Aunts, Uncles, Neighbors, and other adults we learned from. I will never forget bailing hay and our neighbor smoking a pipe and the wonderful smell wafting back to us on the wagon. He was a hard working farmer and we learned our own work ethics because of adults like him. My Aunt was a working dynamo, she did it all, mow grass, cook, clean, stack firewood, build, plant, harvest and support all of us. Neighbor hood men were ones we looked up to and thought they had it all figured out. We could only hope to be as smart as them someday. A lot of them never even knew us as adults. Their impacts were varied, fishing, hunting, farming, motors ports, etc. I know we all had a chance to fall in love with so many possibilities. Other stuff did stick with us and continues too, bicycles, motorcycles,cars, football, baseball, love for all Gods' beauty the world around us.
Verses: 1 Th 5: 16-18 2Cor 20: 14-17
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
"Thanks 2"
I would also say I was most thankful for my Grandparents. They provided family with a strong glue to keep us all together. Holidays we were all expected to be there and there were no exceptions allowed! The food was always awesome and all cousins were in attendance. I don't know if there were other options available because none were ever discussed. We all went to the grandparents house and that was that! Grandpa said grace and all bowed their heads in respect.
When my grandparents needed help with a project all the family would show up and pitch in. If they had a trip planned often some of us would go and experience something new and exciting. Thanks cousins for protection during hurricane Agnes in State College 1972. All my love and care for yard work came from my Grandparents as a youngster. I am sure brother Jim and I will never forget Grandpa in Erie Pa at
Mc D's insisting we drink milk. Little did he know that a milkshake there was far removed from being milk!!
When my grandparents needed help with a project all the family would show up and pitch in. If they had a trip planned often some of us would go and experience something new and exciting. Thanks cousins for protection during hurricane Agnes in State College 1972. All my love and care for yard work came from my Grandparents as a youngster. I am sure brother Jim and I will never forget Grandpa in Erie Pa at

Sunday, November 24, 2013
"Thanks" 1
We should give thanks for all those we have gained something from in our lives. The list for most of us goes over a long period of time. I would guess most of us would pick our moms as a top pick. Mom was a huge influence in so many areas of our lives. She took us on many a trek or adventure. What was she thinking when we went on a wild strawberry hunt way up in the fields only to net a few of these berries! And what were we doing miles from home back in the woods chopping down a Christmas tree? We had no good way to even get it back to the house.{Thanks Cinder}. And mom did you really think that if we trekked to the top of the hay field on the 4th of July that we would see fireworks 3+ miles away! What I do know is that I remember her for having us do all these things! We may not have thought it was a good idea then but it was. Thank-you Mom for being Mom!!
Verses: Prov 1 : 8-9 Deut 4: 9
Verses: Prov 1 : 8-9 Deut 4: 9
Monday, November 18, 2013
I have discovered that I always need some kind of project going. I may take a short break but then the wheels in my head start turning and a new project is born. The size or magnitude is not as important as that I have as that I have a new goal and challenge. I tend to like building with wood. Sometimes it is a home improvement, sometimes crafty and maybe even functional use. The options are endless and I like the variety and the thinking that goes into each project.
God gives us a lot of blessings and skills we should praise him by using them. The mental health we gain from pushing ourselves is priceless. I especially like the ones that encourage me to try and learn new things. Thanks goes to God for our abilities and desires to build!
Verses Proverbs 13:4, 20:4, 21:5
God gives us a lot of blessings and skills we should praise him by using them. The mental health we gain from pushing ourselves is priceless. I especially like the ones that encourage me to try and learn new things. Thanks goes to God for our abilities and desires to build!
Verses Proverbs 13:4, 20:4, 21:5
"Zoom Zoom"
I believe Mazda used this as an advertisement jingle. I think it defines a lot of different things. I like the idea of a small kid on a riding toy zooming around the house. One of the first places I lived away from home was a large house shared by many. There was this one little boy who used to zoom around the upstairs on a tricycle, "zoom zoom". I guess we can be so caught up in our own lives that we are zooming from one thing to another "zoom zoom".
Now I commute to work and watch all the other commuters up and down the highway "zoom zoom". We were studying the story of Martha and Mary in the bible at church this week, in Luke 10: 38-41. Martha is to busy to stop and just be with Jesus: "zoom zoom". I suppose there is a time and place for us to go "zoom zoom" and a time to slow down and just walk with Jesus.
