Wednesday, April 28, 2010


All of us have heard the saying, "You have a friend in Jesus". We also have opportunity for many other friends. Each one has some life lesson to offer us.

Friends are great because they allow us to be just that, us! We can return the favor and allow them to be them. When we share the friend of Jesus with them our world is a better place to live. Amen!!!!

My vision is to be a friend, make a friend, and be available for friendship, just as Christ showed us. Our lives are all enhanced and our destiny more aligned with God.

Verses: Prov 17: 17 Prov 22; 11 Job 29


Daughters give me a vision of a softer more quiet relationship. That may not always be as true as I would like to believe! Just the word sends a different feeling in my soul.

Daughters in Christ are like brothers in Christ also. They have the same potential. Their impact can be by a different approach than their counterparts.

God made man and woman in his image for good reasons. The diversity of each allows for a much more rounded world. Men and women alike,benefit. Women are the feminine side of God personified. Praise God for all the beautiful women out there!! Verses: Gen 1: 26-31 2Cor 6: 16-18 Deut 4: 15-24

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I am particularly fond of calling all others brothers. After all they really are my brothers in Christ. We are all bound by Gods creation to be as brothers, to each other.

So many stories in the bible bring up the brothers and their lives. Sometimes the outcome is anything but pleasant! Any brother will remember a time when they wanted to do great harm to their fellow brother. But any brother will also tell of a time they would have died to save their brother!

We are all so blessed to be brothers with one another. Praise God, for making us the way that we are. Praise God, for giving us so many brothers!

Verses: Gen 4: 1-16 Gen 45: 1-15 Psalm 133

Monday, April 26, 2010


God sent his son to earth so that he could experience his creation. While we had this son(Jesus), we were to be enlightened for ever! Jesus came and went in a very short period of time.

His impact however, was beyond any ones' predictions. Today we are inspired by his story. We are awed at his ministry! And we are hopefully, driven to follow in his footsteps.

Our own sons have enormous potential also. Their impact on this world is unknown(by us), and yet quite possibly beyond our grasp. We praise God for the gifts of children and pray our sons' ( and daughters), will be a part of Gods' hands and feet!

Verses: Romans 8: 12-17 Gal 4: 1-7 Heb 12: 7-10

Friday, April 23, 2010


We all have an idea of what strength is? Often times we think of it as a strong massive bulk. Gods' strength is so much more suttle. The strength we need or have may be anything but large or bulking. The bible tells us that we can find strength in our weakness.
Seems like quite the contradiction! Turning to God to give us strength is and always will be our best choice. His strength knows no limits! Verses: 2 Cor 12: 10 Php 4 : 13

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I am blessed to have many sisters. Some may only get one, others may not get any? Some come from family, but some are acquaintances that fulfill a sisters' role.

All the various sisters I have whether related or not, offer so much insight into what being a sister means. Balance comes from each having their own personalities to offer me.

Sisters also can be best friends and form a tight and powerful bond. What a great gift from God to be best friends with a fellow human being!! Praise God for all the sisters in our lives. Verses: Gen 12: 10-20 James 2: 14-26

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


When I sit down to write ,I pray that God will open up my heart and my eyes. When it seems laborious, I know something is wrong. This devotion started out that way. So I decided to let it go and let God in! I figured what better Father to write about than our creator!

There is a great comfort and security in our father God. God is also a hard act to follow. None of us even come close. None of us should even try to measure up to God. All we can do is , listen, learn, grow, love, obey, and respect, God our Father and savior.

As for our earthly Fathers, they too can help us in those same areas. Praise to God for being and filling the need we have for Fathers, in so many ways! Verses: Ex 20: 12 Prov 23: 13-25 Prov 29(all)

Sunday, April 18, 2010


All of us come into this world via our mother. She has conceived and carried us to the day we are born. Each of us in truth , are a gift from God!

Our moms' are one of the people in our lives we most take for granted. From birth on they provide so much for us for so little thanks. They do it out of love, and there is no better reason than that.

Thanks goes out to all the mothers in our lives. Thanks goes out to God for allowing us to be alive! Thanks for a life filled with love, care, and comfort!!!

Verses: Gen 3: 20 Job 1: 20-21 Ecc 5: 8-20

Friday, April 16, 2010

"Got your fill? More to come still!"

There is no limit to God and his power. Even if we think we have seen it all, God will add again to that.

Gods' creation and the world we live in is so vast. We can never finish what God would have us do.We just shift and grow in different directions.

