We all have an idea of what strength is? Often times we think of it as a strong massive bulk. Gods' strength is so much more suttle. The strength we need or have may be anything but large or bulking. The bible tells us that we can find strength in our weakness.
Seems like quite the contradiction! Turning to God to give us strength is and always will be our best choice. His strength knows no limits! Verses: 2 Cor 12: 10 Php 4 : 13
Amen!! It is when I am most fearful that I turn to God! He often leads me where I do not want to go, but when I trust in my own judgement, I find it hard to commit myself to God and his plan for me. I will try so hard to trust the Lord and honor him as best I can, for I know he has promised to supply my needs. He has the power and wisdom I need to have victory in my struggles! I know God gives you strength and I pray you let God lead you!