Thursday, April 30, 2009
"Perfect World"
Wouldn't it be great if all people just loved one another? No more war, no more crime, no more fear.That is after all Gods plan! We all strive to be more like God but never do we make it. All humans have the potential to become more and more like God. What then is the motivation needed? Jesus came and motivated a lot of followers. Maybe what we need is a lot more Jesus like people out there trying?? Verses; Matt: 28 19-20 John: 8 31
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Ever been in a part of life where all seemed easy? I'll call it "cruising". Life just seemed to roll along effortlessly. Also there is the times where we are going uphill constantly. What if the downhill following that is shorter? We can only pray and hope that we hit the flats again and cruise. There is no way to determine for sure what we will experience. We can however endure it all and look forward to some cruising time, along with ups and downs. Verses Isaiah:40 28-31 Heb: 12 1-3
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
"Listening, Hearing, Obeying"
I am currently struggling with that very theme. How do I make sure I get it right? There has been times it has been so obvious to me what God is saying. There have also been times I have questioned my "thinking". At critical junctions in life, I want to be on track with God. Praying and asking for his will seems like a good start. My caution is that Satan may try to invade those thoughts and actions. The best I can do is measure everything to the bible and Gods' teachings. Pray: God give me a solid foundation and guide me in all I do. Amen Verses: 1 Sam 1 3- 9 James 1: 19-25
Monday, April 27, 2009
Probably the most wrote about word?? In some form or another many a song and many a story have started here. We all strive to have it and usually find it somewhere. What it means to us or others is very personal. To love a child is automatic and for life. To love God is a choice and a awesome gift. To be loved by God is built in from birth. God can help us to share and receive love. God is after all, Love, so what better place to start! Pray: God be the director of all our loves. Verses 1 John: 4 16-18 2 John 4-6
Friday, April 24, 2009
" Mountains and Wind"
In this world, as in life there are mountains and wind. To climb a mountain, it takes endurance and time. The wind can be a friend or a foe. If you are going against the wind it feels like climbing a mountain. Along with that comes the beauty of it all. Mountains inspire and awe us!! Wind moves seed and scatters dust to new places. The winds cause our weather to change, the mountains affect it too. Thank you God for both and the wonder that mountains and wind provide. Verses: Isaiah 52- 7 James 1 5-8
Thursday, April 23, 2009
We all have an idea of what strength is. Often times we think of it as a strong massive bulk. gods strength is so much more suttle. The strength we need or have may be anything but large or bulky? The bible tells us that we find strength in our weakness. Seems like quite the contradiction? Turning to God to give us strength is and always will be our best choice. His strength knows no limits. Verses: 2 Co 12: 10 Php 4: 13
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
We all have heard the expression" Power of Prayer". I also hope we all have experienced it too. When the community of believers pray there is a power that God uses to help us. The time frame may not fit our thinking, but Gods timing is perfect. praying for and being prayed for is what God wants us to do. An on going communication with God is essential to spiritual growth. Prayer: God encourage us, enlighten us, and others to pray and be prayed for. Verses: 2Ch 30: 27 James 5: 13-16
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
If God is in fact over all, then why is there injustice?? That is an age old question. People lie, steal, cheat, and hurt others. God just stands back and allows this? God is not a puppetteer. Gods' plans and desires for us are beyond anything we can grasp. I can get upset at what I see and know, or I can try to be just a little more like God, and less like me. The world can only improve when we all decide to trust and obey God!! Verses: 1 Peter 1: 14 1 John 5: 1-4
Monday, April 20, 2009
Storms of life come and go. Just as a snow storm can dump huge amounts of snow on us, life can also pile up sometimes. The thing to remember is that like the snow storm it changes to a new world once again. The sheer amount of moisture in the snow brings new life and growth. During the storm it may seem hopeless, but afterwards the advantage starts to be quite clear. Thank God for our storms and the new growth and rebirth they bring. Verses: 1 Co 3: 5-9 Gen 1: 11-13