Never is the completeness of God ever fully experienced. We can only receive a small portion of the whole, but awesome power. How exciting to know there is so many possibilities available! Thanks God, for your vision and creation!!! Verses: Ecc 5: 1-7 Hebrews 12: 18-29 Psalm 145

Thursday, April 15, 2010

"Be still, Chill"

We need to listen to God with a little more patience. Stop all the rush and allow his word to dwell in all of us.
Our most enlightening moments can come from the calmest of times. The gateway for God to enter our minds is open and receptive.
We all have a certain way of success. God reaches out in so many ways. Allow God in, and our lives become much more impactful. Pray: God, be my guide, savior and father/mother in my life!!! Verses: John 19: 23-27 1Thes 5: 16-28 Ex 31: 12-17

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"Over the hill, Under the hill"?

It is a common phrase to call someone "Over the hill". The reference is usually about their age. It could also be about their abilities or usefulness.

The truth is all people have a beginning and an end. What we do in between defines us. Just maybe what is "Over the hill", may be quite the reward for a life well lived?

If we don't continue to climb, how will we ever know what is there? Nobody can see under the hill, but there must be something there also. If we dig deep enough we can find all sorts of new discoveries!! Praise God!!!

Verses: Isaiah 46 Gen 3 : 19 Hosea 6: 1-6

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"Up Hill, Down Hill"

Where are we on our journey? Sometimes it feels like we are climbing a great incline. Other times it feels like we are sliding down the other side.

I guess you could call it the cycle of life! Jesus experienced the same ups and downs that we do. Sometimes it was effortlessly working to Gods' glory(down hill) Other times the trouble was there and Jesus tread onward(up hill). That's a grand lesson for us all!!

Verses: Matt 18: 1-9 Matt 21: 12-13 Gal 5: 22-26 Exodus 1(all)

Monday, April 12, 2010

" Our will? Gods' will?"

So many times in life we are faced with a decision and the need to act. What we may or may not consider is who's will is it?
Our will may be Gods' will also, or it may be ours' only? Acting on Gods' will is not easy or always pleasant. Knowing that how should we respond?
We can only pray and ask God for his complete influence in all we do in life.
Following God may take more discipline, but it will improve our success!!!
Verses: Matt 26: 36-46 Psalm 40: 8 Rom 12: 1-8

Friday, April 9, 2010


There is definitely a need for all people to take a break. Life can be busy and filled with so many different activities. Some are our choices, others are just plain life !
Much needed and deserved breaks can refresh and revive us. There is a refueling that takes place when we pull away from all our responsibilities.
Perceptions change and our outlook improves. Going away to pray and reflect can be so renewing! God can fill us up then with hope and energy!
Verses: Psalm 85: 4-13 Isaiah 42: 5-9 Zech 14: 1-11

Thursday, April 8, 2010


As always I constantly am reminded of the beauty of Gods' hand! The vast and diverse landscape that he paints is beyond words.

I feel incompetent against his creation. I do know I am perfect in Gods' eyes. The world is just filled to overflowing with things to see, hear, smell, and touch. Even mans' own creations reflect what God can do through his creation, creating. It makes me want to see and absorb as much as possible. Life doesn't seem long enough at all.

Verses: Col 1: 15-20 Rev 10: 5-7 Psalm 107: 24-43

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I have come to believe that somehow the more people we come in contact with the more we see the face of God. Each time, even if only in passing, we are reminded of our own existence. An existence that we all share as humans.

Maybe that's why we all seem to like events where there are lots of people? Some would say that it is too much for them, but maybe they are just overwhelmed by Gods' glory shining through so many different faces?

Verses: Jeremiah 24: 4-7 2Cor 6: 14-18 1Ch 16: 7-36

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Gods' voice sings out to us in so many ways. I look up to the vast and beautiful blue sky and take it in. I feel the awesome sun shining down on my face and there he is. I hear the crunch of gravel beneath my feet, and the wind on my face and there he is!!

I hear the kids on the playground, laughing, screaming, and there he is! I sing a song of worship and tap my foot and God joins me! In the quiet of the night I hear and feel his presence all around me. Praise goes to God for being so available and constant in our lives.

Verses: Rev 19: 1-3 John 8: 12-19 Psalm 24

Monday, April 5, 2010


I have once again been inspired and impressed by people. Gods' creation of us is so vast and hard to imagine its' total significance. It is after all, Gods' intention for us to be in community with others.

Every time I find a new person to get to know, my life is enriched. Every aspect of them has some lesson to be learned by me. I hope that I too offer some kind of learning or insight to them.

Praise goes to God for being the creator of all. His infinite vision and depth goes well beyond anything we can fully comprehend.

Verses: Gal 1: 1-5 Genesis 1(all) Col 1: 15-16