Verse Micah 6:8
Now I commute to work and watch all the other commuters up and down the highway "zoom zoom". We were studying the story of Martha and Mary in the bible at church this week, in Luke 10: 38-41. Martha is to busy to stop and just be with Jesus: "zoom zoom". I suppose there is a time and place for us to go "zoom zoom" and a time to slow down and just walk with Jesus.
Verse Micah 6:8
"Job not Job"
Another area of life that I think I need change is my job. I have a good employer and a good job for sure. My prayer is that God guides me to a new and more preferable job. My present job is a long day and seems to consume most of my weekdays time. Between the commute and hours worked I have very little free time.Maybe God wants me to learn some life lessons where I am and so I need to stay there. Maybe where God would have me go is in the future and is not to happen now.
No matter what the case may be I am unsure of the time frame it will be. Once again I am on Gods terms not mine! I have faith God will lead me where I am to go or open my eyes to how to accept what I presently have. My strength will come from knowing God is above all and will take care of my needs, wants and desires. I just have to be patient and accept his time frame.
Verses: Heb 11: 1-39
No matter what the case may be I am unsure of the time frame it will be. Once again I am on Gods terms not mine! I have faith God will lead me where I am to go or open my eyes to how to accept what I presently have. My strength will come from knowing God is above all and will take care of my needs, wants and desires. I just have to be patient and accept his time frame.
Verses: Heb 11: 1-39
Thursday, November 14, 2013
"For Sale"
What is happening here? I have this Ford pick-up for sale. I actually think it is a pretty nice truck. My reason for selling it is that I hardly ever use it. It has sat for 6 months with no need for it at all. I have a small Chevy pick-up that fits my needs just fine. The thing that is bizzare to me is that I have actually sold this truck twice. The first buyer backed out after financing issues. The second buyer had already paid me and left when the truck flashed a check engine light and he returned the truck and I returned his money, go figure!! Maybe this truck doesn't want to leave me? I guess I will fix the problem that it has and try and sell it again. It's just like expecting God to answer our prayers or give us a sign of what we should do. Often the answer is different than we want or a long time coming just like selling this truck!!
Verses James 5: 13-20 Mark 11:24
Verses James 5: 13-20 Mark 11:24
"Those were the Days"
My mom used to listen to a song with those words as lyrics. I am not sure of the title or artist but I remember the song. Day two at our old shop and we are both saying just that, "those were the days". Everyone that worked in my old shop would love to go back to the days when we worked there. The new shop is OK but it just doesn't have the character of the old one. I wonder if in some distant future we will move on once again and look back and say that about the present shop? Life has no guarantees or definitive path to follow.
God guides our steps and encourages us to live a life honoring him with how we live our lives. God can put us where he wants us to be. Who knows the new history is yet to be written and may have more than a few surprises for all of us.
Verses Proverbs 16:9 Jer 10: 23 Jn 8: 12
God guides our steps and encourages us to live a life honoring him with how we live our lives. God can put us where he wants us to be. Who knows the new history is yet to be written and may have more than a few surprises for all of us.
Verses Proverbs 16:9 Jer 10: 23 Jn 8: 12
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
"Out with the Old In with the New"
My old shop that I worked in for 13 years is sold and we are cleaning it out. It has many memories and contains a lot of history. The new shop we use has a different feel and is 20+ miles from home. I am sad to see the old one go but I suppose all things have their time and place. I used to be able to run, walk, or bike to work in minimal time any time of the year. I definitely miss that luxury.The saying goes something like "you won't miss it till it's gone" is all so true.
God is the constant in our lives and provides us with one thing we can all hold onto. God also leads us on many adventures as we live, and memories of those experiences.Pray that God has many new chapters for all of us.
Verses: Malachi 3: 6 1Cor 15: 50-58 Psalm 90: 1-2
God is the constant in our lives and provides us with one thing we can all hold onto. God also leads us on many adventures as we live, and memories of those experiences.Pray that God has many new chapters for all of us.
Verses: Malachi 3: 6 1Cor 15: 50-58 Psalm 90: 1-2
Sometimes the definition of emergency may be ones own agenda. Not all emergencies are of the same intensity. A coffee addict could an emergency run to get more coffee! Likewise a connoisseur of icecream may make an emergency run to replenish their supply also. Sirens and flashing lights signal some kind of human emergency. We often never know what exactly has happened. Being injured and going to the Emergency room is often a scary experience for the injured and as much for the person taking them.

