday, August 5, 2010

"Stop, Listen, Receive"

In a world of craziness and unsure destiny, we all need to stop and pray. Our communication with God is vital to a life of true meaning.

Each time we take time to to talk and listen to God, we keep our bond strong! It is not a request line nor a complaint line. It is, and should be, a time to stop, listen, and convey our thoughts, concerns and thanks.

How God can use that time to fuel us and make us grow is and always will be a mystery. The feeling of hope and security comes from no other source. The result is a full and wonderfully satisfying life here and after. Thanks God for all you do for us! Verses: Prov 22: 17-21 1John 5: 13-15 James 1: 19-25

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"Find God Everywhere"

I wonder how many people have met God in a waterfall? How often is Gods' light seen in the rays of the sun? So many questions of the unexplainable yet so real places to meet God.

My personal favorite is near the mountaintop. Why would God be there? Why, because it is beautiful there. As a matter of fact God is everywhere, because it is beautiful to someone every place we go. That is the wonder of it all!! God can be and is everywhere he needs and wants to be. Our job is only to recognize him and be receptive to his presence. Our job is quite simple and pure. Gods' job is well beyond our grasp! Verses: 1John 3: 20 Psalm 145: 1-7 Mal 4: 1-6

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"Here today Gone tommorow"

Something happened that got me thinking. There was an accident on 17th street. The end result was a ladies life was taken away. She was 63 and a grandma to a 10 yr old.

Life as they knew all knew it, has now changed forever. No more time will be spent with this lady by those left behind. I can't stop wondering how many times they will stop and think of her?

The other part is what about her? She is no longer able to exist in this world. I hope and pray she has gone on to God! I have no way of knowing for sure or not. She does leave behind a certain amount of herself. Many people were somehow impacted by the things she said and did!

Verses: Eccl 7: 2 Psalm 56(all) 1 Cor 15: 50-58

Monday, August 2, 2010

"Old Self New Self"

Sometimes we just have to get to know each other again. When our time together has been limited, we may may need more time to reacquaint ourselves. The old person we knew is still in there and ready for us again. It is refreshing to feel the same as we always did all over again.

There is now new opportunity for us to grow and learn together. The very traits that attracted us are still there. We can now see and appreciate the depth of each of these relationships.

None of them happened without effort. Our desire to pursue and have any relationship, is a choice. God is the most important relationship we can have. We have to invest the time it takes to nurture and grow all of our relationships.

Verses: Romans 12: 1-8 Psalm 103: 1-5 2Cor 4: 13-18