Today we celebrate my daughters sixteenth birthday. An amazing life has been formed over sixteen years. I still remember her as my little diaper clad toddler! Somehow by the grace of God she has grown to be a beautiful young woman. There can be no greater gift from God than our children! Praise God.! Here are sixteen traits of her for all to know; Caring, Compassionate, Cute, Kind, Intelligent, Loving, Responsible, Strong, Reliable, Reflective, Playful, Christian, Energetic, Faithful, Trustworthy, and always Growing. Happy Birthday my daughter Tracey! Verses 1John 5: 1-5 Prov 22: 6
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
"From the hip"
I hit a total blank today? Nothing quite felt right? So I decided to just start writing and see what happens. Psalm 121 is a nice place to visit. There is also a song that uses that opening verse. It is a pretty cool concept to follow! Another nice place to be is Phil 4: 4-9. Kind of fun to share my bible time with others. I don't know where God will lead me until I just get up and follow. The last place to go is John 14: 23-24. There it is for this morning, we still have all day to worship and pray!
Monday, September 28, 2009
"Talk to me"
Conversation is a wonderful thing. Many times we have sat and conversed for hours. What a great way to minister to each other! There is a certain intimacy in that, and we all feed off each others strengths. Of course it could turn negative if someone allowed it to. Always ask for Gods' presence during any conversation to keep it positive and fulfilling. Praise God that we can and do have that ability to talk. Verses: Col 4: 2-6 Psalm 10: 16-17 Acts 6: 1-7
Sunday, September 27, 2009
We all have a level of performance we desire. Most of us are not "Ironman" level! Actually , a level of that caliber is almost a detriment to other growth? When our focus is so singular, we may lose touch with more important choices. We also should be careful not to expect a high performance in all we do. Some things seem rather small but are actually making a huge impact. God has given all of us a level of skill, and we can work on it to improve. God is patient with us and we should be patient with ourselves too! Verses: 1Cor 7: 7 1Tim 4: 11-16 James 1: 16-18
Friday, September 25, 2009
"Community of People"
All around us are other people, living, working, laughing, playing, crying...... Some of these we know, some we have never met. Some of these are family and friends. As life spins by many new people will come into our lives. We also may experience the loss of people in our lives. Some will believe in Christ, some may not? Our prayers should be that those who don't know Christ, come to know him. Our part in all this is to show good examples of believers and encouragement for those we meet. Praise God for sending his son " Jesus Christ". Verses: Ruth 1: 16-18 1Peter 2: 8-12 Micah 4: 1-5
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I am amazed at the many different smells we experience. Walking outside in the fall months, reminds me of so many things. There is the unmistakable smell of a wood fire. Then we all can remember the smell of burning leaves. I also noticed some unknown fragrance that was like a perfume? Perhaps it is a person nearby that I can't see? One of my favorite, is the smell of a pine forest. Then there is the not always pleasant odor ,of cars and trucks! God gave us this wonderful ability. We open up our minds to so many memories from each odor we smell. Thank you God!!! Verses: Song of songs 1: 3 Song of songs 4: 10-16 Mark 14 : 1-9
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
"Prayer Answered"
Sometimes answer to prayer comes unannounced. Sometimes we may not even realize that we prayerfully asked for something? If it is Gods' will then " Gods will be done". I am always amazed at how God knows what we need long before we do. I also amazed that he provides all we need regardless of our own assessment. Prayers that are thought out and delivered with great faith, sometimes seem to be without a response? Prayers only understood as a need ,can be even more powerful than we imagined! Praise God! Verses: Mark 11: 24 Matt 6 9-13 1Ch 5: 20
; 9-13
; 9-13
Monday, September 21, 2009

Throughout this weekend, from Sat thru Sunday,the importance of woman was shown to me. A lot of my friends are women. I have always been fascinated at the way they think and act. My own daughter is now a beautiful young woman! I'll miss the little girl she started out as. This God given ,woman version of her is truly a blessing too. God had a partner in mind for man and woman filled that role nicely. Praise to God for his gift to mankind. Praise to all the women who inhabit this earth alongside man. Verses: Gen 2: 20-25 Job 14:1-6 Prov 30:19
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Time. Time flys by so fast, we just want to stop and grab it by the tails and stop it. Time. It's what we spend and what we need in God. For when we take time to love and time to worship God, time seems to go by slowly. Then every moment is the best! Time. Time is love, love is time. With God, we need time, time to talk with him, and time to cry with him, time to laugh with him, and time to be silent with him. Time. Time is a thing that will always be here, just like God, even if we don't realize it? Verses: Eccl 3 Psalm 62: 8
Friday, September 18, 2009
"Psalm 37"

In 4-7 there is a sense of Gods' need for us. That seems like a pretty good deal! The Holy Spirit is Gods' way of allowing us to connect with him. Jesus also was a way we can hear and feel God. In that passage we are instructed to trust, delight, commit and be still in the Lord. What a cool thing to know that it is really that simple! The more we allow God into our lives, the more he will enter and fill us with his holy presence.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Often times we experience change in our lives. Even good and expected change can affect us differently? As we moved into a new church building, and sanctuary, I expected to feel only gladness. Yet I had a feeling of loss too? Loss of what was and what will never be again. Funny how little we really know about ourselves? Verses: 1Cor 15: 51 Jeremiah 29: 11-14
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
I have always liked that word ever since I first heard it. I also am excited each time I experience it! I like to think that it is Gods' way of interacting in our lives. So many times I have been convinced of what I would discover, only to discover something completely different! It's real nice to be surprised by something we have no idea is coming. Thank you God for being the ultimate authority and filling our lives with serendipitous moments! Verses: James 1: 17 Eze 34: 25-31 Prov 3: 1-10
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Simple things can mean so much. Anytime we are hugged by one of our children, it is heart warming. The simple statement of I LOVE YOU can make a huge difference in our lives. A cup of coffee shared with a loved one, a book read together, a meal prepared by our lover, a back rub and a kiss. So many things and yet so simple to do. Remembering to do all these things and to appreciate them should be a part of all our lives. It will fill us up and make us whole. Book of the bible: Philemon
Monday, September 14, 2009