Who can say for sure of the importance of coffee or icecream to God? If it is important to us I am sure it is just as important to God!

I have to ask what is your passion? The answers are all over the place.The passion we have is a pretty good definition of us. People who can act and sing and dance are passionate about doing that. People who can conquer great obstacles, running, climbing, exploring, driving are passionate too. I think we all have something we feel strongly about.
We should also be passionate about Jesus. The very one who can define passion. Jesus came to earth and inspired and encouraged so many and still does to this day!! Being passionate is a symptom of being a God breathed creation and a gift from God.
Verses: Gen 2: 7 1Cor 7:7
We should also be passionate about Jesus. The very one who can define passion. Jesus came to earth and inspired and encouraged so many and still does to this day!! Being passionate is a symptom of being a God breathed creation and a gift from God.
Verses: Gen 2: 7 1Cor 7:7
Monday, November 11, 2013
The jury is in, we all could use more sleep. our country is running amok on people who are sleep deprived. The demands of life and work have cut into our available time for sleep. The answer seems simple, the implementation less so. One option would be longer days. Being that none of us is God that is not going to happen. Another option is shorter work days. That might work but will many of us cut back on our job schedule? Still another option is a life change. This will be the toughest to accomplish. How can any of us alter our daily routine to allow some more rest and still fit in all we want and have to do?
Pray: God please guide us and help us to accomplish our goals.
Verses: Mt 11: 28-30 Prov 23: 4-5
Pray: God please guide us and help us to accomplish our goals.
Verses: Mt 11: 28-30 Prov 23: 4-5
Here we are again at the night of ghosts and spooks. Some may not care for it at all. Others may go out of their way to be a part of this night. The newspaper says it is second only to Christmas in money spent for this day.
It is also my dads' birthday and he has seen 71 of these fall nights. I guess you could say just another day or what a fantastic way to celebrate. As far as my dad goes he just has to hear Happy Birthday Dad!!
If Halloween is a Pagan celebration in its' origin it sure has morphed into something else.
I appreciate pumpkin which God has lovingly provided. I also love the pretty leaf colors, also a gift from God. The crisp fall air reminds us of how blessed we are to have heat and cars and other creature comforts. What ever Halloween is or isn't it only comes once a year!
Verses 2 Cor 9: 12-15 James 1: 16-18
It is also my dads' birthday and he has seen 71 of these fall nights. I guess you could say just another day or what a fantastic way to celebrate. As far as my dad goes he just has to hear Happy Birthday Dad!!
If Halloween is a Pagan celebration in its' origin it sure has morphed into something else.
I appreciate pumpkin which God has lovingly provided. I also love the pretty leaf colors, also a gift from God. The crisp fall air reminds us of how blessed we are to have heat and cars and other creature comforts. What ever Halloween is or isn't it only comes once a year!
Verses 2 Cor 9: 12-15 James 1: 16-18
Life has a way of taking on new and different meaning throughout our lives. There is no standard answer to "life". Each era of our lives adds new meaning to "life". I suppose we are either content with our lives or not. If not we should probably pursue a way to change that.
God gives all things a life. What we do with it defines us and the quality we experience. Living for God is the biblical equivalent of a life well lived. Living a life filled with family ,friends, and faith is also a recipe for success. If life seems like it needs more, then we should explore all of what life has to offer.
Verses 2 Peter 1: 3-11 Jer 10: 23
God gives all things a life. What we do with it defines us and the quality we experience. Living for God is the biblical equivalent of a life well lived. Living a life filled with family ,friends, and faith is also a recipe for success. If life seems like it needs more, then we should explore all of what life has to offer.
Verses 2 Peter 1: 3-11 Jer 10: 23
Thursday, November 7, 2013
"Liar or Lance'
There is a buzz in the air because of Lance Armstrong and a movie that exposes his doping during the Tour de France. I have no idea what he did or didn't do during the Tour. One thing stands out is that he won seven Tour de Frances. His ethics may be in question, his ability to be honest and admit or accept his choices are in question.
In the bible we see many stories of deceit and manipulation. God is our final judge, not man! God also is a loving and forgiving God. I say let Lance go and be Lance and we can all be ourselves. After all we all face the same maker some day.
