Be it a play, a ball game, or a start of a new era, opening day is quite exciting. Anticipating a fantastic and awesome experience gives us fuel and hope.
The players are all set and ready to perform their various tasks. Some have practiced for years for a day like this. All want to do their best to have it all succeed
We can take credit for the outcome or we can also praise God for the outcome. Good or bad we can thank God for his presence. The bible says that if we ask for something in petition and prayer God will provide it for us if it is his will.
The curtain opens and the first pitch is thrown. The bride enters the church and all sit in awe of the event in front of them.
Life is full of many milestones and we are blessed to have them all! God fills our hearts and minds with so much to be thankful for. Verses: 1Chr 29: 10-13 1 Thess 5: 16-24 Luke 2: 8-14
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