Sunday, May 31, 2009
"Mean People?"
There are people out in this world I don't understand. People that for some reason like to make other people feel bad. I am not sure if they are even aware of what they say and do? My struggle comes from how can this be? Why are they like that? What possible gain is there for them? Why does God allow them to do what they do? The bigger question is then, what difference can any of us make? Prayer: God show us how we can make a difference in this world for the better. Help us to understand that some people are removed from you, and your glory. Verses: Prov 8: 13 Romans 2: 5-11
Saturday, May 30, 2009
"Sing Out"
Beautiful music has a way of making us happy. Even a song in our heads provides a certain amount of joy. Not all of us are great musicians, or singers. We all can apppreciate those that are. When a message in the song comes to us, it's like God using that song to speak. Very often we hear a song over and over and are content with that. But sometimes that very same song lifts our hearts and minds, like no other. Praise Godfor the songs in our lives! Verses Eph 5: 19-21 James 5: 13-16
Friday, May 29, 2009
There is a lot of wisdom on keeping busy. All the things we do for our friends and families have great value. We are repaid in more ways than we can imagine. Those that benefit are both blessed. Don't put off what God has given each of us. The ability to do it and the desire to do so is God's gift to us. Thank you God for this wonderful blessing and passion. Verses Psalm 10: 14 1 Cor: 12 -28
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
"God Speaks"
How do we hear God? Other people preach, offer advice, or maybe write a book? Is God speaking through them? If what we experience is from God, when do we know the difference? When is the devil himself trying to fill our minds with his thoughts? We just need to get back to the bible. That is and always has been Gods word to us. God is love and would not cause us to not love. All we accept from God needs to be biblically based. Verse : 2 Cor (all)
Friday, May 22, 2009
Once again the innocence of youth inspires me. The simpliest things that a young child can find fun in? Who would have known that a gravel trail and a stick could provide so much pleasure? God never intended for us to forget about his wonderful playland. All of his glory and splendor, are outside of man made things. Pray: God your creation far exceeds any thing we can even imagine, and we thank you for that!! Verses: Isaiah 42: 5 Rev 10: 6
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Always keep in mind the simple things that fill our lives. A walk in the outdoors. A hand held out to be held. A magical sunrise or sunset. A stone thrown across the water. A stick to scratch the earth. A morning cup of coffee. None of these are very expensive but all are priceless and fulfilling. Thank God for all the simple and wonderful things! Verses: Proverbs 21 all
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
What kind of limits do we put on ourselves?? Everyone must know their limits. But are our own limits are doing or a real fact? If we extend ourselves outward our limits may be bigger than we think. Every person has a huge potential for success ans accomplishment. What really limits us is our desire and determination. With God limits are not an obstacle. God has no limits to what he can attain. Thank God for being the awesome God he is. Verses: John 9 : 3-5 Eph 4: 1
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
"End or Beginning?"
The question I am pondering is, after a large party of people have come together, then they part is it over or only beginning? Everytime we reconnect only to part again we feel a sense of loss? However we also feel a sense of deeper connection. The truth may be that we are really beginning a new chapter. The last chapter is filled with awesome memories and some even awkward moments. Now we find that there was even more love and care we can spread. When Jesus was here,man was introduced to God in the flesh, after his departure,We were the new novelists' writing this book. Lets' all do our best to make this a best seller!! Verses: Eph : 5 1-2 John 1: 1-5
Monday, May 18, 2009
Certain things in life are sure to come. Just as the sun sets at night and rises in the morning, rain and snow and animals roam the earth. There is an end to life on this planet. We all get to use our bodies and minds for a short time. We should all take care of this earth and our bodies while we are alive. Eternal life is possible through Gods word!!! The requirements are easy, accept Jesus as our personal savior. I believe we all should live our lives by Gods rules and show others his love. Then we all fulfill our purpose as Gods children. Verses: Hebrews 4: 12-13 Romans: 14 7-8
Friday, May 15, 2009
" Forward Living"
In our lives we sometimes look back and wonder why?? How many times have we wondered what we were thinking?, what we were doing?, Why? God is constantly working on us, we are a work in progress. All of those things we endure are helping us to mature and grow. Even things in our present week are part of our growth. Our focus should always be to learn and apply that learning to the future. What is coming in ourlives defines what we will be. How we act and respond is a choice we need to make. God should be our guide and desire. Verses: James 1: 12 Hebrews 10: 35-39
Thursday, May 14, 2009
