When we stop and see what we really have, it is just us! That seems kind of scary to imagine ,we are all alone except each other. The truth is God always has been and always will be right along side us. Having been created by him, we are all very much "cut from the same cloth". Being human is such a blessing to each if us. It also makes us very aware of how impotant we are to each other. All churches preach community because it really is how we get our strength as Gods' people." It takes a community of people to build a city". We need real relationship with each other,in person, and sharing time together. Thank you God! Verses : 1 Cor 14: 26 Prov 22: 2 1John 2: 9-11
A friend recently told me to let go of myself - let Jesus Christ into your heart and be the guide for all you do and say. My friend is no longer available to walk through this time with me and I am still grieving the loss. God has been there every day and I am forever grateful!!! You are right - friends and church have given me strength and love. Your words have helped as well and I know they are God inspired! I am not alone! I very much enjoy sharing this time with you! Thank you God for your love sent through so many people in my life so that I can accept it and give it freely to those who may cross my path! GB!!