Sunday, July 26, 2009

"Break, Busy, Balance "

My present lack of mobility has caused me to take a Break from my usual activities. Being Busy and doing lots of different things seems to be my normal operating mode. Now I suppose God can work on me to allow Balance in my life. I need a little of all three B's. I am not always good at keeping them in proper proportion. Pray: God show me and others how to live a Balanced life that includes Breaks with you, and Busy with what can be done for you God. Amen! Verses: 2 Th 3: 11 Titus 2: 1-15

1 comment:

  1. Be still and know that I am God.

    I've always liked this verse. Sometimes things happen that allow us to do this and it's usually unexpected. I'm praying for your healing and that during this time you'll be able to draw even closer to God. take care. love, sister Barb