The feeling of belonging to a family is so great. Having a connection with a group can be so fulfilling. All of our lives are surrounded by different families. Work place families, Church families, Home families, both today and in our youth. These families can change as we go through life. The good news is that even though they may change, we still have all of the memories of these families. Belonging to the family of God is our biggest and most fulfilling of all. Verses: Psalm 68: 6 1 Tim 5: 4
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I saw an article about this, D = drink E = eat E = exercise R = rest. Drink plenty of water and drink up Gods word. Eat healthy and for energy. Exercise our bodies, brains and spirits. Rest when needed and as regularly as possible. And as always pray to God for his guidance in all these areas. Pray to God for discernment and depth of our lives. Verses:1 Cor 10 : 31
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
We all have hopefully felt a blessing from God. We all have prayed for a blessing from God. When it is so obvious and beneficial we tend to see it. What about blessings that are less obvious? All of us are blessed by someone or something. Your spouse may be the blessing in your life. Your children are always a blessing, even when we wonder why! Pray: God thanks for all the blessings in our lives, help us to see and appreciate them. Amen Verse: Eze 34 : 25-31
Monday, May 11, 2009
" All Gods "
If we accept that all we have is from God, then we can be generous with it all. Nothing would be in our possession without Gods influence. We are able to work, plan, invest and grow in wealth. All of those abilities come from God. Sharing what we have with others is honoring Gods' blessings to us. How we do that is individual as we all are. It is just our response to God and his love and grace.Pray: God allow each of us to live and love fully. Amen Verses 1Tim: 6 17-20 Prov: 22: 7
Friday, May 8, 2009
We can see growth in most anything. We can also grow in God. When our children grow up and take on adult like features, we realize they have grown up. They are young men and women. Our growth in God takes us from a child of God to a more mature child of God.It is hard to let go of the old days but the new ones offer so much promise. Thank you God for growth both phsical and spiritual. Amen Verses: Luke: 2 52 Heb: 6 1-3
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Often times I sit here ready to write and there is nothing? When I try even harder it only gets worse. I have decided that sometimes we don't have an idea to express or write down. Those are times when God can speak to us and we can just listen. There has to be a certain amount of input before there is any output! Pray: God hear my prayer and speak to me. Verses: John 10: 27-28 Proverbs 1 : 1-9
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
There is a word that seems easy enough to follow? Why then are there people who treat others poorly? Why do some people want to cause others harm? I have prayed to God for answers and none have come? God knows the answer and he knows our heart! God is good and desires that of all of us. Pray: God we want to see the good in all of the people. God: We need your influence to make us better. God: Show us the way to being good followers of Christ. Amen Verses: 3 John: 11 Romans 12: 9-21
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
The idea of getting our way goes back to birth. We want to somehow let others know what our way is? As a baby it involves mostly crying and nurturing. As we get to mature adulthood, we have other ways to get our Way. When we realize that sometimes our way is wrong, then we can turn to God for his Way. Like at birth we may not be to happy about that.(crying may help us to feel better). We just need to trust that Gods' way is the best Way. Verse: Isaiah 55: 6-13
Monday, May 4, 2009
I had a chance to learn about a kind of communication we don't always think of. Ever notice how someones face can convey a message? We sometimes get more information from that then the spoken word. Reading a frown, a smile, a grimace, can be more than enough. God gave us a lot of things to work with. Sometimes the best ones are the ones we don't always think of. Smile at a friend today and lighten their load! Thank God your face is as beautiful as he wanted it to be! Verses: Psalm 105: 4 Numbers 6: 25-26
Sunday, May 3, 2009
How can it de described? We all have our own way of sharing it, and our own way of receiving it. A simple fits all definition is not possible. Tops on my list is caring. When we are more concerned about anothers needs, then we show love. I also like understanding, when we try to feel what others feel then we can better understand them. God loves and cares for us. God also understands us better than even we do! Verse 1John: 4 7-21
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Reading must be a gift from God. where else can you receive so much with something so simple? Sometimes we read to learn new abilities. Other times it's for information. All too often we read just for the pleasure it brings. It's our job to pass this skill on to our children. Of course the greatest book we can read is the Bible. It comes from God and is full of all of the above benefits. We should be reading it daily! Verses: Rev 1: 3 John 1: 1
Friday, May 1, 2009
Ever thought about bailing out on something?? Often we have issues in our lives that seem to much to conquer. We may think that there is no hope and time to just give up! The bible tells us that God will never give us more than we can handle. The pressure may seem great but the strength comes from God. Mayday can become " maybe some day". Maybe some day we can look back and say that we endured and that issue is over. Verses: Php: 4 14-20 Rev: 2 3
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