Bicyclist know that if you follow close enough to one in front of you they will pull you along. If a group of them get in a tight pack the whole group moves faster. The body of Christ has the same potential if we follow other believers more closely our strength and speed are increased. The word of God can be heard by others, and believers in Christ can be the result. The church would then be the equivalent of a bicycle/draft! Verses: Acts 4: 32-34 1Peter 2: 13-17
Friday, September 11, 2009
One thing I have gotten used to, somethings going to change. We may think we have everything where we want it. Then along comes something new and we face a change. Rather than see this as a negative thing we need to see it as a positive thing. If all of life could be packaged and controlled, what a bore that would be! Each new day and challenge are truly gifts from God! Verses: James 1: 2-8, 16-18 1Cor 15: 50-54
Thursday, September 10, 2009
"Faith Walk "
Very often I find myself confused and unsure of myself and what I am doing? Even with prayer to God I don't always receive a quick and sure answer. I do know that I trust God to protect and guide me. So in times of uncertainty, I use my faith to get me through. The comfort only God can provide is sufficient for me to go on. Tomorrow will bring a new and brighter, better understanding. Verses: Gal 2 : 19-21 Hebrews 11
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
"Thanks to all"
This day is for thanks to be given. For all the aunts and uncles that gave us a good example. For all the friends and neighbors we had. For brothers and sisters and the times we have together. For teachers in all shapes and sizes for educating us. Let's never forget our moms' and dads' and their devotion and commitment to each of us. And foremost thank you God for always being there and loving us too!! Verses: 2Cor 9: 6-15 Psalm 100
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
I think we all have thought back to a younger age, a time or so. Our lives then could have been tough or seemingly simpler. Maybe we just need a trip down memory lane? A common trigger for that is music. We hear an old song and it takes us back to a scene in our minds. We also could have visited an area from our youth? The human brain is great at remembering events of our past. The nice thing is we often clean up our thoughts and all seemed perfect then! I think we will get that youthful existence when we finally are in heaven with God! Praise God! Verses: Joel 2: 28-32 2Peter 3: 11-13
Monday, September 7, 2009
Do our beliefs' stay consistent or do they change with our situation? Does what we believe in dictate our actions? Or do our actions determine our beliefs' ? We are all good at rationalizing anything we do. We all are equally good at explaining our beliefs and their significance. Trying to uphold a true and consistent example can get difficult. None of us are exempt from manipulating life to fit our needs at a particular time. What do we do? Try and cling to God and his power and act and be more like God. Verses: 1Tim 4: 9-14 Romans 10: 1-13
Sunday, September 6, 2009
" Inspired or not?"

I am sure we have all been to a church service or more, that seemed dull? The music was so/so the message didn't hit home, the people were cold. I am equally sure we all have been to a service where the music rocked, the sermon was right on, and the people rejoiced! It's a hard matter to settle on. We will not always have a awesome church or life experience every time we go. I am sure others on those same so/so days do have an awesome God time?? I think we allow God to connect with those that are ready to hear and enjoy his praises and word. Our time is coming and has been many times before. Verses: Matt 21: 12(16)-17 James 5: 13-16 Jude 17-23
Friday, September 4, 2009
"Back to work"
Today is my return to my job day after my leg issue. It has been 6 weeks since I last worked.( July 18). The time off healing and exploring has been very interesting. There were times when I was pretty much immobile. Lately I have been very active again and glad for it. The new discoveries I have found have been vast! It will ,I am sure take very little time to get back to a routine of work, play , praise and sleep. Lots to do and catch up on. Healing, thank God, is coming along great and full use should happen in weeks. Praise God for all that I have received through this life changing ordeal. Verses 1Cor 1:9 Col 3: 23 1Th 5: 12-28
Thursday, September 3, 2009
"Fight the Good Fight"

It's so easy to lose focus of truly important things. The pull of worldly treasures and pursuits is very strong. Only strong faith and commitment to God can keep us focused. Then we can truly find our purpose in life. All other quick fixes and ego boosting actions are not for the long haul! Pray: God give me your blessings and power to see clearly, act God like, and make good choices. Verses: Mark 11: 22-25 Ch 16: 9 1Tim 6: 11-16
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I miss hiking in the mountains and all the rocks there. I am sure as my leg heals I will get back to being on the trail surrounded by many rocks. To me rocks are strong and forever. We can crush and erode them but they seem to have no end? Where do they come from? Just as Jesus came to us God gives us rocks too! I like to think that God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, are my rocks of life, durable and forever! Verses: Psalm 18: 2 1Cor 10: 1-5 Luke 19: 37-40 Song to check out, Almighty God by Tim Hughes!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
" Opposite Truths"

I have discovered through my kayak that sometimes you have to lean or paddle left to go right. In the bible we also see many examples of opposite truths. It may be against our human nature to accept any of these. Yet if we believe and trust God they are all very true. So in my new hobby I need to adjust my thinking and response or I will just go around in circles! We all could use some more of that thinking! Verses: Luke 6: 27-31 2Cor 9: 6-9 Luke 9: 46-48 Hebrews 12: 7-13
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