Friday, April 29, 2011

"Walking the Line"

Johnny Cash sang a song titled this quite a few years ago. I don't even know if I am sure of its' meaning? I suppose like most things it can have multiple meanings. Each person can draw their own conclusions.

I know in life we all are subject to walking some kind of line. I also know that the line is not always straight. It is probably our own inability to follow a straight path that makes that happen.

Whatever the line actually is or represents , we can all strive to be as close as possible to being on it. The nice thing about life and lines is they have the ability to twist and turn and still get us where we are going. After all the end result "God" is patiently waiting for us!

Verses: Psalm 27: 11 Prov 3: 6 Matt 16: 24-26 John 8: 12

Thursday, April 28, 2011

"Free or Freely Given"

Today's technical world offers so many possibilities. I hear a new catch phrase lately, " There is an App for That"! I guess we want our lives to be a series of applications.
How much of these Apps and other types of information accesses are free? Seems like all things lead to eventual costs?
I guess the question becomes, do we really need all these gadgets? Or are we so wanting access to something that we are willing to pay for that access?
The price Jesus paid for our sins was his life. Our access to him and God is freely given! Gods' love and presence is free for all of us that believe. Jesus paid the price. Praise God for providing the ultimate "App" the one that leads to him!!
Verse: Psalm 119 (as much as you desire)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"Age or Aged"

I am unsure of how we are supposed to age? God doesn't have a defined age or similar attribute. We will all get older but does that mean we are aged or just an older age?

Some of us actually will seem to have maintained our youth. Some may actually act as if they have aged. The actual age and the perceived age can be distinctly different.

I still feel like a kid every time I ride my bike. I like the way the wind and the freedom feels. Jumping over curbs or rocks is still a kick for me. Maybe it helps me to stay younger inside?

One day age will creep up to all of us. I just pray and hope we live a life as youthful as possible. The cliche" Your as young as you feel" is probably more true than we can possibly understand!

Verses: Eccl 9: 13-18 Eph 4: 1-16 Romans 15: 1-13

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


The Zimmerman family has a unique connection with today. There are five relatives born on this date. It is an interesting fact we have.

My older brother Jim, started it all so many years ago. My son followed suit and has that connection with his uncle. My cousin Jack, didn't want to be left out so he showed up on that date also. There are two second cousins that heard what a great day it is and decided to join them! It is hard to explain why we have so many on the same date?

Jesus had a birthday too. His was more important than others. We are not absolutely sure of the date but Christmas is the day we celebrate his birth.

Some of us may not be excited to have another birthday come. I, however am OK with each one as another year of life lived!! Praise God, for that!!

Verses: Luke 2: 5-20 Isaiah 9: 6-7 Psalm 127: 3-5

Monday, April 25, 2011

"Easter 2011" and on and on and on...

Jesus and his story are once again a hot topic of conversation. Easter weekend has a way of re-enlightening all of us. Pastors preach Sunday services to millions of people and Jesus is the topic.

The classic one I have heard many times is that three conclusions can be drawn, Jesus is real! Jesus is a liar! Jesus is crazy!

Christians believe that he was and is real to this very day! It is the Resurrection of him so many years ago that confirm his authenticity.

It is also a very real and powerful acknowledgement of Jesus in our lives. Days, weeks, and months from Easter, that will not have changed. For those that truly believe in Jesus, He is real, alive and in all our hearts and lives both now and forever!!

Verses Matt 28: 1-10 Mark 16: 1-20 Luke 24: 1-53