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Planning ahead seems like a sure fire way to prevent problems. But there are some things that can't be controlled. The weather can turn ugly, a layoff could happen, and numerous other obstacles in our lives. So what's the answer to all this? Trust in God and he seems to always have a way out of lifes set backs. Very often what seemed like a problem now becomes a solution. Verses: James 1: 2-18 Psalm 69: 1-18
Saturday, April 18, 2009
People in our lives are what define a lot of us. Each of these relationships helps us to see the real"ME" under it all. Sometimes these end and sometimes new ones start. There is always some that continue through life. Family members tend to be a part of our lives for the entire time. Their lives are also forever changed by having known and been known by us. Thanks to God again for being the Lord of it all. Verses 1Tim 5: 4,8 Psalm 68: 6
Friday, April 17, 2009
Maybe we think beauty is beautiful? Maybe beauty is in the eye of the beholder? What any of us perceive as beauty is a very individual assessment. Some may see a rock and think it is cold and ugly. Others may see a warm, inviting and beautiful shape. In Gods eyes we are all beautiful, none of us being any more or less. The persons you love also fill this cater gory. We just need to accept that all things can have their own beauty. Verses:Prov 31: 30, 1 Peter 3: 3-4
Thursday, April 16, 2009
What determines our purpose in life? At church our pastor was preaching on our purpose as a church? 1) Lead others to Christ, 2) Lift up others and support them, 3) Lead by example and offer our talents to benefit others. (LOVE). The fact is our lives are relatively short. What we are able to accomplish in that short time is very much our doing.( With Gods help of course). Pray God will direct our steps and actions. Verses: Romans 8: 28 Phil 2 : 2
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
"Into the wind"
My daughter and I were trying to meet my other daughter and son for our monthly eat out. We were on our bikes and heading south and west. We got detoured and had ridden a long ways. As we approached an intersection the west wind was intense! Instead of proceeding, south we headed north to home. Seemed that we were done in by the weather? We then drove to the meeting place(late of course). The winds died down and the sun came out. We could have easily made it. When we decided not to proceed in that direction we failed to trust God and believe in ourselves. We would have been ok. Message is to allow God to pull us through headwinds and storms of life. Trust we will arrive safely at our detination. Verses 2 Cor: 12 - 13 James: 5 -11
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
"Window of oppurtunity"
We all have windows of opportunity. What we see and do in them is our choice. What if we allow the Holy Spirit to influence us?? Now there is a way to make a difference. I for one, am not real excited about taking some actions. The potential to be ridiculed or scorned is always there. Yet we really need to obey and reach out to help, offer prayer, point out sinful actions, and support others. God should be our base for all things we do. Lets' not let any "Window of opportunity pass us by. Verses Col 3: 23 Psalm 143: 10
Monday, April 13, 2009
Spring is a neat time of the year. The songs of the earth come alive. The breeze can whistle by our ears and we hear Gods voice. The birds begin their day by singing out to one another. Children playing are laughing and talking and it all sounds so comforting. Even a stream rushing by is a sound we can all relate to. Humans may strike up an outdoor concert and on it goes. Thank you God for the music of life!! Thank you God for the various ways you allow us to enjoy it. Verses Micah 6 : 8 Isaiah 49: 13
Saturday, April 11, 2009
"Good Morning"
God has blessed us with so many things. Today will be his abundant sunshine! Tommorow will be everlasting love. Thank you Lord for all the things we receive every day. Thanks for wives and husbands, thanks for children and pets. Thanks for green grass and budding trees. Thanks for friends, relatives, and rain and snow. Lets' go enjoy the day. Verse: Psalm 118 : 24 Song line of the week " Sunrise breaks the day" (original song by local musician)
Friday, April 10, 2009
"Spring Cleaning"
The time of year has come once again to clean up all the clutter of the past months. We probably are pretty good at hoeing out the garage,basement, closets, etc. How about hoeing out ourselves? I am sure in need of some spring cleaning. My mouth can be the devils tool. My thoughts can be impure. My actions can be anything but God like. Pray: God help us to clean out the old and useless, and build new attributes that come from you. Verses: Eph 4: 25-32 James 3: 9-12
Thursday, April 9, 2009
"Bread, Blood"
He broke the bread for US. He spilled his blood for US. We can never really know what pain and suffering Jesus felt. We can feel the great sacrifice he shouldered for US. Our only hope is to follow Jesus. He set the stage for all things to come. We are in fact a part of that very future. The response to that sacrifice is what Jesus wanted most. Each of us must come to a response that is proper and honors God. Verses ; Rev 1: 5 Jn 6: 35
