At some point someone may introduce us to motorized two wheeled travel.( scooter,mini bike motorcycle,moped). All of a sudden the amount of effort needed to travel is greatly reduced. The distance we can cover also increases dramatically. Gas, electric, wind, or some form of fuel is needed and our human input is reduced. There is still the feel and look of paint and chrome that we are drawn to. There is little protection from the elements. Getting cold and wet and windblown are common experiences. Pray: God you have provided us with the intelligence to build so many wonderful things. Help us to honor that and use them respectfully. Verse: 2Cor 9(all)
Have returned from a trip and can say I would highly recommend getting away with no computers or cell phones! It seems you are into weekly "themes" now - interesting! I met some most interesting people! Some christian and some not. All interesting and I was able to take away something from all of them...from God - it is indeed miraculous! I have an opportunity now to give a bit as well - a "thank you" prayer to God written by George Herbert:
ReplyDeleteThou hast given so much to me,
Give one thing more - a grateful heart.
Not thankful when it pleases me,
As if Thy blessings has spare days,
But such a heart, whose pulse may be Thy praise!
A habit of giving thanks in all circumstances helps me to look beyond my immediate situation and see my life from a higher perspective! The gifts I receive from God are exactly what I need! I just don't always recognize them right away! "When our hearts are filled with gratitude, nothing that comes our way seems unpleasant to us!" GB!!