I realize now that there are a few hearty souls out there riding their bikes in extreme conditions. I can't imagine blowing snow,ice and cold being pleasant to ride on at all ! They resort to studded tires and multiple layers of clothes and head coverings to stay warm.I suppose it is working for them as they continue to do it. Having a dog also seems to be a good encouragement to go out even on the coldest days. They must realize their pets' needs are natural and not to be ignored!
Smoking is bad for your health, but many are addicted and will endure any amount of cold to get their fix. At businesses I pass, they huddle together as if to conserve the warmth, or maybe to get a stonger dose of nicotine?
I have even observed a domestic dispute! I kind of wonder why a woman in short pajamas would need to discuss her relationship on the snow covered street at 5:05 am and 20 degrees. Such is the human heart that we are all falling short of Gods' perfection. It's all part of Gods' awesome world!! Verses: Psalm 24: 1-6 Psalm 27:11 Luke 1: 78-80
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