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
I own a tandem bicycle. It has its' own unique pesonality. In order to get it going two people have to work together. Climbing a long hill can be quite challenging! As long as both people cooperate and put in joint effort they can succeed in getting up the hills. If one is tiring the other needs to pick up the slack. The ride down is like no other bike I own! It is fast and secure and worth all the effort of the up. This reflects a very real part of being with someone. If we truly live life in "Tandem" we need to act this same way. Together on the uphills ,sharing the work, and blasting down the hills sharing the joy!! Pray : God help all of us to be in cooperation with others. Verses: Ge 2 - 18 2 Cor 6: 14-16
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
We are all called to be good disciples for God. The various ways in which we serve to that greater gain are hugely varied. Encouraging one another is a large part of that. Through our actions and works we can help others to grow. We also need to discipline ourselves to study and learn and become more like God.It is like a college course with no graduation date. ( at least until we are with our father in heaven). Our time on earth is short so fill it with sharing Gods' word and essence. Verses; Luke 5; 1-11 Prov 12: 1
Monday, April 6, 2009
All species have a desire to continue. It is an inner instinct of survival God has given to all creation. Fire can come and destroy the forest only to be reborn anew again. Animals procreate and feed and often thrive. Man has always tried to improve his lot, at least in sheer numbers? But living should be about being right with God! Living for God and to serve his purpose should be a goal of all. He will take care of the rest. Verses Ge 2: 7 Phil 1: 20-26
Sunday, April 5, 2009
"D - Day"
I thought today, I knew what to expect. I was wrong. The amount of impact we feel from such a thing is amazing. Years of building a life together can't be severed in one day! Jesus said love is our most important gift. God never said the loss of a loved one would be easy. Gods love however does not end. God will love us for all eternity. Love those in your life and let them know they are loved! Verses: Lam 3 : 32 1John 3: 1 1Cor 13 .
Saturday, April 4, 2009
So often our best intentions are followed by disasters. There is no amount of planning or prep that can always insure success. This is the way God helps us to be more like him. In times of failure or disappointment, we learn to be more patient and understanding. We also find that it is really not all that bad. If everything always went as planned how would we know when God is refining us?? Pray: Thank you God for molding each of us, through your lifes lessons we become more of what you would have us be. Amen!! Verse 1 Peter 1: 6-9
Note: weekend postings are actually archives , weekdays are current writings.
Note: weekend postings are actually archives , weekdays are current writings.
Friday, April 3, 2009
We all are aware of how precious water is. The question is what do we do about it? Once again we find ourselves with the duty of protecting this awesome earth. Water has and will always be Gods greatest gift to life. Without water all life ceases. Throughout the bible people have been associated with water.(wells to offer, parting of seas, thrist quenched). Baptism is water and its potential to renew. Nothing can satisfy our thirst and bring us health like water. We need to good stewards of water today and every day. Pray: God, you are the reason for the water, help us to be responsible with the wonderful gift of life it provides. Amen. Verses : Psalm: 63 1 Psalm: 65 9-10
Thursday, April 2, 2009
How wonderful that our family can bring us so much joy and laughter. How wonderful to being a part of Gods bigger family and the joy there too! Life is not all laughter and joy, but we sure should appreciate it when we have it. Kind of like a salve on days where we are struggling and facing various issues. Thanks for all those we can call family and the joy they bring. Pray: God we are so thankful for our families and ask for your hand in all we do. Help to expand and nurture every family, give them peace, love, and joy! Amen Verses 1Tim 5 : 3-8 Psalm 68: 6
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Ever had a difficult task ahead of you??? When there is a " Headwind" we have to lower our heads and push forward. If we allow God to be our fuel, then our success is ensured. We will never know what the outcome will be but can trust God does. The " Tailwind" that follows ia also a gift from God, where we can feel the push from God as we move through our lives. Verses: Hebrew 12 : 1-3 2 Peter 1 : 3-11
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