Verses 2 Corinth 11: 13-15 2 Sam 11: 1-26
In the bible we see many stories of deceit and manipulation. God is our final judge, not man! God also is a loving and forgiving God. I say let Lance go and be Lance and we can all be ourselves. After all we all face the same maker some day.
Verses 2 Corinth 11: 13-15 2 Sam 11: 1-26
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
"Last week Of Evening Light"
For some reason or other we Coloradans change our clocks in early November. There is some logic that pertains to farmers or school children or something like that! The negative aspect being that our evenings are mostly spent in the dark. The morning light does come an hour earlier but I am on the road before that happens.
I personally would rather leave it alone.Apparently Arizona and Indiana do just that. My option is to accept it or move to one of those states. God created both day and night I suppose they each have their own importance. Maybe God wants us to slow down just a little and enjoy the evenings and the options we now have. I still look forward to spring when the nights are light and last till bedtime!
Verses Gen 1:3 1Th 5: 4-10 Prov 31: 15
I personally would rather leave it alone.Apparently Arizona and Indiana do just that. My option is to accept it or move to one of those states. God created both day and night I suppose they each have their own importance. Maybe God wants us to slow down just a little and enjoy the evenings and the options we now have. I still look forward to spring when the nights are light and last till bedtime!
Verses Gen 1:3 1Th 5: 4-10 Prov 31: 15
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
"The Cat is Crazy"
We have this kitten that recently came into our home. She is seemingly a little nuts! More accurately at times she is completely nuts.She runs around at high speeds and acts like there is some kind of Zombie invasion coming! She also will lye in wait for someone to come along and then spring at them like a grasshopper. I think maybe she thinks she is a tiger in the deep recesses of the African safari. What she has taught us is that being young and full of energy is a gift God gives to all of us.
There is this wonderful attribute to young offspring that be a cat, dog , horse, child, or any other species. The zest for life is Gods' way of making all of us aware of how precious ans wonderful life is!
Verses Acts17: 24-28 Genesis 1: 24-27
There is this wonderful attribute to young offspring that be a cat, dog , horse, child, or any other species. The zest for life is Gods' way of making all of us aware of how precious ans wonderful life is!
Verses Acts17: 24-28 Genesis 1: 24-27
Thursday, October 31, 2013
"Running Again"
I left this site to go walking and was gone for years! I am back writing and also running again. I had a bicycle crash that seemed to take forever to heal from. Months later I am able to run a few miles with minimum pain. It feels good to be able to do that.
I always felt that walking is a good way to be with God. It clears our brains and fills our senses and allows us to reflect and pray. Running has similar benefits but it is a different kind of experience. I look forward to both and am excited to have that time again with God.
Verses Isaiah 40:31 1Cor 9: 24-27 Heb 12: 1-3
I always felt that walking is a good way to be with God. It clears our brains and fills our senses and allows us to reflect and pray. Running has similar benefits but it is a different kind of experience. I look forward to both and am excited to have that time again with God.
Verses Isaiah 40:31 1Cor 9: 24-27 Heb 12: 1-3
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
We all face obstacles at some time or another. The plan is running along smoothly and then out of nowhere comes the glitch! Sometimes it is just a small bump in the road. Sometimes it seems as if we have a mountain to climb. I have to remind myself to trust God and allow him to guide me through. I am often amazed at the thought process involved and the ability to find an answer to the obstacle I face. God tells us we will face trials and the truth is we all do.The answer is trust in God, and faith in that we will succeed and conquer the obstacles in our lives.
Verses James 1: 1-8 John 16: 33 Matt 6: 33-34
Verses James 1: 1-8 John 16: 33 Matt 6: 33-34
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
There is a certain comfort and serenity in the morning. The morning hours have a whole different feel to them.Some peoples morning are considerably earlier than others. I suppose some people are just getting home in the morning. The day seems fresh and calm and relaxing for me. Light starts to filter in and shows the nights' activity. Sometimes it leaves remnants of rain or snow or wind. Usually though it is still outside and cooler then the day will be.
I think that is how it is with God too. He gives us fresh starts, calmer more settled attitudes, and a feeling of renewal. God is our fuel for each and every day and morning. We can start each day without fail!
Verses Psalm: 5: 1-3 2 Peter 1: 19-21
I think that is how it is with God too. He gives us fresh starts, calmer more settled attitudes, and a feeling of renewal. God is our fuel for each and every day and morning. We can start each day without fail!
