How many parents have said that? As soon as the kids are grown we can do this and that. How many have them wondered what to do after the kids have left?
Raising the kids is a fulfilling and rewarding life. It is also a lot of work! There is a fair share of struggle and strife. But the rewards are huge and everlasting. There is also an abundance of laughter, love and fun!!
We may even get grand children some day and relive some of our own children's milestones. If we are as fortunate as I have been, I have almost 30 years of raising kids. It is all I really have known. I still have lots to learn but sure have been blessed to be a dad all those years.
Praise God for our children whether they were born to us or came about as life and it's choices happened. "When they grow up" is an ongoing life experience. Being a family and loving each other and God is a life well lived!!
Verses: Ex 20: 12 Prov 13: 1 Eph 6: 1-4
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