I want to share a personal experience and Gods' protection in it. My girl friend, Dana, and I were touring the great state of Colorado last weekend. We wanted to do it on our motorcycle, and experience all of Gods wonder and awe!! The first two days were filled with a mix of sunshine, rain, wind, clouds, and blue skies! The sights were beyond description. We were truly blessed and excited to be able to do this trip.
We were in Durango Co. and needed to get to Montrose for our nights accommodations. The trip up the canyon was beautiful and getting cooler as we went up. We stopped at about 11000 feet to add warmer gear. We were now descending into Ouray Co. on a winding mtn pass. On a wooded stretch I saw the deer on the right shoulder and thought he was going into the woods away from us. At the last moment he sprinted right at us! My first thought was to keep him away from the bike as much as possible. I didn't have enough time, he hit my right leg, driving my knee into the fuel tank. The tank I later saw, had a baseball size dent in it. I could not feel my leg at this point and yelled to Dana to be ready to crash. We, by the grace of God were able to pull the bike off the road and park it.
Lessons learned: Avoid riding at night if at all possible. Wear protective gear and ride safely. Trust God to watch out for all of us. I think the deer may have died? I will heal and be ok because of Guardian Angels!
Thanks to all who helped and kept us safe in prayer, action, encouragement, support.
Verses:Psalm 91 9-13 Prov 18: 10
I am glad you are OK. I will pray for your quick recovery! As I read Psalm 91, I also came across the first verse of Psalm 97: The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad, let the distant shores rejoice! A good thought to start the day!! GB