Verses Psalm: 5: 1-3 2 Peter 1: 19-21
Monday, October 28, 2013
Time passes and we sometimes lose our close vision. It is supposed to be a common occurrence among older people. Most all of my friends have experienced this by 45-50 years old. I am all to familiar with reading glasses and their necessity. I can't help but wonder if God had planned it that way all along? Maybe the things closest to our eyes need to be a little less clear as we age. Our own faces and bodies may be better off seen a little less clearly. There is also a scholarly look to those who wear glasses. Lastly, if all we have is that to concern ourselves with then praise God!
Verse Proverb 31: 30
Verse Proverb 31: 30
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Everyday, every week, every month, every year are just more chapters in our lives.There are daily, weekly, monthly and yearly lessons to be learned. Each time we laugh or cry or feel joy or sorrow is another building block of our lives. I particularly like those A Ha! moments we all get sometimes.
The home run ball hit by us,the child we raised experiencing a milestone in their lives, the beautiful sunrise or sunset, the first snow and the world looks all new again. These are the times when we wish they would last and last. Slowly over time our story gets written and slowly we come closer to being with our heavenly father. Each chapter is an opportunity to live and grow and experience all God has to offer us.
Verses Romans 5: 1-5 Ephes 4: 1-8
The home run ball hit by us,the child we raised experiencing a milestone in their lives, the beautiful sunrise or sunset, the first snow and the world looks all new again. These are the times when we wish they would last and last. Slowly over time our story gets written and slowly we come closer to being with our heavenly father. Each chapter is an opportunity to live and grow and experience all God has to offer us.
Verses Romans 5: 1-5 Ephes 4: 1-8
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
"Long days Short nights"
I find myself in an era where my days are long and my nights are short. I suppose I am not alone but it sure seems like the majority of my day is away from home. I don't think that our existence should be waiting for the weekend to come to enjoy a break from the long work week.
This has not always been the case and I suppose our memories are 20/20 so I may have a distorted vision of what once was. All I know for sure is that a change seems to be in order and that pray God leads me there. God tells us to work and prosper but he also tells us to rest and pray. I trust that God will direct my path and show me the course to take.
Verses Eccles 5: 16-20 Eccles 6: 1-6 Psalm 23
This has not always been the case and I suppose our memories are 20/20 so I may have a distorted vision of what once was. All I know for sure is that a change seems to be in order and that pray God leads me there. God tells us to work and prosper but he also tells us to rest and pray. I trust that God will direct my path and show me the course to take.
Verses Eccles 5: 16-20 Eccles 6: 1-6 Psalm 23
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Back to Normal
Is there any way back to normal?
As time goes by do we ever return to normal?
That leaves me with a need to define normal.
I bet everyone's normal is different.
Do we share at least common threads with each other's normal?
I also am aware that time changes our normals from one to another.
Age has a way of altering what is and what will be.
The days of youth are filled with an endless sense of time.
As we age the time flies by and the end of life looms closer and sooner to us.
God is the one and only one without limit,change, or time.
We all just need to accept there is no normal to be had.
Just change and the passing of time and a new normal to begin.
Isaiah 43:18
"Cool" "Cold" "Colder"
I have a definite affinity against the cold. Not sure where it originated. Maybe all the years that my career put me in enviroments that were quite cold. Maybe I just am a lover of warmer days and nights.
Some people may think that below freezing really isn't that cold. I think that if makes water turn to ice than it's way too cold. I do have a love for a fire and the colder days do encourage that! But that is an attempt to affect the very thing that I am struggling with, the cold!
Fortunately we have furnaces and car heaters, jackets and gloves and the like. The greatest gift of all is the warmth of knowing God is there with us throughout it all.
Verses Isaiah 49:13 Psalm 23
Harleys Angels
My son has an unscientific theory he calls Harleys Angels! We have had a summer of Harley fever followed by some Harley failures. His theory is that at least when we have had breakdowns we have been near a place to repair them. That seems to him just a little too convenient. To me I am just glad to be back on the bike. Maybe there is a small amount of truth to his theory. The ability of God to act in and influence our lives is infinite. Often we are not even aware of it. Whether God has a soft spot for Harley lovers I can not say. God of all,should totally get why we ride!
Psalm 121 Eccle 11:5
Psalm 121 Eccle 11:5
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